#103210652Friday, June 28, 2013 8:03 PM GMT

Acacia I go to bed and easily fall asleep. ((My real name? How is it a hint?))
#103212083Friday, June 28, 2013 8:16 PM GMT

.... So...
#103230255Friday, June 28, 2013 10:32 PM GMT

(No Face, we haven't started. The last 18 pages was just prep for the RP. Use your brain.)
#103230812Friday, June 28, 2013 10:37 PM GMT

(It feels cheap that the challenge of four questions took up a whole day.) Nathan I head to the lizards cabin and lie down on my bed.
#103232957Friday, June 28, 2013 10:55 PM GMT

(Oh okay,I'll make my character)
#103233417Friday, June 28, 2013 10:58 PM GMT

(Face honestly can't you read sarcasm of course the RP has started.)
#103236312Friday, June 28, 2013 11:23 PM GMT

(I totally double twisted you. I said I was gonna make my character,but I never did,yet I was sarcastic. I sarcasted the sarcasm! HUZZAH!)
#103236457Friday, June 28, 2013 11:24 PM GMT

(I don't think sarcasted is a word.)
#103236557Friday, June 28, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

(I know,I just needed a word..yeah..)
#103390760Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:34 PM GMT

Luke - I walk over to my bed and lay down. I quitly grumble something. []
#103403221Sunday, June 30, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

Acacia I put my pillow over my head thinking that maybe next time I could be voted off. I grunt and move a lot.
#103403585Sunday, June 30, 2013 1:20 AM GMT

Nathan I wander still why Acadia hasn't talked tactics with me about our alliance.
#103424447Sunday, June 30, 2013 4:09 AM GMT

Acacia I fall asleep, snoring loudly.
#103424906Sunday, June 30, 2013 4:13 AM GMT

(Do you even remember that Acadia is in an alliance with Nathan?)
#103425360Sunday, June 30, 2013 4:18 AM GMT

Name: Laquiffa Personality: Stubborn player that only cares about self and will try to do anything to get into a fight with the next bch to look at her funny Appearance: She got dat booty and TTs with dat stank look on her face with a blue V-neck top (Dark blue) and black skinny jeans
#103426433Sunday, June 30, 2013 4:27 AM GMT

(To late so sorry anyway that is no where near enough information to be accepted even if you were on time.)
#103430773Sunday, June 30, 2013 5:08 AM GMT

((I do, it's just that I don't really know what to do. Ee...))
#103450176Sunday, June 30, 2013 9:17 AM GMT

(Duck I think that one you have there is a troll : /
#103530348Sunday, June 30, 2013 11:02 PM GMT

(Its day now...) The Host Walks up to the cabins, reaches out for microphone... "Is this thing on?" he said. "Okay. Todays challenge will be... a cooking challenge. Try to make a meal that I would enjoy. (Try to make something that I would like. If someone else suggests a food from the other team, you cannot use it. Also heres a tip: I'm veggietarian, I eat dairy and eggs, just no meat or actual animal if your thinking of giving me something with eggs in it, try to think of a meal I would like in real life.) The best will have a better chance at winning round 2. Yeah thats right were having rounds this time. Go cook. If you forgot your teams here it is.... Team Snakes Luke (Damagingdaredevilman) CS (Character Sheet): Character Name: Luke Character Personality: team player, good a coming up with planes Character Appearance: Brown hair, blue shirt, yellow shoes, khakis, red cap Character Gender: Male Character's Box: Clothes, video games, cheetos Jefree (PeanutButterJediTime) Character Name: Jefree (My friend calls me that. xD) Character Personality: Kind, can be mean at times, treats people how they should be treated, often thinks stuff through before he acts Character Appearance: Blonde hair, is tall, pale, green-grey eyes, always ears his favorite blue scarf Character Gender: male Character's Box: A book, takis, blankets and a pillow OUT Adam (Z0rr0w) Character Name: Adam Zorrow Character Personality: Very sarcastic and cynical. Hates people, and often insults everybody around him, bringing them down. Character Appearance: Dark, unkept hair, and a daring beard. His eyes are dark borwn, almost black, and he is always seen with a walking cane in his right hand, keeping it in time with steps from his left leg. He wears a grey t-shirt and a black hoodie. Character Gender: Male Character's Box: A blanket, a spare cane, a leatherman multi-tool, a book, and ramen noodles. Kelcey (Icecold246) Character Name: Kelcey Levine-Butera Character Personality: Kelcey is a kind and quiet person, really shy and mute. Once she gets to know you, she opens up and talks more. She may not look like one, but she is very much a goody-two shoes. Character Appearance: Kelcey is your average brunette, with straight hair down to her shoulders. She has soft and gentle blue eyes and a tiny nose. She wears graphic tees with bright jeans and converse. Character Gender: F Character's Box: Picture of her mom and dad, lots of clothes 2 pairs of shoes, a hairbrush, lots of candy, and a big package of Ramen Noodles. OUT Rex (faultydex) Character Name:Rex Alister Character Personality:Inventive, friendly, sometimes mixed emotions. Character Appearance:Wears a red hoodie, but usually wears a knight armor with multiple devices hidden inside for his enjoyment. He calls it the "Multimedia Whatever Fancyname"(i'm serious. if they can build an iron man suit, he can build a suit of armor with multiple hands free devices inside.) Character Gender:Male Character's Box (So if you went to camp and you had one small/big/any-size box what would your character put in it to bring to the camp?):a TV, a makeshift toilet, an Xbox, a box of foods, and just for extra entertainment and the fact that basically all this stuff makes it hard to carry the box anyway, a smaller box full of videogames, wires and things that help him build things, and a shield to go with the knight suit, after all. James (tdafan123) Character Name: James Tallahassee Character Personality: Humorous, friendly, athletic Character Appearance: Short brown hair, wears athletic and comfortable clothes (hoodies and stuff) Character Gender: Male Character's Box (So if you went to camp and you had one small/big/any-size box what would your character put in it to bring to the camp?): Lot of clothes, candy, basketball and a football. Team Lizards: Max (seemlymax096) Name: Max Wilson Appearance: Blue eyes, Blonde hair, baby blue shirt, Red and white pants Personality: Friendly and Funny Gender: Male Box: Cookies and Cologne! Nathan (duck14) CS (Character Sheet): Character Name: Nathan Character Personality: He is a team player and is friendly to everyone. He tries to get along with everyone even if they don't make the effort. He is smart and is intuitive, Character Appearance: Brown hair and blue eyes. He doesn't wear a hat and has a blue jacket over a white shirt. He has black trousers and black trainers which he always wears. He has a normal build but is quite athletic. Character Gender: Male Character's box: In his box he would have an iPad and his pocket watch which he keeps with him. He would also bring a few books to read in case he gets bored. Greg (ApatheticAroblox) CS (Character Sheet): Character Name: Greg Shifter Character Personality: Shy, Nice, Friendly, Character Appearance: Short Brown Hair, blue eyes, wears red and black striped hoodie and jeans. Character Gender: M Character's Box (So if you went to camp and you had one small/big/any-size box what would your character put in it to bring to the camp?): Pen and Book, 5 Packets of Chips, an old RC Truck Toy, Clothes. Acacia (singertori) CS (Character Sheet): Character Name: Acacia Character Personality: KInd, fun. Sometimes rude and pushy. Character Appearance: Long, straight, pale blonde with some brown strands. Blue eyes. T-shirt and jeans, sneakers. Character Gender: Female Character's Box: Her house. Kori (foxesrcool554) Character Name: Kori June Character Personality: Kori is very bossy and very competitive. Character Appearance: Raven black hair with blue highlight. Olive skin. Icy blue eyes. Black tank-top with a close-up blue eye. Black shorts. Character Gender: Female Character's Box (So if you went to camp and you had one small/big/any-size box what would your character put in it to bring to the camp?): Phone, make-up, MP3 player. Blake Character name: Blake Personality: Sneaky, Manipulative. Character appearance:Brown and blonde long hair, Short sleeved white shirt with a red jacket, blue jeans, and yellow sneakers. Character Gender: Male Character Box: Lucky Skull, Clothes, and Skateboard Make sure to be an SRSubscriber:
#103534725Sunday, June 30, 2013 11:36 PM GMT

(Two things, you forgot Devin, and secondly, I prefer calling it a SRScriber.)
#103581765Monday, July 01, 2013 6:31 AM GMT

(And Greg is out.)
#103598036Monday, July 01, 2013 11:51 AM GMT

Luke - "I dont want to get out of bed!!!" I shout. []
#103600033Monday, July 01, 2013 12:34 PM GMT

Nathan I nod and start thinking of what sort of dish we can make for the host. Wait he is vegetarian so it may be simpler.
#103601782Monday, July 01, 2013 1:10 PM GMT

Devin- *confessional* *"I'm not really a food person, so I'll just stick to whatever my mom likes to enjoy."*
#103606288Monday, July 01, 2013 2:16 PM GMT

Acacia "Cooking? That's easy." **Confessional** "No it isn't."