#101487551Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:48 PM GMT

Lithuania; King Yuris the Second commands the military to recruit more troops. Yuris also sent one of his Head Engineers a letter asking him to start building zeppelins for the military.
#101487840Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:51 PM GMT

"Territory: (You do not need to answer this if you are a made up nation) I don't know." FFFBBPAAHAHAHAHAHAHA "YYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!" - Dave Hester
#101488164Sunday, June 16, 2013 5:54 PM GMT

[Freetown] 20,000 of the militiamen armed with rifles and swords arrive in freetown, Sierra Leone, who will strike upon the inevitable French-German war's beginning
#101489171Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:03 PM GMT

[The German Empire] We sign the treaty between us and Serrie Leon [Very sorry If I spelt that wrong], and we send our new HRT-20 [Tank] to the militia and are helping them gain independence [If they are having a war]. We officialy say that all supporters of The German Empire will gain military support if requested. We send a squad of engineers to Lithunaia to help them build their airship. We ask that if Serrie Leon gains independence they become an overseas state, somehow part of Germany, the mainland, and they will be protected and helped as if they were in the empire. -Your average alien Roman-
#101489780Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:08 PM GMT

Lithuania When the engineers arrived, they've showed us ways to build the airships faster and better. Lithuania opens a production line, making 5 zeppelins every 2 months. In the latest weaponry and ammunition import, we've also got a blueprint off them for around 2kg of our gems. We can now produce Mosin-Nagat rifles. King Yuris the Second commands civilians to start cutting down forests and giving the wood over to the military [seeing as a lot of Lithuania is currently just forest areas because of the main city privileges]
#101490027Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:10 PM GMT

~New year 1921~
#101490339Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:13 PM GMT

We decline the offer of stateship, but agree to be steadfast allies of Germany. We also ask that the tank does not cause too much collateral damage.
#101490587Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:15 PM GMT

We say that we may help Lithuania gain expansion and take over the rest of the Baltic states. We want Lithuania to send us at least 1 Airship as we helped them make it. -Your average alien Roman-
#101490922Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:18 PM GMT

Lithuania King Yuris the Second orders his pilots to take 2 zeppelins to the German Empire as a 'very big thank you' present. Lithuania has gained 12 zeppelins, 2 of which it sent away, leaving it with 10 zeppelins. It was more than enough. Around 500kg of wood was handed over to the military by the civilians in 1920. Production of Mosin-Nagat rifles began.
#101493310Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:39 PM GMT

[Bumpty bumpcars] Lithuania This week, 5000 Mosin-Nagat rifles were produced to be used by the servicemen and women of the military. King Yuris halts production of the rifles, and instead ordering the production of ammunition.
#101493581Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:41 PM GMT

The militias all get into the normal tune of life in Freetown, waiting only for the war to begin. (We're all waiting on you Germany/France/Britain! Kill eachother already.)
#101493826Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:43 PM GMT

[Northern African Union] The NAU creates a new machine gun that is light enough to be carried by one person that is also very reliable. (MG-201) Two main tank designs are created for the NAU's Military MBT-20-H: A main battle tank for all-around combat with other tanks and infantry, it is highly maneuverable and agile for the medium armor that is equipped with. It features an anti-armor turret that fires high explosive shells, and three machine guns. One ball turret in the front of the tank, and one on the top of the turret. The last one is a coaxial machine gun. LBT-20: A light infantry support tank, it can transport 5 soldiers and the crew. This tank has light armor, but it makes that up in its extensive speed and maneuverability. The tank has turret mounted on top of it that fires explosive shells. There are two machine guns to suppress and fend off infantry, one on top of the turret and a coaxial machine gun. A tank destroyer variant of the LBT-20 is also planned. The focus is now on two different fighters with different roles for the air force. Construction on the 'interstate' system has started.
#101494880Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:53 PM GMT

Lithuania King Yuris sends 125 men to watch the coast for any british movement/units. Also, around 5k mags have been produced for the Mosin-Nagat.
#101494951Sunday, June 16, 2013 6:53 PM GMT

hert: "i tyoui kar 33 declare a strong boat system to connect are country to gather" also ht (hert) trys to ceate a plane named the hert i 88 but that failed and destoyed an water tower in Alaska ~just a war fighter in a lot of paint~
#101500597Sunday, June 16, 2013 7:42 PM GMT

[Northern African Union] Leaked reports of an unusual firearm being developed by the NAU begin to emerge. The NAU offers The German Empire to test some weapon prototypes in Tunisia to see what they think about them. The NAU interstate project is going smoothly and around 20% of the roads are completed.
#101503571Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:09 PM GMT

[State of War: The German Empire] ~Government~ We request help from the Militia and Lithuania, the hymn of war has broken. [SECRET] Our plan is to 'phoney-attack' France to get them hyped up and then we shall leave and cross their line. We are distrubuting HRB-20 [Bomb] to NAU and the Militia. We have also sent 500 to Lithuania to put them in their airforce and attack France. ~Military~ Land army: We have attacked France after quickly taking Belgium Navy: We are hitting the French/British after surprise pushing them away. Air force: We are bombing Paris and the ships. -Your average alien Roman-
#101504217Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:15 PM GMT

Lithuania King Yuris sends an all-out-war phonecall to his advisors and his military leaders, whom he orders to round up every troop, every vehicle and weapon they can find. King Yuris arrives at Fort Ingudis, around 25km from the border of Lithuania-Poland, near the town of Lazdijai. In total, Lithuania has rounded up 267,785 men. It's been a good couple of months recruiting. He also sees 11 airships overhead. We've built an extra one just in-time. Good. He motivated the troops, for about 15 minutes, until they've set off to Germany.
#101505426Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:26 PM GMT

Lithuania Even though everyone thinks that the whole military went off to Germany, 125 men of Task Force Revolution stayed. TF Revolution is an elite team, they're equipped with rare weaponry and are ready to take down any civil threat within Lithuania by surprise. The military movement has reached Poland's capital, Warsaw, and are going. They aren't far from Germany.
#101505933Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:31 PM GMT

The 20,000 militiamen begin to attack british soldiers stationed in Freetown, well the tank begins to blow up all boats in the port.
#101506278Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:34 PM GMT

[Northern African Union] The NAU extensively trains its tank crews in the use of their tanks and how to maximize their capability. The NAU begins extensive development of helicopters. The interstate project is nearing the 50% mark.
#101507256Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:44 PM GMT

[Northern African Union] The NAU extensively trains its tank crews in the use of their tanks and how to maximize their capability. The NAU begins extensive development of helicopters. The interstate project is nearing the 50% mark. The navy is being re-outfitted with modern systems.
#101507636Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:48 PM GMT

#101508008Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:51 PM GMT

Lithuania In the latest weaponry, ammunition and vehicle import the men have found -1 Blueprint of Prototype M1 Thompson SMG -50 magazines for the Mosin-Nagat -1 Blueprint for M1911 handgun King Yuris inspects the blueprints, and he realises they are both American. He orders men to start creating the SMGs and Handguns for testing by the TF Revolution.
#101509145Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:02 PM GMT

[Northern African Union] The first of a new generation of NAU infantry weapons are being field tested. Most of the details of the weapon are classified, but leaked reports show that it is capable of semi-automatic fire. Prototype self-propelled artillery vehicles are being tested by the military. It will be a few months before the designs are fully integrated into the mechanized corps.
#101564002Monday, June 17, 2013 6:46 AM GMT

~New Year 1922~ [United States] -The US joins Britain and France to support them in the war. American troops are being shipped to France. [France] -The French army is ordered to take up defensive positions on the borders with Belgium and the German Empire and hold back the advance. [Britain] -British troops are being shipped to France to help them in the war. The Royal Navy will be moved in to help defend France. [Russia] -Russia will agree to establish the Europe-Asia Union with Germany, Lithuania and the North African Union. It is in effect a military alliance, and would bring all member states into the war.