#182816490Monday, February 01, 2016 6:28 AM GMT

Ah. I see that you are still attempting to grasp for positive attention over the Internet, ProblemOfficers. Perhaps the thought of all the naive male individuals mistaking you for a female individual is stimulating your mind?
#182968171Thursday, February 04, 2016 3:11 AM GMT

Perhaps you should consider learning "Pure" Lua first? You may consider it much easier to transition to RBX.Lua if you begin with attempting to learn fundamental scripting/programming concepts standalone within the "regular" development environment. Focus on experimenting with the concepts. Algorithms(Computer instructions) should not "tell" the computer of what task to perform, they should simply inform the computer of how to accomplish said tasks. An interesting guide can be found below: h...
#182968598Thursday, February 04, 2016 3:18 AM GMT

Perhaps you should consider quitting your "Calculus" class if you cannot resist primitive desires using intellectual-reasoning.
#182968752Thursday, February 04, 2016 3:21 AM GMT

VinesauceJoel, fabricating reasons for your mathematical inadequacies to receive sympathy over the Internet will not solve your problems.
#182969020Thursday, February 04, 2016 3:27 AM GMT

Indeed it is a "real thing." All humans have natural hedonistic tendencies. Such tendencies are occasionally threatened by the conflicting tendencies of other individuals. "Offense" is merely a mechanism to suppress opposing perceptions of the problem and magnify your own tendencies as being "superior."
#182969177Thursday, February 04, 2016 3:30 AM GMT

You are very naive. Communism equals civil-equality for every civilian through the use of common resources. Hierarchical thinking is gradually abolished. Only government dominance within a communistic totalitarian state(Example being the Soviet Union) can properly stabilize society. Capitalism is close to be annihilated easily.
#182969279Thursday, February 04, 2016 3:31 AM GMT

On a technicality, "quality" itself is not a quantity. As a result, your comparison is quickly invalidated.
#182971148Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:05 AM GMT

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#182971416Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:09 AM GMT

"just because someone is smart doesnt make them narcissistic i have literally no idea what u r going on here" There is a significant correlation between perceived intelligence within societal-interaction and narcissism. Such individuals need to be severely punished accordingly.
#182971551Thursday, February 04, 2016 4:12 AM GMT

No, I prefer to remain healthy by consuming cleansed, organic vegetables and pure water. "PB&J" is merely an obesity inducer.
