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#101450322Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:23 AM GMT

[I need opinions, please supply.] My idea is a modern day role-play where the main antagonists are a extremely powerful and influential army of Pirates, [literally.] I'll be doing this on a time-line so it's easy to understand. 2014 = In 2014, a World-War occurs between Russia and America, later that year both sides called a truce due to their diminishing supplies and resources. Next, even further into this year, both formed an alliance called the [Need a idea], eventually this alliance encompassed the entire planet's nations, practically rendering the entire planet at peace. In the same year, the President's daughter was kidnapped by an unknown group of pirates, each month the ransom was raised from two hundred dollars to four-hundred, and so on. 2015 = The Alliance continues to scour the planet for the American President's daughter, to no avail. During this they removed all land-based insurgents, and they still found nothing that led to the Daughter. This search continues until the end of the year, they eventually gave up on the search and listed his Daughter as deceased. 2018 = The price finally finished ransom, of eighteen billion. The President was alerted and told to meet in Boston by an unknown subject. It is confirmed that the President, with his eight guards met two masked men, it is confirmed that the President's Daughter was handed over in exchange for something else. 2020 = The President has refused to tell what he gave them, but ever since 2018 he has been followed around by six masked men who were not his original guards, over the entire planet these masked men have appeared, slaughtering, robbing, killing. The Armies do nothing, they say it is all part of their job now. 2021 = The funding for the planet's military drops drastically, with every World Leader giving the funding to another project that the media does not know about. The intelligence organizations have been shut down to prevent investigation of this 'disaster.' Present Day .... Synopsis You will be an intelligence operative, one of the best, hired to the president for a secret meeting away from his masked guards. There he will tell you why this is happening, and what he needs you to do. Needless to say, this role-play will not be focusing on combat, but it will focus on stealth in order to survive the 'Masked Men' [We all know who they are...read the first paragraph.] Anyway, ladies and gentlemen. Opinions?
#101450493Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:27 AM GMT

Also, what remains of the military, you cannot be a soldier, the military is basically the Pirate's own private army.
#101451031Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:41 AM GMT

...no opinion?
#101451353Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:50 AM GMT

Woaahhh, I like! Good work!
#101451450Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:52 AM GMT

..K. Cheers....anyone else?
#101451760Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:01 AM GMT

Need's more chicken. Helpful advice I think, as I say chicken I mean WHY SHOULD WE... Sorry, caps, get involved in this RP. There's been nothing exciting or much detail of the mishap in the story. I wouldn't join it, but if I found out it was exciting and had a Jamas Bond taste or an assassins shoes, I would most likely join and stay until it died. I'm saying, needs more story. Not about life or such in the World, but action and battles that took place. -Do the Forum style-
#101451793Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:01 AM GMT

Read title. It is incomplete. Come back later.
#101451859Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:03 AM GMT

And plus, it isn't supposed to be exciting in many senses. I'm focusing on realism, you don't walk into six soldiers and kill them all, leaving without any wounds.
#101451922Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:04 AM GMT

Looks like someone can't take critics. :D Well when you do add it, make sure you add what I just wrote about. -Do the Forum style-
#101451940Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:05 AM GMT

No, it looks like someone cannot read. Read the title. Incomplete.
#101451983Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:06 AM GMT

@Ultra Who said you can't have excitment and realism. When you walk into a room with 6 soldiers, there's going to big battle with lot's of detail and lots of wounds. -Do the Forum style-
#101452028Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:07 AM GMT

Because you're not meant to walk into a room with six soldiers in this. You don't kill them and carry on, you'd get killed by the dozens of other guys in the place.
#101452099Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:08 AM GMT

*Sigh* Ok... -Do the Forum style-
#101452129Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:09 AM GMT

Yes, do a virtual sigh, that's a good-boy. Sigh virtually.
#101452205Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:10 AM GMT

*Sigh* -Do the Forum style-
#101452221Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:10 AM GMT

Yes, continue the virtual sighs.
#101452340Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:13 AM GMT

Quit arguing.
#101452410Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:15 AM GMT

I'm telling him to continue virtually sighing.
#101452538Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:17 AM GMT

*Sigh* -Do the Forum style-
#101452618Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:19 AM GMT

And, what is 'exciting' is completely subjective. I don't find a lot of the role-plays on here 'exciting', because they're not the type I enjoy, so I do not join them. Plus, there isn't much detail because it IS incomplete, the storyline won't be laid out in time-lines when I finish it [if I do.].
#101452745Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:22 AM GMT

But some of these RPs, you can go your own style, one may take up an exciting but I hope not godly way of living in this forum, such as taking down organzations one by one or with help with another people who like his taste. While another could take up a life of living underground of an 'exciting' life where he takes down targets steathily. -Do the Forum style-
#101452836Sunday, June 16, 2013 10:25 AM GMT

I'm just better with linear role-plays. That's my choice, I dislike lack of control. But anyway, back to matters. This is incomplete and it will most likely be more detailed in the final product in some ways, but I do not intend to make it any less linear.

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