#101273031Friday, June 14, 2013 11:37 PM GMT

"Sundown City, where you first got me! Now let's go! Go go go!" Sin yelled.
#101273145Friday, June 14, 2013 11:38 PM GMT

-Wade- I continued meditating.
#101273242Friday, June 14, 2013 11:39 PM GMT

"Sorry Kagura... Today I have to make an appearance for a speech along with other donators. Unless you want to come as a adventure... I dunno...."
#101273796Friday, June 14, 2013 11:43 PM GMT

"Awww....fine I'll come with you. Im bored."Kagura sighed. "Who the heck is that on the phone?"Ika asked. The ship lands in Sundown city.
#101274038Friday, June 14, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

(It's a known fact that Shy Guys will believe anyone who wears a mask to be one of them...except maybe General Guy. His intelligence is above that of an average Shy Guy.) Ivan cups his tentacle around his phone. "Some guy by the name of General Guy. He just said I'm under arrest and to devulge my location or else he'd send people to kill us." Ivan took a deep breath. "He also has Walter hostage or somthing."
#101274536Friday, June 14, 2013 11:50 PM GMT

(But you will soon see that the Shyguy army is not your typical army.... :3 ) "For being in relations with a Resistance group. I understand you know Symphony, Kagura, Ika, Walter, Crickey, And Shi, but you do not know Voltar and Leon. If you do not correspond with my question of where you are, we will trace your call and eliminate any resistance we find, and show you to Lord of Lard (Robotnik) for roboticization for breaking Mechtropolis policy. Sir, you have been warned. Answer now." The General in General Guy was coming up now. (General Guy totally isnt the reincarnation of a certain WWII German leader... THAT HAT COULD BELONG TO ANYONE....)
#101275141Friday, June 14, 2013 11:55 PM GMT

Ivan took a deep breath. "Resistance? What the hell is that!? What is there to resist!? Yes, I know those people, who the hell is the Lord of Lard!? I've never even heard of Mechtropolis!" One did not simple threaten Ivan for breaking laws in a city he didn't even know existed... "And if you intend to harm Ika, I will not hesitate to go all white knight on your ASS, and personally send all of your little crap stains on a one way trip to HELL!" Walter rolled his eyes. "Don't mind me, Ivan. Most likely I'm going to die, but all you're concerned about is Ika. Way to go." (So let me get this straight: Robotnik is capable of arresting Ivan for absolutely no reason other than knowing Symphony? Seems legit.)
#101275229Friday, June 14, 2013 11:56 PM GMT

"Ok good." Shi's clothes burned off and was replaced by a blue dress. Dod came down with a blue suit. "Kagura.... It might be even more boring...." Shi said, buttoning Dod's suit.
#101275603Friday, June 14, 2013 11:59 PM GMT

(Robotnik is like that, man. He is a evil dictator..... That's also part robot... And robots don't have souls...... So... He is like... Double evil....) "We will see you in a bit." General Guy laughed. Jetguys have been tracking the call as he was talking, they were moving at high speeds to the destination. "Metal, take Walter to the Mechtropolis jail."
#101275714Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:00 AM GMT

Kagura sighed."'s okay. Ill be fine." "Did he threaten us!??! I'll kick!"Ika said once she realized her sister was listening. Rita woke up and yawned "Alright...Im ready!Hm?"Rita picks up the silk dress Eve made."Is this for me?"
#101275867Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:01 AM GMT

Sin ran out of the ship, and ran straight to his house. Adrian wasn't home, so that was good for him. He grabbed his book and ran back to the ship, panting. "I thought something was going to happe- oh, yeah, something's happening." A spotlight turned on Kamui from a ceiling. "GIVE UP THE BOY!" Said an unknown voice through a megaphone. About five more spotlights shone on Kamui.
#101276181Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:04 AM GMT

Ivan hung up his phone. "New plan. You guys escape using my portal cube I have." He pulls out a portal cube and smacks it into the ground. "I'll hold these ba-er scumbags off." Metal Sonic nods. He activates his thrusters and zooms off. In around 1 minute, he's back. Walter, meanwhile, is in jail. "You know, this is probablly the third time I've ended up in jail for somthing I didn't do! Yay for me!"
#101276193Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:04 AM GMT

"Well... Then lets go!" Shi jumped and ran out the door, which looked funny because she was a woman in a dress. Dod followed. There was a diamond Ferrari parked outside that I totally didnt come up with just now.
#101276201Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:04 AM GMT

"Oh great...idiots.Who is yelling like a space donkey?"Kamui asked.
#101276358Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:06 AM GMT

Ivan didnt finish his sentence as the air screamed and roared, a few explosions rumble the area.
#101276497Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:07 AM GMT

" safe dear!"Ika said as she and her sister went in the portal before the explosion hits. Kagura followed looking at the car in awe.
#101276672Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:09 AM GMT

Shi and Dod both got in. "Lets shove off, arrrrgh" Shi laughed. "Shi, this isn't a pirate ship, it's a car."
#101276720Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:09 AM GMT

Ivan thought for a moment. "New plan. We use the patented Donald Glover technique." Ivan didn't have time to explain what that was as he draws his sword. "Command: Armor." A holographic copy of his armor solidfied around him. He would get a gun or somthing, but he couldn't aim for crap. (In the off chance Walter is robotoicized, he shall be the greatest mech-crocodile ever.)
#101276733Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:09 AM GMT

"None of your concern! Now give up the boy before action has to be taken!" Says the voice. From every window in the building near Kamui, soldiers leaned out and pointed their guns at them. Some of them were futuristic, others were standard guns you'd commonly see in the army. Seems like Sundown City doesn't take 'kidnapping' lightly. Two thoughts entered Sin's head; one, how did they prepare that quickly, and two, did these guys think he was kidnapped?! Did Adrian think he was kidnapped?!
#101277173Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:13 AM GMT

-Wade- I was still extremely patient. So I continued waiting.
#101277401Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:15 AM GMT

The business meeting from hell finally concludes. Cthulhu looks straight at the area where Wade is. "Okay, what do you want? I'm busy."
#101277585Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:16 AM GMT

-Wade- A surprised look appears on Wade's face. "He can see me?" I think. I make myself visible again. "I have come here to see if there are any mercenary jobs open".
#101278048Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:21 AM GMT

"Kidnapping?"Kamui asked. Kagura got in the car."Arrgh we are pirates!" Ika and her sister had already entered the portal and ended up.....somewhere. Rita looks at the silk dress."Is this for me?"
#101278466Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:24 AM GMT

Cthulhu answers. "Unlike the petty mortal races, I see by viewing the darkness within people's souls. And mercenary jobs? What is this, 1986?" Lady Eve nodded. "Yes, it is. The prophetess of poison should have somthing more fitting than rags..." Ika and Erika end up in a grove of cherry blossoms, in literally the remote place ever. A massive freaking sea monster is seen in the distance, blue as the sea and sky. One of the trees has somthing carved in it.
#101278469Saturday, June 15, 2013 12:24 AM GMT

Dod drives the car down the mountain, and in no time soon, they arrive at a charity party, rich people everywhere, but Shi was only there to give a speech... It would be short... The Jetguys swoop down and ram into Ivan with their Jet heads. The fly straight up and swoop back down and fire their missiles. (Jetguys look like normal Shyguys, but with jets strapped ontop of their heads.)