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#10059999Tuesday, June 23, 2009 2:02 PM GMT

http://www.quizilla.com/stories/9899868/r0bl0x-telamons-birthday either go there or read this forum CHAPTER 1: THE FIRST PART One day there was a ROBLOXian walking around ROBLOXia. His name was Telamon. He was walking to go talk to his friends Matt Duesk and Chuck26. He looked over at Matt Duesk. Matt was sitting there silently with a party hat on."Surpirze..." Matt said "What?" asked Telamon. "Isn't it your birthday?" Chuck26 asked. "um........no." Telemon said "Tommorrow is." Telamon continued. "Let's all go to my Sword Fight On The Heights IV!" Telamon yelled. Both Matt amd Chuck said yes. CHAPTER 2:THE BATTLE Matt and Telamon were the only ones there. Chuck was getting gear before he went. Chuck bought a rocket launcher. Telamon and Matt were looking for Chuck. Chuck suddenly appeared on the players list. Telamon and Matt Duesk couldn't find what spawn Chuck was at. CHuck was hiding right there near the spawn on the balance beam. Chuck took out his rocket launcher like it was a sniper and shot it unseen.BOOM! went the rocket. Telamon was dead. Telemon appeared at the same spawn and said..."Chuck! You are BANNED from this place for a million kagillion billion years!" Yelled Telamon. Matt Duesk cheered! When chuck left Telamon found his gun just lying there down on the ground. Matt came up to pwn Telamon when suddenly Telamon took out the gun."freeze..." Telamon said calmly. Matt pressed Backspace and dropped his sword. Telamon shot the rocket. Matt re-spawned and Telamon dropped his gun. Matt came up once again to pwn Telamon. What Matt didn't know is that Telamon had his own gear. Telamon was standing there silently but when Matt jumped up to kill him Telemon turned around and said..."Jail/Matt Duesk." There was now a jail on top of poor Matt. Matt had an idea. He took out his sword and stuck it through the wholes of the jail-cell. Telamon exited the game.Matt was all alone.Matt said "*cries*" and then left. As soon as no one was there and the exact second Matt left....JJ5x5 came. "Hey, where is everyone?" CHAPTER 3:TELAMON'S BEDTIME It was 9:30. Telamon had to go to bed. It was hard to go to bed while people were standing outside his place with guns. Telamon quivered with fear. He took out his sniper. He pointed it out the window. He started shooting it like crazy. "IMA FIREN MY SNIPA...MWAAA!!!" He killed everyone. He repeated it 300000 times over until everyone was gone. CHAPTER 4: TELAMON'S BIRTHDAY. He woke up. He walked down stairs. His friend Builderman called him. "Hello,can you meet me at the Crossroads?"Asked Builderman "Yeah,sure." said Telamon. He hung up the phone. He got in his EPIC car and drove to the crossroads place. He went into one of the buildings in the crossroads. There was aa table. The lights were off. Telamon turned on the light. Telamonknew there was gonnabe a surprise party well,there wasn't. Then all of the sudden Builderman, JJ5x5, Matt Duesk, Chuck26, Kryanrocks, Zilla1212, and erik.cassle jumped out withAK-47's. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"They all yelled as they shot thehuge bullets at Telamon. Telamon respawned WAY out on the other side ofROBLOXia. "NOO!!!!!!!!" Telamon yelled. 2 hours later all of the ROBLOXians that were atTelamon's "party" pulled up in Telamons car that was stuck there. "Nice car,Have fun walkin'!" They all yelled as the drove away. Telamon was stuck there forever. CHAPTER 5:Almost Saved Telamon heard motorcycles. Hehad built a whole place so he can survive.He heard motorcycles again. He looked at the people that were on them."NOOBS!And noobs means....DELETERS!!!!!!!!" Telamon yelled BOOM!BOOM!BOOM! Everything was deleted. Telamon was FURIOUS! THE END Yes,I wrote this story out of bordom on quizilla

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