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#100116838Wednesday, June 05, 2013 1:32 AM GMT

----------- THE PROFILE ----------- Name: Nate Nickname(s): N/A Title: N/A Clan: Unknown Visual Age: 15 Actual Age: 15 Gender: Male Theme Song: N/A --------------- THE DIAGNOSTICS --------------- Hair: Short Brown Hair Facial Hair: N/A Eyes: Hazel Build: Slightly Muscular Skin Tone: Light Height: 5,9 Weight: 168 lbs Main Hand: Right Body Marking: N/A Scars: None Other Unique Features: N/A ----------- THE DOSSIER ----------- Quirks: Immature, Kinda annoying Motivation: To hone his Chakra to its fullest Goal: To hone his chakra to the fullest extent Fear: Death Likes: Ramen,Shrimp,A good training session Dislikes: Senseless murder,stupid people,dealing with stupid people Strengths: Kunai,Melee weapons Weaknesses: Genjutsu,Barriers Personality Description: Kind and giving,and somewhat immature ----------- THE TALENTS ----------- Rating System [PERFECT] - [EXCELLENT] - [GOOD] - [ABOVE AVERAGE] - [AVERAGE] - [BELOW AVERAGE] - [POOR] - [VERY POOR] --- -COMBAT Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Taijutsu- Perfect Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, Kunai- Good Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword- Average Rating Large Melee Combat: WarHammers, BattleAxe, GreatSword- Poor Rating Ranged Combat: Kunai, Shuriken, Bombs, Bow- Above Average Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons- Poor Rating Ninjutsu- Excellent Rating Genjutsu- N/A Rating Mounted Combat: Using attacks or other abilities while on an animal- Average -OTHER SKILLS Rating Sneak: Ability to move around without being detected- Poor Rating Lockpick: Skill of unlocking or locking doors without a key- Good Rating Steal: Ability to take things from others without them noticing- Poor Rating Speech: Ability to lie and not get caught, make friends, sound intelligent- Poor ----------- THE CLOTHES ----------- Head- N/A Neck- N/A Torso- A red shirt and a white Robe/coat Left Arm/Shoulder- The robe and shirt Left Hand- N/A Right Arm/Shoulder- The robe and shirt Right Hand- N/A Waist- A red belt Legs- Black pants and the Robe Feet- Nin sandals -------- ARMAMENT -------- -Primary Weapon Weapon Name: Kunai Gauntlet Weapon Type: Ranged,Melee Special Characteristics/Powers: Has chakra threads so Nate can move the kunai in mid air First Encounter: Unknown ---- JUTSU ---- Comet Punch: A punch eminating Celestial Chakra Moonfall Kick: A kick eminating Celestial Chakra Celestial Piercer: A long,purple blade of Celestial Chakra that is like a katana Moonfall Crush: Nate Comet Punches the opponent into the air and Moonfall Kicks them into the ground. Celestial Breaker: A Celestial Piercer but when it hits the opponent jagged spikes erupts from them. Solar Wind: Nate evaporates into particles and moves a small distance Solar Flare: Nate creates a ball of orange chakra from his hand and throws it at his opponent. --------- BACKSTORY ---------
#100117160Wednesday, June 05, 2013 1:35 AM GMT

Excuse me. But, WHAT IS THIS?!
#100117824Wednesday, June 05, 2013 1:40 AM GMT

A role playing character ..v_v
#126108980Tuesday, February 18, 2014 8:43 PM GMT

...................................................................................................................................................................... The is trash.

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