#101397139Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:15 PM GMT

Walter looked at the button. "Well, crocodile senses arn't reliable above water. Y'all should know that." Walter's tail grabs his saxophone. He puts it inside his top hat. "So, what's the plan? We blowin' the coop or what?" Ivan was still mumbling random things. "Silly bunny-squid, poles are for structual suppourt!" What was happening inside Ivan's mind is not for the realm of man... Leon finally gets up, looking around. "Oh, it zou guyz again!" Voltar was nearing in on the mansion, which he could see everyone.
#101397437Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:17 PM GMT

"Yea buddy, we are releasing the hens and roosters..." Dod goes over and presses another cell button, a tiny bunny comes out of it.
#101397647Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:20 PM GMT

"KYA!"Erika screamed and hides behind her sister again."H-humans can do that?!" "It's a long story sis."Ika sighed. "The base should be in a city named Mechtropolis. It's to the south of here. And the army is a bunch of these small guys in masks. Also robots..."Symphony said."I have an idea who the leader is. Some fat cyborg named Robotnik."
#101397831Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:21 PM GMT

"Which way's south?" Sanji asks quickly, as Luffy had already sped off through the doorway. "Only I can do that, if you're asking about this," Robin explained, spawning yet another hand to point at the one that was waving. "You want to keep everyone from dying? That's naive. It's war; people die." - The Desert's Savior
#101398212Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

Symphony leads the way, seeing Voltar along the way."Sorry about leaving the meeting spot. I had to make sure Ika was safe." "That' guess...."Erika mumbled. "Come on guys! Let's save everyone!"Ika said and followed Symphony. Meanwhile in Eves cave. Rita was dancing with a mind controlled Kagura. Kagura was wearing a silk dress similar to Rita's and had a glassy look in her eyes."Thank you soooo much my Lady!"Rita laughed happily.
#101398386Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:28 PM GMT

Walter pulls a broom from nowhere, holding it above his head. "PRESS ALL THE BUTTONS!" He runs around and presses buttons, freeing all the cute adorable animals. Why the hell didn't Robotnik use threatening animals like sharks or grizzly bears? (
#101398688Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:31 PM GMT

Kamui sighed."you asked that question already Sin."
#101398787Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:32 PM GMT

Dod also begins pressing a bunch of buttons... Still no guards... Sooner or later, most of the animals are released. Dod was still looking around for Shi...
#101399621Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:40 PM GMT

Walter, in his press all the buttons rampage, finds the incredibly well guarded containment field holding Shi. Since it was well guarded, he uses his crocodile senses to know she was there...while not drawing attention to himself. He runs off to find Dod. Ivan was mumbling more things about bunny squids. What did that even mean!? Voltar floats closer to Symphony. "Think nothing of it fraulein." Voltar looks at the Strawhats. "Oh, its the pirates and the squids. How lovely. Way to include more incompetent people in this plan." Voltar was still extremely blunt.
#101399997Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:44 PM GMT

"Who are you calling incompetent?!"Ika yelled while her sister hides behind her,staring wide eyed at Voltar.
#101400386Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:47 PM GMT

Dod was busy pressing more buttons. "Bunnies.... Birds.... More bunnies.... .DO THESE ALL HAVE BIRDS AND BUNNIES?!"
#101400658Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:50 PM GMT

"I did? Well then, I must have terrible memory. We should find something to do. Maybe we can...uhhhh...well, I'm lost." Sin said.
#101400857Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:52 PM GMT

Wter rushes to Dod, nearly knocking himself and him over. However, he stops just short. "I found where Shi is!" Walter snaps at one of the birds, nearly chomping it. He grumbles as it dodges just in time. "Now I'm hungry..." Ivan continued mumbling, however he went back to a different language. Voltar looks at Ika. "You rush blindly into action without careful planning and consideration and then wonder why it doesn't work. You also had the sense to marry somone you knew for less then 3 weeks." Voltar was kinda right...
#101401184Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:55 PM GMT

"Oh shut up. You're a brain in a jar! Why should I care what you say?!"Ika said.
#101401197Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:55 PM GMT

"Where?" Dod asked. Unlike the rest of the guards pinning the tail on the donkey, there were actually two guards guarding Shi's cell, in water, and in another cell cell containment.
#101401601Saturday, June 15, 2013 11:59 PM GMT

Walter doesn't waste time babbiling, grabbing Dod and leading him to the incredibly well guarded cell. He pushes him into the corridor with it at the end. "Good luck have fun!" Ivan finally wakes up. "Ughh...aside from a slight headache, I'm feeling fine." Voltar rolls his eyes. "Because I'm omniscient. Care to question it?"
#101402235Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:05 AM GMT

Dod pushes Walter ahead of him. "You first, your a animal, animals are imprisoned here, they might be distracted by you... Now go be a distraction." He pushes Walter out there. "Hey... It's the first animal I haven't see that's cute...." One of the guards say. "He looks ugly as hell." "Nah, not even they would want..... That..."
#101402412Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:06 AM GMT

"Yeah I dare!"Ika said. "Guys...we're here to save our friends..."Symphony said sighing.
#101402856Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:11 AM GMT

Walter sighs. He was actually a great distraction. "Hey y'all robot guards! I bet you guys do alot of work 'round these parts..." Walter was hoping these guards were dumb enough to be manipulated. "Infact, I bet you guys are the best guards around!" Walter walks on up to the guards similar to how Bane walked up to people whose necks he was about to snap. He puts his arms around the guards' shoulders. "How about I reward your effort with a nice meal, on me! Prehaps Dairy Queen or somthin'." Voltar focuses for a second. "Ivan's favorite color is azure blue. He used to live in a diminsion known as Retiynas. He used to be engaged to a girl named Irene. He feels self concious about his appearance." Voltar pauses before continuing. "He likes your bunny suit that you wore to the bar that one time, however, he's afraid to ask you to wear it more because he thinks that would be ungentleman-like. He has a secret lab behind one of your paintings. Ivan wears an amulet that keeps him alive." He stops. "Care to question more?"
#101403060Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:12 AM GMT

Ika was stunned to say the least."He...had a lab?!How did you know all that?!"
#101403472Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:16 AM GMT

Voltar hovers in a figure eight. "I am Omniscient. If I want to know somthing, I know it with the power of my mind!" Voltar looks at Ika before laughing to himself. "Oh, the things I could tell you..."
#101404439Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:24 AM GMT

The SWATbot grabs Walters hand and swings him down on the ground, Dod moved up closer, trying to find a switch. He presses a button, and the water drains out, he presses another, and the outer cell opens up, he tries to find the last switch.
#101404871Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:27 AM GMT

Walter grunts as he gets back up. "Okay, you passed the test!" Walter threw a bunch of confetti in the air. "You have won the Best Guards NA 2013!" Walter pulls a random trophy from his hat and gives it to the guards. "Very nice, well played gentleman!" He was using his tail to write a message, fold it in a paper plane, and toss it to Dod. It lands near hi, unfolding. It read 'hurry the hell up, please.'
#101405769Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:35 AM GMT

Dod tries to hurry. One the guards smacks Walter down. Dod finds the last switch and pulls it. The first cell opens up.... But nobody runs out. Dod ran ontop and went inside. Shi was still unconscious and bleeding. He pulls her out and sets her down. "Ivan, you might want to heal again....."
#101406383Sunday, June 16, 2013 12:41 AM GMT

Walter grunts. He was a crocodile, so it was hard to severely injure him. "Okay...I guess you're not up for trophies...How about a simple parlor trick?" Walter pulls out a deck of cards, shuffles them, and splays them out. "Pick a card, any card!" Ivan rushes over to Shi. "The things I do for Ika...oh, and I suppose the world. Yeah, somthing like that..." Ivan was still thinking his subconcious thoughts. He sighs as he focuses on Shi's wounds. Using chronomancery, he rewinds time around them to the point before they happened. Fresh as daisies! However, Ivan's body now took her injuries...which caused him to spew acidic blood everywhere that burned through the metal. After Shi was healed, he collapses, unconcious again.