#104765461Tuesday, July 09, 2013 4:22 PM GMT

Lucas All of the sudden I say, "Hold on, hold on Conner. Crash, good morning. This is Wynter. We found her in the hallway where you passed out. Ironic, kind of. Anyways, we are going to be moving things down to the island today for an extra place to stay."
#104766956Tuesday, July 09, 2013 4:34 PM GMT

Conner I see Crash "Hi crash, ok now can we go, we have crash and he can help" i picks up my bag that i always hold, i take off my jacket, it was getting warm, then i roll my pants up into shorts (so she has on black pants that are rolled up and a white tank top)
#104771613Tuesday, July 09, 2013 5:14 PM GMT

(Is that supposed to mean something?) Lucas I find the nearest lifeboat and say, "You guys go first to find a good place, I'll go get some beds and stuff." I walk off.
#104774674Tuesday, July 09, 2013 5:37 PM GMT

(what mean what, she took off her jacket cuz it was really hot out) Conner I nodded and got everyone on the boat the took it to the island i got off "ok we need to find a big open area with grass to build the huts" i start looking
#104780397Tuesday, July 09, 2013 6:21 PM GMT

(Nothing.) Lucas Walking into the other main suite, I got a couple of mattresses and threw them on the island. Then I threw down some sheets, blankets, and silverware.
#104782001Tuesday, July 09, 2013 6:32 PM GMT

Conner I fond the perfect spot and leave my stuff there i run back and see Lucas "Lucas i found the best spot, im going to start building!" I run back gathering sticks and stuff on my way back, i find that i need rope so i run back to the boat "do you have any rope up there Lucas, and maybe a knife?" i put my hand up to block the sun
#104782709Tuesday, July 09, 2013 6:38 PM GMT

Lucas I walk to the engine room. Finding the anchor ropes, I get it all and also an axe and throw them down. "Just cut the rope into smaller strings!"
#104784157Tuesday, July 09, 2013 6:50 PM GMT

Conner I nodded "thanks, but do you have a knife?" i yell up to Lucas
#104796957Tuesday, July 09, 2013 8:28 PM GMT

Wynter I Wake Up and Walk Down Towards The Lifeboat Deck, Jumping Down Into The Water and Swimming Over To The Island.
#104803257Tuesday, July 09, 2013 9:14 PM GMT

(@robo, the lifeboats automatically go down to the island, and come back up. No need to swim or jump) Lucas I grab the knife out of my pocket and drop it down, saying, "That's my good knife! Don't lose it, please!"
#104814231Tuesday, July 09, 2013 10:31 PM GMT

Conner I grab the knife"ill try my best,
#104814529Tuesday, July 09, 2013 10:34 PM GMT

(i didnt get to finish the lest post sorry) Conner I grab the knife "I'll try my best! Come on wynter we need to get building" i lead her into the trees and over to the camp site "lets build!" i start building one of the huts
#104822122Tuesday, July 09, 2013 11:41 PM GMT

Lucas I find a couple of jugs of water in the kitchen, along with a bunch of crates filled with fruit. Putting them on the lifeboat I've used, I shouted, "What else do we need?"
#104827150Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:23 AM GMT

Name: Alexandre Delrico (Not My Real Name) Age:13 Gender:Male Appearance:Light Blue Eyes Black Short Hair Peach Skin Items:Water Scraps of Food Pocket Knife Clothes:Torn Black Shirt Torn Pants Braclet (Says Alexandre) Sandals Extra:N/A Bio:Born and Raised in Paris Father Died in Car Crash Went on the cruise for vacation mom died in the crash is kind of rich (not that rich) is shy likes fruit loves the sea can swim
#104827988Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:29 AM GMT

(Well, Wynter Loves To Swim So...) Wynter I Sit Down On The Beach, Making Swirls In The Sand With A Stick.
#104828250Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:31 AM GMT

Question Does this take a few days later on the same day few hours later or what? :3 so i can know when i should start RPing (Like what i should say so it fits the plot)
#104829042Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:37 AM GMT

Alexandre- -Looks Around- -Calls out- (Mom?) (Mom....?) -Walks toward Plane- -Looks at Bodies- :o -Screams- -OH GOD NO :o MOMMM :'( D;- -No Please don't leave me- -Cries over bodie- -Stands Up- -Grabs Nearby Flower- -Places on Body- "I'll never forgt you ;c i love you mom" -Walks Around-
#104840630Wednesday, July 10, 2013 2:02 AM GMT

Crash I grab some thick sticks from the edge of the forest and set them up so that they are leaning against each other. Then I find a few big leaves and drape them over the sticks. I also find some honey in a log, and I use that to stick the leaves to the sticks. Finally, I drag a mattress and some covers inside it. "Voila!" I say in triumph.
#104841684Wednesday, July 10, 2013 2:10 AM GMT

Alexandre- -Looks at Sky- -Notices it's Getting Dark- -Mumbles- "Better Find Shelter" -Gets Wood and a Couple of Palm Tree Leaves- -Makes a Small House- -Gets More leaves and places them on floor- -Makes a Bed- -Sleeps-
#104887635Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:34 PM GMT

Crash I crawl into my little hut and flop down on my mattress. It's only noon, but I feel exhausted. My eyelids began to feel heavy. I decide to take a quick nap. I fall asleep.
#104888016Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:42 PM GMT

(@Undefeated. #1, I never accepted you, but you are now. #2, please don't talk like that. It bugs me. #3 we are a day after the crash. #4, you can't build a hut in one post.) Lucas I walked into the Atrium and found a table and couch. Putting them on the lifeboat, too, I went down to the island. Walking up to Wynter, I said, "Do you need help with making your hut?"
#104904262Wednesday, July 10, 2013 4:16 PM GMT

Sorry and I Sent you a Chat Message saying "I replied to you're forum" and sorry ._. Alexandre I Wake up then put my shoes on...i get my pocketknife and go into the the farther part of the island...i see some fruit but notice its to high up and only a ladder can reach that far so i gather wood and some vines and start making a ladder with the materials i got
#104908151Wednesday, July 10, 2013 4:59 PM GMT

Lucas I grab the axe on the ground, and start chopping a tree down. As soon as it goes down, I start cutting the tree into plank sizes.
#104908460Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:03 PM GMT

Conner I finish building the first hut, its about as big as a hotel room and it has a door, i stand back admiring my work "this looks good, on to the second one!" i start on the next one
#104909141Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:10 PM GMT

Alexandre- i hear a strange sound knowing if i make a false move whatever this type of animal might attack so i stay still the sounds stops and i get back to building the ladder (few mins later) i finish the ladder and climb up i tell myself "it might be sturdy and could brake but this ladder can support my weight" i get several fruits then bring them down before i can get some more (i do this for atleast 5 mins) i get some leaves and remebering how to weave a basket i make one with the leaves and the vines around i put the fruit in there and go back to my little camp area i noticed theres other people and offer them food