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#101479936Sunday, June 16, 2013 4:39 PM GMT

Beautiful coordinated and accessorized outfits were a feature of 1920's ladies fashions. Hats, shoes, stockings, handbags, dresses and jewelry all came together in harmony to create a unique and elegant style that can only be appreciated when seen in real-life or in color illustrations. The vibrancy is lost in black and white photographs. The rapidly growing automobile industry led by Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company produced new and better models every year to supply the insatiable public demand. Increased wages and lower cost vehicles made possible through mass production meant that cars became increasingly affordable, although 3 out of 4 cars were bought on installment plans. Fueled by easy money the nineteen-twenties were boom times like never before. The post-war recession was forgotten as everyone went on a spending spree. Credit, and not savings, enabled consumers to boost corporate profits to new levels. The new music and dances were fast paced and energetic, like the optimistic 1920's themselves. They were an escape from the horror of war, and an opportunity to release pent up emotions created by the restricted lifestyles forced on the public by the war effort. Many of the major developments in medicine that we take for granted today had their genesis in the 1920's and have contributed to increasing overall life expectancy. Roleplay begins in the year 1920. Description of your Character will include: Name: @ge: Male or Female: Occupation: (Not having a job is also an option) (Includes nurses, accountants, teachers, etc.) Attire: (Can describe entire wardrobe) Social Class: (1st, 2nd, or 3rd class: wealthy, average, poor or homeless) Family Tree: (Optional, includes parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, etc.) Antagonist or Protagonist: Personality: Biography: (Optional) To make this even more interesting, your character may play his or her part in journal/diary form. This means you may write down a journal/diary entry for your roleplaying part. You may unleash your feelings, but no snide remarks that include cuss words. Rules: Nothing that goes against the Rules already stated by the moderators, they work hard to keep the Forums a clean environment. Also: No changing the year you live in, I stated clearly above this roleplay begins in the year 1920 and it will change as time moves forward. You may, however, choose whichever date in this year you begin, for example: You may begin in May 21, 1920, or December 14, 1920. My Character Description: Name: Amanda Garge @ge: 8 Male or Female: Female. Occupation: None. Attire: Usually a brightly colored sundress or overalls. Social Class: 2nd class. Family Tree: Mother is Pat Garge, Father is Bobby Garge. Grandparents on mother's side are unknown. Granparents on father's side: Grandmother Jillian Garge (deceased), Grandfather Gerald Garge. Sister is Jillian (named after grandmother, out of the house and married to gentleman Kurt Swan. Antagonist or Protagonist: Protagonist. Personality: Calm and quiet child, although joyful and playful once given her favorite toys.

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