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#100503448Saturday, June 08, 2013 4:37 PM GMT

Please only X~Legion members post here. This thread is designed to: - Keep a storage of XL fictional stories - For easy access - Incase there is a story competetion, for easier judgement. X~Legion members, post links to the forum your story is on on this thread!
#100505441Saturday, June 08, 2013 4:55 PM GMT

#100529290Saturday, June 08, 2013 8:38 PM GMT

X~Legion In the Gask Region, north of Antonine's wall, Strageath is one of the most northern forts of the Romans. It's cold hardship is felt while killing the barbarian scum, the Brigantes. As one cold morning, I was awakened by my gut, I had this weird feeling. Then I heard one of the legionaries shout. "Decimus, get outside now!" As I had gotten my armor on, my sword sheathed, and my eagle necklace on, I walked out to find out what was going on. I head to the Armory to get a spatha, and pili. I jogged to the North gate, where the Praefectus Castorum was stationed. At that time, I was the rank of Tribunus. I asked him what was going on, he told me that there was a possible raid on Strageath. The moment he said that, I had already ordered the troops to get to their armor and weapons ready. By judging the darkness I thought it was about 3:00 in the morning. I ordered all the torches off, and everyone silent. We waited and all of a sudden, you heard screaming in the distance. I then saw something move in the distance and before I knew it, the Brigantes were already scaling the wall. We started fighting back, and I had noticed that some of my fellow Legionaries had fallen. By morning, we had fended them off. We had successfully defended Strageath. A few days later, the Brigantes returned with their strongest siege weapons. They had their rams, siege towers, ladder carts, chariots, and siege walls. They started advancing, I had commanded the men to fight to the end, and protect Roma. They did as I said, but before we fought I had noticed the small scouting group in the middle of their lines. It was the scouting party I sent out a few days ago to find their position I screamed “HOLD”, and then we had gotten into a conversation with the Brigantes. I grabbed my spatha, and shield ready to fight then I took the best Decanii in Strageath with me. We marched out of the north gate, and prepared to get our men back. We marched perfect formation, and finally made it there. Some of the men had fallen yet there were more Brigantes on the ground. We finally broke their lines and got the Romans back, and then we sprinted for Strageath. I noticed that a chariot with blades on the wheels was coming for me. I turned around, and launched my pili into the air. I watched as it hit the driver and caused the chariot to flip. Then the blade struck my Achilles tendon. A few months later, I was honorably discharged from the 10th Legion. Ex-Tribunus from Legio X, Willkid11

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