#182218977Saturday, January 23, 2016 8:32 AM GMT

"Also WTF do you mean romantic bond?" I will describe it as explicitly as I deem possible. cntkillme is an "established" programmer/scripter with various years of experience directly "contributing" to the ROBLOX development community by describing the functionality of Lua. Despite the corrections, she seems to genuinely admire his presence greatly, given that cntkillme applies great detail to his explanations. They appear to have a rather close Internet relationship on the private forum. Th...
#184702385Thursday, March 03, 2016 10:36 PM GMT

The term "Cuck" merely refers to a sadomasochistic relationship in which the female individual employs random males to physically-torture his/her "lover" while giving the woman "romantic" pleasure. It is essentially an insult.