#100664950Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:02 PM GMT

"Um...Ivan?"Symphony asked."Do you happen to know anyone who can fix a glitch?" Kagura shared some cake with Luffy and the other pirates....well whats left of it. A strange spaceship landed in the Ice Cap Zone. Kami used his umbrella to deflect the tendrils and fires back with his umbrella. "Nice crown."Rita said.
#100665048Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:02 PM GMT

"Yeah, the ship got wrecked, so we washed up here today," Zoro explained as he dug into his piece of cake. "Now we have some cash to buy some meat!" Luffy grabbed the cash that fell from the air. He was kicked by Sanji soon after. "WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO SLEEP THEN?! YOU'D WASTE ALL THE MONEY ON FOOD!" He scolded his captain. "You want to keep everyone from dying? That's naive. It's war; people die." - The Desert's Savior
#100665306Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:05 PM GMT

Cirno started to skid to a halt when she noticed the spaceship. "Hey, what's tha-" She skidded right into a wall of Ice before she could finish. Of course, the hit was relatively painless. Running into a wall hurts less for her than, say, a human.
#100665318Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:05 PM GMT

"Well.... You guys can spend the night at my mansion...." Shi suggested.
#100665919Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:10 PM GMT

"Mansion!?" Luffy's eyes brightened. "If it's no problem, we'll gladly accept your offer," Robin added. "What about that kid's ship? What was his name again...?" Zoro tried to remember the Space Pirate's name whose ship they had usually stayed on. "You want to keep everyone from dying? That's naive. It's war; people die." - The Desert's Savior
#100666257Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:12 PM GMT

"I dunno who your talking about.... But once we are done, which should be any minute now, we can head there..." Shi replied.
#100666532Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:15 PM GMT

Ivan looked up from his journal, quickly pocketing it. "A glitch? I might, depending on the severity of it." Ivan knew a thing or two about machines...and alot of other things. A voice emanates from the pool. "You like it? I think it looks rather lovely..." The voice sounded female, lovely and soft, like somone you wished would be your mother. Suddenly, a snake curled from the liquid, acompanied by a bunch more. Soon, they twisted together to form a figure. The figure had a purple snake-like tai, with white underbelly, l leading into the liquid, where it seemed to disapear, leaving no tip. She was wearing a dress made of snake scales, a soft purple-white. The figure, however, had dainty white skin, with a minor tinge of purple. She had beautifully done nails, which were painted a dark purple. 6 spider-like legs stretched from her back, twitching every so often. She also had a'nice' chest area, if you catch my drift. She had the face of a model, somone who would would give everything you owned to if she asked. Her lips were a deep purple color. She smiled, revealing glossy white teeth, and a pair of snake fangs where her canines would be. Her eyes snapped open, revealing red snake-like eyes. Her hair, which was a dark purple, almost black color, was long enough to reach past her back. Apon closer inspection, her hair was actually snakes. The crown from earlier sat on her head. A forked tongue flicked out of her mouth as she greeted Rita. "You must be Rita Inverse. I've heard rumors about many rumors..." The Queen coiled around, making very liquid like movements.
#100666702Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:16 PM GMT

Name: Randy Cunningham Gender: Male I have no idea. Cartoon Type:Modern Appearance: Current Location: Modern Plains Inventory: The normal Ninja mask he always wears, and the Ninjanomicon. Other: Bio:A town called Norrisville has been protected by a ninja for 800 years, but what the citizens of Norrisville don't know is that a new ninja is selected every four years. Randy Cunningham, ninth grade teenager, is the next ninja. Now, Randy must protect Norrisville from the evil plans of the Sorcerer, Hannibal McFist, and Hannibal's assistant Viceroy. (good enough?) (again?) Alignment:Good
#100667760Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:26 PM GMT

All but one of the Adrian's sink into the ground. The remaining Adrian fires a tendril at a wall, and pulls a chunk of the wall out. He begins to spin the chunk of wall around, until he eventually slams it down over Kamui's head.
#100668523Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:33 PM GMT

Kamui rolled out of the way and used the Dial again, hitting his mark. The spaceship opens to reveal...human sized Salt shakers? NO! These are Daleks! Thankfully these two are scouts...They do infact look like Salt and pepper shakers however the similarities end there. For the head, it's a movable dome with a center mechanical eyestalk for a eye. The torso of the cyborgs contains a small mounted Death Ray along with a...plunger? The mid-section is covered in bumps, and the bottom has a anti-gravity hovering device....the two scouts float off the ship and look around the Ice Cap zone. ( for a picture of the Daleks.) "Um-BZZRT!"A spark comes out of Symphonys head and she starts acting like a dog. Fortunately the glitch doesn't last long."Th-That!" "Rumors? What kind of rumors?"Rita asked curious and she was in awe at the mysterious lady's appearance.
#100668571Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:33 PM GMT

Cirno began flying to the spaceship slowly, unsure of what to expect. Humans? Transforming beasts? Nothing? It could be any of them. Or worse, all of them. Maybe it wasn't said here... most likely humans, though.
#100669138Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:39 PM GMT

(grave what kind of dial is that that Kamui is using it better not be one of my dials, or i will smash it) "We're in no rush," Sanji explained. They really weren't, seeing as how there wasn't some big, bad guy trying to blow up the universe this time around. It was nice to actually relax for once; pirates led busy, stressful lives, surprisingly. "You want to keep everyone from dying? That's naive. It's war; people die." - The Desert's Savior
#100669331Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:41 PM GMT

"Well.... I think everyone else is done...." Shi looked at the group at the party.
#100669665Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:44 PM GMT

(Remember when Kamui stole the Impact Dial from Luffy the second time they fought? During that time before he returned it he made a copy. Its not the real version but it still works. Although it has less of a impact though.) The two Daleks,one red and one green, float above the ground as they examined the minerals,gravity, and other planet info. " mean my brother?"Kagura asked the pirates. She frowned as she remembered when she and the Strawhats stayed with Kamui on his wasn't pleasant for her. "Is the party over?"Ika asked Shi.
#100669800Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:45 PM GMT

( Sorry for not posting. ) ~Billy~ As Billy walked home, he had a temptation to eat the wad of gum in my pocket, but he remembered that he needed it for something. He wasn't sure why. Just something. He had finally reached home after a long while of walking.
#100670116Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:48 PM GMT

(i'll never be able to join wont I)
#100670248Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:49 PM GMT

Adrian disappears yet again. If he wasn't going to hurt Kamui, he might as well hurt the ship. Two tendrils sprouted on a wall, and latched onto the wall opposite to them. They pulled at it, causing the opposite wall to come off and fly at the wall that the tendrils sprouted from. Not only was he destroying the ship, but Adrian was probably going to crush Kamui in the process.
#100670280Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

Cirno had a hard time comprehending how large the spaceship was when she was looking at it from this distance. How does this thing even do that floaty thing in the first place? Does it have some sort of magic power? There was one, as far as she was aware, way to test it: Try to freeze it.
#100670331Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

"Well.... It can be... Unless you want to play a game of spin-on-the-pole." Shi's replied. "Or We can go have a sleep over at the mansion! There are rooms for everyone!... But you and Ivan are busy all the time..."
#100670493Sunday, June 09, 2013 10:51 PM GMT

( long as it's weaker, I guess that's fine.) "Oh right," Luffy dug into his cake as well. Kamui...he supposed he was an alright guy. "You want to keep everyone from dying? That's naive. It's war; people die." - The Desert's Savior
#100671735Sunday, June 09, 2013 11:03 PM GMT

(Guys! Quit ignoring Faulty!)
#100671970Sunday, June 09, 2013 11:05 PM GMT

-Darkmere- "Then you're corpse is worth left then 1 dollar". All of a sudden 4 clones of Darkmere appear around Leon.
#100671992Sunday, June 09, 2013 11:06 PM GMT

(Your corpse I mean't.)
#100672092Sunday, June 09, 2013 11:07 PM GMT

Shyguy walked into the marketplace. He looked at all the stalls selling various goods. He walks over to a shop selling various art items. Pencils, papers, you know, and begins looking through the things being sold there.
#100672261Sunday, June 09, 2013 11:08 PM GMT

(I already cast judgement on him. I need snake to decide yes or no. Also, evil, still waiting on my response.) Ivan looked at Symphony. "Where's your mainframe? I'll need access to that to do anything." The lady coiled around, her beautiful voice filling the caverns. "Oh, nothing too bad. Nothing of your concern..." The lady stopped suddenly. She twisted her mouth into a grin. She had a genius idea. "I think it's time to make a new pet! Oh yessss..." The s trailed off into a hiss as she moves her hands in a hypnotic manner. Soon, liquid from the pool begins to form the shape of a anthromorphic bat.