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#100234942Thursday, June 06, 2013 2:18 AM GMT

Welcome to the Path to Adventure! You are in a fantastical land known as "Aquile" by the people leaving in it. Full of kings, queens, knights in shining armor. A land full of magic, vile and majestic creatures alike. You live in the large city of Hurston. Surrounded by a 40 feet high stone wall, patrolled by the kings royal archers. However, the king has been rather troubled as of late. For, you see, there had been rumors going about, of an evil dungeon. This evil dungeon, had reappeared and disappeared all across the land. It was said to be full of vile, evil, (and honestly, quite ugly) creatures. However, it was full of a fantastic treasure if one could reach the end. The king, knew he could not send his men in to attempt to retrieve the treasure. It would leave his village vulnerable to attack by rival kingdoms. So, the king sent out request to gather the bravest, most skilled and courageous adventurers in all the land. You, are one of these fine adventurers! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You, must describe yourself to me in a Character Paragraph. It must be of acceptable detail. Include of course your name, age, gender, and of what occupation you are. Are you a mage, who is skilled in the destruction art of fire? Or are you a knight, who prefers to use an axe to decapitate his foe? Please tell me in your paragraph. You need to explain what armor and weapons you have. A biography is not required. Neither is your personality, as it will be shown to all throughout the course of the role-play. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This is an ISRP. However, that does not mean you can express your actions in a bland, life-less way. So, THIS, is not acceptable. "Swing my sword at the zombie." You cannot, just simply say THAT. Please treat this as if you were role-playing. You will say your action, and I will give you the consequence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOO LAZY TO READ VERSION TREAT THIS AS IF YOU WERE ROLE-PLAYING THIS IS AN ISRP AGAIN, TREAT THIS AS IF YOU WERE ROLE-PLAYING NO BLAND, LIFE-LESS ACTIONS PLEASE HAVE AN ACTUAL, NOT SHALLOW CHARACTER YOU CAN DIE IN THIS, AND YOU WILL BE DEAD THIS IS A MULTI-PERSON ISRP. FEEL FREE TO HAVE A FRIENDLY, OR NOT SO FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIP WITH ANOTHER CHARACTER DESCRIBE YOUR CHARCTER IN A SHORT PARAGRAPH THANK YOU FOR READING ATLEAST ONE OF THESE VERSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We will wait for at-least FOUR people to arrive. IF YOU ARE TOO LATE TO JOIN, PLEASE WAIT UNTIL THE CURRENT ADVENTURERS REACH A CHECK-POINT ZONE.
#100240213Thursday, June 06, 2013 3:11 AM GMT

#100242163Thursday, June 06, 2013 3:33 AM GMT

"I'm an assassin, I was raised on the streets, always doing other's dirty work, the only friend I had was my trusty dagger, I've had countless adventures with it." a man said, he stood 6'5, and had an average physique. "I live in the shadows, wait for an opening, and strike." he said, and he laughed a bit. "I was trained in hand-to-hand combat, and am good at parkour, don't turn your back on me, or you'll regret it." he said. "I've been on many adventures, killed many men, and have told many tales, the only reason I'll refrain from crime is to call that treasure my own." he said. He had short, black hair, and wore a hooded cloak, his magenta eyes were usually masked in darkness. "I can adapt to my environment, and I'm not exactly forgiving." he said. "My name...call me Shadow." he said.
#100242531Thursday, June 06, 2013 3:37 AM GMT

Adam Zorrow is a 37-year-old man who is always in pain, and always mistrusting of people. He has dark, unkept hair, along with a daring beard. He has multiple scars on his face, and dark brown, almost black eyes. He is in constant pain due to a curse cast upon him by a witch. His leg suffers the brute of this pain, and thus, he walks around with a cane. He can use this cane as a magical staff, channeling elements and magic. He tends to stay in the shadows, due to the fact he has to use a cane to walk and can't rush people head on, only to ambush his enemies with a deathly array of magic. He hates people, as he believes that everybody lies, and he is often sarcastic and cynical. People hate him, due to his personality, but they respect him, because of his skill. He works as an assassin, and mercenary. Surprisingly, people hire him, due to what they've heard of his talents. Then, one day, the King called upon him, with an offer he couldn't refuse. If he finds the treasure in a so called "evil" dungeon, he would be given a cure to his pain. And this was an offer he had to take.
#100242778Thursday, June 06, 2013 3:39 AM GMT

(Forgot a bit) Adam wears a dark trench coat over his light-weight armour, that is also dark, to help him hide in shadows. He wears an amulet that gives him a boost in his magic casting. He also wears special black boots, that silence his footsteps, keeping him as quiet as a mouse.
#100245161Thursday, June 06, 2013 4:06 AM GMT

Nibbles is a Kitten that possesses the Sword of Barony. He wears a small cotton jacket and an amulet of power. Nibbles is just your average Munchkin cat.
#100246346Thursday, June 06, 2013 4:20 AM GMT

"I'm a sentinel. A noble sentinel, at that.". A thin broadsword hung on his side, studded with enviable jewels. Adrenaline rushes coarsed through his body. "I'm pityable, to say. I grew up as a lone wolf. No parents. No star to guide my path. The art of being a knight kept me getting closer to my goal. The goal of an adventurer. A likable one. One who's not abandoning and somber." His armour shined a vast and valor-streaked silver. Green eyes complimented his daft black hair. His sword coaxed him to go on. "My weapon is a beauty. A true masterpiece. I feel as if my sword challenges my own wits at times. It coaxes me to go further in the heat of umbrage. And that, is why I am here today." A hint of cockiness was in his voice. He felt over-confident and precious to his sentimental belongings. "I never had a name, really. I just called myself 'Vicard.'".
#100250187Thursday, June 06, 2013 5:19 AM GMT

(The Dungeon Master appears to be offline, what ever shall we do?)
#100250687Thursday, June 06, 2013 5:27 AM GMT

Well, as an orphaned child who is named after a breakfast pastry that lives in a whale with a blue and lazy pirate once said: "ADVENTURE!"
#100277668Thursday, June 06, 2013 4:37 PM GMT

Quasar is accepted! IF you all would like to begin without the fourth person, you can say so. I don't like to keep people waiting.
#100278057Thursday, June 06, 2013 4:43 PM GMT

It seems my post accepting Fire and Z0rrow was a "Ghost post" as it were. Both of you are, again, accepted.
#100289107Thursday, June 06, 2013 6:58 PM GMT

I'd like to begin without a fourth person.
#100294575Thursday, June 06, 2013 7:51 PM GMT

#100295585Thursday, June 06, 2013 8:01 PM GMT

So, when will we start?
#100297791Thursday, June 06, 2013 8:22 PM GMT

Well, I would like Quasar and Fire to be here as-well.
#100298145Thursday, June 06, 2013 8:26 PM GMT

Then we'll wait for them I suppose.
#100299045Thursday, June 06, 2013 8:34 PM GMT

I sent a personal message to him.
#100301076Thursday, June 06, 2013 8:51 PM GMT

Well, would you like to start on your own?
#100301527Thursday, June 06, 2013 8:55 PM GMT

#100302076Thursday, June 06, 2013 9:00 PM GMT

Okay. We'll wait.
#100305306Thursday, June 06, 2013 9:27 PM GMT

I don't think either of them are coming. Do you think you could create your own character and act as that character AND the dungeon master?
#100306020Thursday, June 06, 2013 9:33 PM GMT

Sure, why not? You approach the entrance to the dungeon. It a long staircase downwards, leading to a small, surprisingly polished wooden door. It sticks out from the grown over and dirty staircase. "I don't like the looks of this," Grexon says. Grexon wears a full face helmet, and light leather armor. He wields a single-handed mace. His armor is striped red and black, the color of the village. He was sent with you for the dungeon.
#100306450Thursday, June 06, 2013 9:37 PM GMT

"I don't like your appearance, but I'm not judging you," Adam said as he struggled walking down the stairs with his cane. (Sorry for the late post by the way.)
#100308119Thursday, June 06, 2013 9:51 PM GMT

Grexon said nothing, and followed you down. It is all very quiet. The door is in-front of you. Something is scratched onto it: "Unjun was here" Then there is something neatly imprinted into the door "There is no turning back. Continue at your own risk."
#100308278Thursday, June 06, 2013 9:52 PM GMT

A man approaches from behind. "Mind if I join? I'm Leo" Leo wore black leather armor over brown cloth clothes. He had wavy black hair and blue eyes, along with pale skin. He stands at 5,9 with a medium build.. He had two daggers strapped to each side, and the edges of the daggers were coated in some dark liquid. He also had a small crossbow on his wrist, which shoots when he clenches his fist. Leo was grown and raised a Theif, and hopes that this adventure will give him a better life. He is reckless and untrustworthy, but he does his work well.

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