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#101221456Friday, June 14, 2013 3:44 PM GMT

gcr You pick up the bone. It seems to be a ribcage... You rip off the coffin lid, since it's hinges were rusted and rotten, and head inside the jungle. It is strangely silent inside the jungle. You could hear a pin drop, if it were to happen. You hear a noise... thud....thud....thud You can't tell where it is coming from. It gets faster thud..thud..thud..thud..thud You can hear it get louder Thud..Thud..Thud..Thud..Thud.. Your legs tremble. From your right ear you can hear the sounds of a river flowing. THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..THUD..
#101224152Friday, June 14, 2013 4:13 PM GMT

Make a mad dash to the river.
#101225550Friday, June 14, 2013 4:28 PM GMT

gcr YOU make a beeline towards the river! As you run as fast as you can you hear the sound of crunching leaves and thuds right behind you. You hear something breathing down your neck as you sprint. As you plunge into the river, you make several splashes before you come to a stop. You hear the thuds get fainter and slowly go away as you reach the water. Exhausted from running for god knows how long, you collapse into the river. As you close your eyes, you hear the sound of waves crashing against a beach. You can hear the sound of children laughing. You see a bright light before you wake up again. You are still in the river. You feel a sharp pain on your back, and you can see blood in the water. On the side of the river you came from, you can't see anything in particular, but you see several branches and leaves bent backwards, as if something is holding them. It is daylight On the other side, you see an Aztec temple, surrounded by 3 dirt paths. One is leading up the temple, the other two go to the left and right.
#101225792Friday, June 14, 2013 4:30 PM GMT

Go to the temple.
#101226686Friday, June 14, 2013 4:40 PM GMT

gcr As you pick yourself up, you see the branches and leaves on the other side start to move. You start heading for the temple, and as you look behind you, you can see the branches start to move. As if someone was walking by them. You hear thud..thud...thud... From that side as you walk away. You make it to the temple steps and you walk up. Halfway up, blood starts leaking down the steps. As you make it to the top, you see an altar. On the altar is a woman with ornaments and a bag over her face. Without any act of will, you take a large great knife from seemingly nowhere. You raise the knife and you stab the woman. You hear her scream and her body squirms. You stab her a few more times before she completely stops. Suddenly, the sky turns black and you hear a thunder. Behind the altar you see a man sitting on a metal folding chair. He casually lights a cig and stares at you.
#101228235Friday, June 14, 2013 4:57 PM GMT

Take my shirt off and try to stop the bleeding on my back then walk over to the man.
#101474001Sunday, June 16, 2013 3:42 PM GMT

gcr You rip off your shirt and press it against your bloody back. You can't reach most of the scratches, but it works... You walk up to the man. He slowly looks up at you before standing up. You look at the woman at the altar after hearing a whisper. Her face is completely covered in black goo. You look back at the man. He is crying and he picks up a knife from the table next to him and grabs your arm.
#101476373Sunday, June 16, 2013 4:06 PM GMT

Jerk back and kick at the man.

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