#104030535Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:31 PM GMT

Rodaneil looked up...and since he was so angry...he turned into BloodStone Armor mode....witch makes him nearly undefeatable....then both his hands turned blood and he got dual blood swords."Seems like you need to be trained."Rodaneil said as he rushes at wade and he slashes very fast with the Blood Swords.
#104030954Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:35 PM GMT

The King of Skulls utters something before his skull is grinded into power. "I was, am, and will always be...The bones tell me...they never lie..." His skull is reduced into dull powder, and the crown clatters onto the floor. The Council of 12 slumps over, dead without the magic of the crown to support them. Ivan picks up the crown in his hand, the cold metal feeling unnatural. "Well, we won. Yay for us..." Ivan yanks his sword out from the pile of bone dust. Ivan turns around to face Ika. "You did amazing back there. I couldn't have defeated him without you, you know." Ivan weakly drops to his knees, breathing heavily.
#104031133Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:36 PM GMT

-Wade- Wade begins laughing. "You're weak, you need far more training then I do. This is much to easy..." Wade grabs both of the swords and uses them to slam Rodaneil on the ground. Wade then lifts up Rodaneil by the neck with one arm, and tosses him straight into a wall.
#104031658Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:41 PM GMT

Rodaneil...looking very up...and he was covered in more blood...but not bleeding blood...nor was it the original blood he uses for his spells."I am weak?Well...lets see how well you do against FULL POWER!!!!"Rodaneil said as the unknown blood swirls around him stronger power...better blood blades...witch showed wade that Rodaneil was the last Blood Mage in existence in this Dimension."Prepare to die!!!"Rodaneil said as he sprouts a blood sprout under Wade.
#104032410Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:47 PM GMT

Wade yawns. "You're wasting my time, so I'm just going to end this now..." Wade was suddenly caught in the Blood Sprout. "Nice move..." Wade teleports behind Rodaneil. "But you should try different tactics against a guy who can teleport..." The red aura suddenly appears around Wade again. Wade had overwhelmed someone by hardly trying. "Lets see how you fare against this..." Wade flies towards Rodaneil and begins punching and punching him with swift strikes. Wade then blast Rodaneil to the ground with a beam of fire. Wade turns around and begins walking away.
#104032701Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:49 PM GMT

Rodaneil looks up...then he traps wade in a Blood Cell..that not anything...nor teleporting...can let them escape."Really think you will leave?"Rodaneil said as blood swirls around him...healing him."My god Rodaneil...just give up!"Nancy said to Rodaneil...who was ignoring her.
#104032994Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:51 PM GMT

-Wade- Wade smirks. "Well you're really not much of a challenge to me in the first place..." says Wade "Why should I waste my time battling the lowly likes of you?" Wade had an idea. Wade began draining the magic of the blood cell.
#104033061Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:52 PM GMT

Ika rushes over to support Ivan."Thank you. And Thank you for saving me."Ika smiled and kissed him."That felt too easy but Im not complaining."
#104033511Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:55 PM GMT

Rodaneil knew Wade was taking magic from the blood Rodaneil hoped for....because the cell's magic was Anti Magic!it stops the ability to use spells if someone takes it's power."Hmmm....why take the magic of the cell?It's just Deadly!"Rodaneil started feeding the cell more Anti Blood Magic."RODANEIL STOP!"Nancy yelled as she blasts Rodaneil into a wall with a Sun Beam."He had enough!"Nancy said as she looked at the Rodaneil that is laying against the wall.
#104033606Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:56 PM GMT

A sudden rip in the fabric of reality is heard as a portal to a time realm is opened. Epoch floats out, his floating dagger spinning around. "That's because I wanted you to win." The portal begins to suck in the remains of the King of Skulls, as well as the crown in Ivan's hand. "You won't be needing that, I can assure you." Ivan looked confused. "What? What do you mean it was supposed to be easy?" Epoch sighs, his dagger pointing at Ivan. "You only still live because it amuses me to see you struggle. Otherwise, with a wave of my hand, you would be dead."
#104033928Thursday, July 04, 2013 4:58 PM GMT

-Wade- Wade smirks. Wade suddenly released all of the Blood Magic. The Blood Magic had been changed into pure magic. Wade ripped through the cell. "You really thought you could outsmart me like that? I knew this was your plan. That is exactly why I absorbed the magic". Wade flies towards Rodaneil and punches him straight through a wall. "I'm going to finish you now for thinking you could trick me that easily".
#104034291Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:01 PM GMT

"Who the hell are you~geso?!"Ika said,her tentacles raised in anger.
#104034292Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:01 PM GMT

Nancy started crying a bit....then she used a power transport spell that takes away magic powers for a day and she and Rodaneil get teleported to the Plains."No one finishes my brother....."Nancy says as she put her hood back on.
#104034887Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:06 PM GMT

-Wade- Wade used Dragonfang to block the magic take away spell. Wade puts Dragonfang back in its sheath. Wade's aura dissipates. "Cowards..." I whisper. I transform into a black and red outfit. My eyes were glowing golden. Wade flies into space.
#104035041Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:07 PM GMT

"Yeah!" Ivan agrees. Epoch tisks. "I can see you don't live this game I'm playing. To answer your question, my name is Epoch, the Temporal Assassin! The title isn't important as I don't do that anymore. As for your prize..." Epoch produces a torn piece of paper from his robe sleeve and hands it to Ivan. Ivan brings Ika closer and allows her to read it as well. '-hrin o-' is what it said, obviously part of a bigger message.
#104035316Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:09 PM GMT

"The heck?Where's the rest?!"Ika said a little outraged.
#104035396Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:10 PM GMT

Rodaneil Awakens to find Nancy reading the Sun Spell book she still has."What happened?"Rodaneil said as he looked into nancy's eyes and saw she was crying a bit."I went crazy again...did I?"Rodaneil said as he gets up and he puts his hood back on."Yeah you went very crazy..."Nancy said looking at the Sun spell book."Well...we gotta find some people that wont try to kill us....."Rodaneil joked...hoping to make Nancy laugh..but she doesn't laugh.
#104035937Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:14 PM GMT

Epoch laughs. "Well, what would be the fun of a scavenger hunt if everything's in one place?" Ivan rolls his eyes. It felt weird to have two to roll. "One that ends quickly, allowing you to have time to do something more worth while." Epoch sighs. "Have some fun. Or try to get out of this part of the castle because it's all about to crumble down without dark magic to support it." Ivan's eyes widen. "What!" Sure enough, bones began raining from the ceiling. Ivan grabs Ika's hand and does a mad dash to the exit.
#104036056Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:15 PM GMT

-Dreadpool- My halves suddenly put themselves back together, making a whole. -Wade- I transported a spectral version of myself to the Venomcaverns. I transformed into a black cloak with silver armor parts of it. Dragonfang transformed into Dragon Scepter.
#104036407Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:18 PM GMT

Ika dashes along side him."Curse that guy!"
#104036472Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:18 PM GMT

(ima go do something else for a bit k?bye :3) Rodaneil rested.....while Nancy was STILL reading the Sun Spell book."Well....we can wait here for a wh...."Rodaneil didn't finish his sentence cause he fell asleep." that is funny."Nancy Whispered to her self then she started reading the next page in the Sun Spell book.
#104036840Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:21 PM GMT

(Going to be gone for awhile.) Ivan and Ika break free from the Ivory Palace, right in time as it collapses in on itself. The Venomcaverns no longer exist, seemingly wiped off the face of the earth.
#104037023Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:22 PM GMT

-Wade- "Strange..." says Wade. Wade's spectral form disappears. Wade's actual form reappears in the same spot. Wade examines the spot for a bit.
#104037413Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:25 PM GMT

"Whew...that was too close."Ika said.
#104038020Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:29 PM GMT

Edward I put on my mind enhancement device, and start levitating. I take out my ray gun, and fire it at air. The beam collapses in on itself and creates a portal. I go through the portal.