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#101126202Thursday, June 13, 2013 8:25 PM GMT

~*Wonderful message to mod who is going to read this half fast and do a terrible job, automatically deleting this and probably me, : you did this many times before, I will just get another account, write it again, you guys will delete it again, nobody wins here, I did not break any rules, deal with it*~ This is a repost of a repost of a repost, I checked each one many many times, no rules broken, and thats why I wasn't deleted or at least banned, the mods just want to erase the evidence, the proof, the proof that proves they are wrong, their features are wrong, their opinions are wrong, and most of all, their site is wrong. Don't stop reading here and saying I'm another idiot who is suggesting to bring old ROBLOX back, because even though there was actually one, with a much better community and moderation (which are the two main ideas here) it was probably worse, I bet you are thinking "how?", "why?", the answer is the graphics and gameplay, it wasn't great, but "old ROBLOX" had a much better community and moderation, by far, I want to bring that back, not any of the cruddy lag or anything, I somewhat approve of the new packages, and obviously approve of the dynamic lighting. The problem here is not the community, I blame the moderators. I blame the moderators for each terrible thing they have done, basically, "Blame John" is a legit answer for nearly everything bad on ROBLOX. By "each terrible thing" I mean the changes to their moderation, their filters and their lies. I will now make chapters on my suggestions and opinions on their filters, lies and moderation. Filter : Here is an idea! Stop filtering words that are completely fine and normal people are, and start filtering the swear words you want little kids to say. Don't filter : R3T4IRDED H0NN053X4UL/G4IY - These two are fine, sure they use it as an insult, but it shouldn't be, normal people are this and you guys should deal with it Please filter : A5Z B45T4RRD D4NM - WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? YOU WANT KIDS TO USE THIS? Fun fact about ROBLOX, most people on here are between the ages of 7 and 14, and somewhere around 70% of the people who use the 13+ chat feature lie, so somewhere around half of the site, little kids can hear these words, and will use them, cursing and blabbering at one another, not to mention ROBLOX will get into trouble by putting these on a PG site. Moderation : So many problems with this, I'll just make a list on itself. 1. Rude/mean behavior Remove this, we all know you guys cannot identify exploits or bad behavior nowadays, you can only review the chat log, there is no hidden camera in each active server, there are usually thousands at a time. 2. Bad bans Sort of tying into filter, you guys have horrible and I mean horrible moderation, I see a guy swearing the things that should be filtered, but aren't, no ban for him, but I get deleted for linking a inappropriate image, approved by a mod, on this site that dozens of other people linked? Why do you guys not ban the guilty but ban the innocent? 3. Things that SHOULD be CD'd, and moderation overall A few weeks ago, I saw a game about S3CK5 on the front page, was there for hours, didn't even get CD'd. That should be enough. 4. Side note from the author About my deletion for linking a bad image onsite, approved by a mod, even though there is a group lead by a mod telling each other links to bad things, this did in fact happen, on a 2008 account with OBC, that I spent hundreds of dollars on. 5. Another side note ROBLOX recently just hired a botting, lying, scamming, overrated newbie who got banned many times and deleted once and his shadowless brother, AKA his alt, his only job is moderating the forums, which he does not, instead he replies like a normal person to most troll threads, it should be obvious who I am talking about. Don't hire people like this. 3rd and final chapter. Your lies to us. If you scroll down enough on this page, you'll see that ROBLOX is not sponsored by any brick building company, and does not intend to copy off of them, blah, blah blah blah, not true, ROBLOX was sponsored by and sponsored LEGO, LEGO Hero building factory and Kreo, ROBLOX also made the ROBLOXian 3.0 look exactly like a LEGO figure, which leads me to another point, the ROBLOXian 3.0 was supposed to have a beard, costumizable hair, ect, ect, we honestly expected more. ROBLOX also fired or had at least 3 employees quit without telling us, this includes Clockwork, one of the founders of ROBLOX, he went to work for another company, and instead of just normally unadmining him like they did with the other 2 employees, they got revenge on him by banning him, his account was not reactivated for months so it is possible he got deleted and somehow got it back, because there is no known ban for over a month other then deletion. My suggestion is that they fix the filters, stop lying to us and get a better moderation and some better moderators. Also, I would like to ask them why they would do this in the first place.
#101127789Thursday, June 13, 2013 8:39 PM GMT

everytihng is right, except this. it was not LEGO that sponsored roblox, it was the other way around
#101130924Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:04 PM GMT

Lol, this reminded me of my history essay for homework, lol. But everything here is all correct. Roblox NEEDS to read this...
#101131843Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:12 PM GMT

I find it somewhat agreable, but considering LGBT is a big pro/anti stance within the country, I suppose it would generate some controversy if used on line, and what you said about putting then out of the filter could be said for "damn" as well. Plus, LEGO and KRE-O were sponsored by ROBLOX, not vice versa LOAD "*",8,1
#101132935Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:22 PM GMT

"Fun fact about ROBLOX, most people on here are between the ages of 7 and 14, and somewhere around 70% of the people who use the 13+ chat feature lie, so somewhere around half of the site, little kids can hear these words, and will use them, cursing and blabbering at one another, not to mention ROBLOX will get into trouble by putting these on a PG site." This is complete bull. You have absolutely no legitimate evidence of this.
#101133146Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:24 PM GMT

The moderators will do anything for money. 'I'll just sit in this office, ignore user reports, ban innocents and wait to get paid.' Money, money, money.
#101133470Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:27 PM GMT

tl; dr lol
#101135229Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:44 PM GMT

>"This is complete bull. You have absolutely no legitimate evidence of this." You're right! I don't, but everybody I've seen on ROBLOX for the past year, and I mean EVERYBODY has no safechat on, and ROBLOX also says they are the 1# site for kids between 7 and 14, so we can safely assume that lots of little kids, have no safechat.
#101135292Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:44 PM GMT

And what about everything else I said?
#101136851Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:59 PM GMT

"everybody I've seen on ROBLOX for the past year, and I mean EVERYBODY has no safechat on" I find that hard to believe. Even if everyone did lie about their age, that is on them, not on Roblox. "ROBLOX also says they are the 1# site for kids between 7 and 14, so we can safely assume that lots of little kids, have no safechat." No, that cannot be safely assumed. Your logic is fallacious. What about everything else? I didn't read in depth, but it looked like this to me: I'm a martyr Moderators suck More filter Moderators are jerks Massive conspiracy It just seems like a joke to me. A lot of the time they are idiots, but you're just blowing some things out of proportion, and oversimplifying others.
#101137314Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03 PM GMT

I love the fact how you only talk about this one thing, what about everything else? And insults get you nowhere, mate.
#101137454Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:04 PM GMT

I completely agree, especially about the filter. I got banned because... Oh hell, I don't even know (AND GUESS WHAT, I WON'T EVEN GET A WARNING FOR SAYING THAT) on my last account and the only reason they gave me was the default 'IP Ban' form with "Cheating" Written into the reason box. I don't even understand how that could work out. This was well thought out, and was very un-biased, except for a few minor problems I had. Well done.
#101137611Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:05 PM GMT

Soucat I neither insulted you, nor talked exclusively on one topic.
#101137845Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:07 PM GMT

The reason roblox wants money is for there covert nuclear weapons program they are funding through barack obama who is actually a robot. THE TRUTH IS OUT ROBLOX!
#101137952Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:08 PM GMT

#101138121Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:10 PM GMT

I'm hoping a mod doing "terribly at his job" deletes this bull right now...
#101139170Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:19 PM GMT

"The problem here is not the community, I blame the moderators." It's definitely some of both. The community has gotten worse, but the moderators aren't doing enough to keep up with it. "Don't filter : R3T4IRDED H0NN053X4UL/G4IY - These two are fine, sure they use it as an insult, but it shouldn't be, normal people are this and you guys should deal with it." Support. But if it's used as an insult it should still be a reportable offense. "A5Z B45T4RRD D4NM - WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? YOU WANT KIDS TO USE THIS?" They can't filter every combination of characters. There are way too many. "1. Rude/mean behavior Remove this, we all know you guys cannot identify exploits or bad behavior nowadays, you can only review the chat log, there is no hidden camera in each active server, there are usually thousands at a time." Are you saying to make hacking a reportable offense? "2. Bad bans Sort of tying into filter, you guys have horrible and I mean horrible moderation, I see a guy swearing the things that should be filtered, but aren't, no ban for him, but I get deleted for linking a inappropriate image, approved by a mod, on this site that dozens of other people linked? Why do you guys not ban the guilty but ban the innocent?" You weren't exactly innocent. For bad games, I believe they rely nearly entirely on users' reports, so it's not up to them to find them, but up to you to report them. You can also appeal bans, which has worked well for me in the past. "3. Things that SHOULD be CD'd, and moderation overall A few weeks ago, I saw a game about S3CK5 on the front page, was there for hours, didn't even get CD'd. That should be enough." Like I said before, they primarily rely on reports from users. If you see something bad, report it. "5. Another side note ROBLOX recently just hired a botting, lying, scamming, overrated newbie who got banned many times and deleted once and his shadowless brother, AKA his alt, his only job is moderating the forums, which he does not, instead he replies like a normal person to most troll threads, it should be obvious who I am talking about. Don't hire people like this." Botting? Overrated? Yes. Lying? Scamming? Please tell me how you know. But yes, he should be doing a better job actually moderating things. He's a summer intern, though, so I don't know what he's actually supposed to be doing. "If you scroll down enough on this page, you'll see that ROBLOX is not sponsored by any brick building company, and does not intend to copy off of them, blah, blah blah blah, not true, ROBLOX was sponsored by and sponsored LEGO, LEGO Hero building factory and Kreo, ROBLOX also made the ROBLOXian 3.0 look exactly like a LEGO figure, which leads me to another point, the ROBLOXian 3.0 was supposed to have a beard, costumizable hair, ect, ect, we honestly expected more." Maybe you could have suggested all the stuff you wanted, so they would have known. They can't read your mind. "ROBLOX also fired or had at least 3 employees quit without telling us, this includes Clockwork, one of the founders of ROBLOX, he went to work for another company, and instead of just normally unadmining him like they did with the other 2 employees, they got revenge on him by banning him, his account was not reactivated for months so it is possible he got deleted and somehow got it back, because there is no known ban for over a month other than deletion." Why would they need/want to tell you? How do you even know the stuff you stated about Clockwork? You don't know the reason behind banning him. I'm pretty sure it was just to prevent PGing.
#101139504Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:22 PM GMT

How about you poll players for your claims, instead of pulling them out of.......... Also, please don't think that someone should be talking about their you-know-what orientation on Roblox. I don't care if 'normal people do it', this is Roblox, not buildandtalkaboutinnappropriatepolitics.org. And this is coming from someone who has been banned four times for talking about politics. And last, be kind and considerate in your claims. Roblox will not listen to someone who is rude. If I were them, I certainly wouldn't. But other than that, I agree completely.
#101143121Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:55 PM GMT

>"They can't filter every combination of characters. There are way too many." No, they didn't filter the actual words. You can report if they U53 TH15 >"I'm sure it was to prevent PGing" They could of simply unadmined him like I said.
#101166664Friday, June 14, 2013 2:25 AM GMT

Even if they removed his admin privileges, someone still could PG him and pretend to be Clockwork. And you can report if someone U535 TH15 (assuming it's someone that would normally be filtered) but your point was to fix the filter, and there are way too many character combinations.
#101225077Friday, June 14, 2013 4:23 PM GMT

... The mods didn't filter, the actual swear words. And Clockwork knows the admins in real life, and could change his p@zz, ect, ect.
#101225369Friday, June 14, 2013 4:26 PM GMT

And guys, I'm not coming up with some crazy theory or something, I'm suggesting they stop lying, get at least a little bit of a better moderation team and fix the filter.
#101225453Friday, June 14, 2013 4:27 PM GMT

-facepalm- Swear words are used for a reason, and they should all be filtered. Except for Hell, W2NK3R, ect. And also.... Clockwork knows the admins but don't work with them, he works for Blizzard now, which I think is stupid. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AnhjdmrUmU -
#101225730Friday, June 14, 2013 4:30 PM GMT

Exactly what I said.
#101225819Friday, June 14, 2013 4:31 PM GMT

"ROBLOX also fired or had at least 3 employees quit without telling us, this includes Clockwork, one of the founders of ROBLOX, he went to work for another company, and instead of just normally unadmining him like they did with the other 2 employees, they got revenge on him by banning him, his account was not reactivated for months so it is possible he got deleted and somehow got it back, because there is no known ban for over a month other then deletion." 2 things: 1: Fix your run-on sentences. 2: This entire part about Clockwork is all FAKE. Clockwork was a summer intern.

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