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#101846488Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:17 PM GMT

The young girl and about mid-thirties male struggled to push open the door. All that could be heard was them grunting as they tried to push it open, and the screams of their former team members being torn apart and eaten alive by the dead. It was too late to save them; they had all gotten bit but the 2 trying to open the door. With one good shove the door opened, the man and young girl ran in the room and shut the door. The man stayed against it and told the girl, “Find something to keep this from opening, and hurry!” He yelled as they girl stumbled to her feet. She glanced around the room and quickly grabbed a chair lying on its side. She drug it back to the door and pried it under the doors knobs. The man got off the door and sighed, “That will only hold for an hour or less,” He groaned. With only one way in and one way out, they were trapped in that room. The police station was a good spot to score, and a good spot to get killed. The girl began trying to push the desk to the door, but she was too weak and hadn’t eaten in days. The man watched her struggle for 2 minutes or more before deciding to help. He walked over next to her and helped push the desk. She moved the chair and the door cracked a little bit as the dead tried to get it. The man quickly pushed the desk against the door and the door shut. The chair was placed on the desk, for weight to keep them out. The man looked at the girl, who didn’t talk at all. Just did what she was told. Suddenly the door busted opened and the dead flooded the room, the man began shooting but his gun jammed and he was soon tackled to the ground and began to get eaten alive. The girl’s screams of terror filled the police station as she too was ripped apart and eaten alive. (The intro says it all, Zombie thread! :D I’m too eager for the walking dead to start up, and decided to make a thread to calm my eagerness. The intro isn’t much, but yeah. Yay! :3) Rules No spamming/Trolling No more than 4 characters. No fighting, you can fight in the rp just not outside of it. If you feel someone is being rude, tell me. Romance is limited. A kiss or a hug is fine, but none above that. Put “fish donuts” in “other” if you got this far. Why? So I know you’ve read this, and because I’m random like that. Whatever I say goes. I may add or adjust the rules whenever I want. No raiding a military base, it bugs the crud out of me when people do it. If anyone is disobeying the rules, tell me and I’ll deal with them. (The year, location, season, and time when the rp starts. I will post the time and such every now and then to remind everyone.) Year:2013(I don’t feel like being futuristic or stuff like that.) Location: Chicago (Yay :3 Go cities!) Season: Earlier summer.(I have no idea what season we are in currently in rl, spring?) Time: 5:15pm(When the rp starts.) (I have no Idea why that stuff matters, but it just does. It bothers me not knowing the Location. :3) C.S! :D Name: @ge: Gen.der: Appearance: Personality: Weapons (One three starters, you may get more later on.): Companion (Pet, etc): Other: (I haven’t done threads in forever! And I’m rusty, and was then too… I just suck at threads. :3 Practice makes perfect though, right? Maybe. I understand if you people post criticism on here, your just trying to help. :P I used to not get that, but my friend and MANY other people told me that. Yay.) I will post my C.S when you people join, if you join. I seem too happy about this. XD
#101847263Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:23 PM GMT

C.S! :D Name: Bonnie Vito. @ge: 25 Gen.der: Female Appearance: Short brown knotty curly brown hair, brown eyes, itailen. Gray tanktop with black jeans. Personality: She begs for attention. She never got it as a kid, being one of ten children. She is brave, sarcastic, and easily scared. Weapons (One three starters, you may get more later on.): 2 katana. Companion (Pet, etc): Alone. Other: She is training for the Air Force.
#101847401Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:25 PM GMT

(You forgot something in "Other", its in the rules. You just gotta find it. :3)
#101847705Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:27 PM GMT

Fish donuts?
#101848234Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:32 PM GMT

C.S! :D Name:Anna Doorman- Goes by Reflex @ge:24 Gen.der:Female Appearance:Blond long hair, always pulled back with a black rubber band. She's pale with little to no freckles. Her eyes are green. She wears a red plaid button up shirt, unbuttoned, with a black tank top under it. She has black ripped jean shorts, not ideal for zombie killing but its better than nothing. She has fresh blood splats on her, and some dry ones on her shirt and shorts. Personality:Can be bossy, but she's playful. Even with the dead, always taunting them. Anna used to be a leader of a group before they turned on her and tried to kill her. Because of that, she tends to not trust so easily. Weapons (Only three starters, you may get more later on.): A 45 and pistol. Companion (Pet, etc):N/A Other:Fish donuts. Accepted by me.
#101848302Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:33 PM GMT

Accepted! :D Idk why I chose fish donuts. o3o
#101848344Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:33 PM GMT

C.S! :D Name: Cole Demcher @ge: 23 Gen.der: Male Appearance: Cole has messy brown hair that sticks up in a few random locations, it covers most of his head excluding his face and ears, he has hazel eyes and fair skin, he has an average build and stands only an inch or so above the average height for his age, Cole wears a brown duster coat that reaches down to his ankles, he leaves it buttoned because he thinks it looks cool, He wears a black t-shirt with a faded ghost-busters logo underneath, simple jeans and brown work boots complete the outfit. Personality: Cole likes to keep the mood light and happy, he does this by cracking dumb jokes and avoiding conflict whenever possible. Unless it's for a joke of course. Generally Cole has a carefree lifestyle, he also seems to get a kick out of teasing every girl he meets. Weapons: A shiv made of a shard of glass with some bandages wrapped around for a handle. Companion (Pet, etc): None Other: Fish Donuts
#101848474Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:35 PM GMT

Name: Ti Pozorovatel @ge: 14 Gen.der: Female Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/--item?id=81716237 Personality: Shy, Introvert. Weapons: Fireaxe, can I only use a fire axe? Companion (Pet, etc): None. Other: She was born in Prague, Czech Republic and cannot speak, she communicates via sign language. Nothing to Waha~ about
#101848788Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:37 PM GMT

(KATAWA SHOUJO. I thought I was the only one on this website that played that.)
#101848848Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:38 PM GMT

My legs are tense. I run toward a big building, rushing inside. Its a Citibank. I rush toward the employee room, filled with snacks and water. "Perfect." I whisper to myself.
#101848896Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:38 PM GMT

(Oh man, rin's route was the first one I went through, brought all the feels out) Nothing to Waha~ about
#101848953Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:39 PM GMT

@Code, accepted. @Natsuru, this is not a not a fantasy rp. Like magic and stuff, that's not allowed here.
#101849136Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:40 PM GMT

@Lizzy Umm, I already knew that. I personally don't remember mentioning magic or anything. Nothing to Waha~ about
#101849220Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:41 PM GMT

(Um. What the heck is, shojo somthing?) Anna I hold my 45 in hand as I walk down the rode, walking on the cars as well. Most the dead were trapped in the cars. I didn't shoot all of them, because my ammo was scarce. I needed to find the gun shop quick.
#101849337Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:43 PM GMT

(It's a game about physically disabled people)
#101849381Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:43 PM GMT

(Okay, explain to me what the heck a fire axe is. .-. And by magic and stuff, I'm saying anime type things also. Which means regular everyday weapons.)
#101849515Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:44 PM GMT

(*Which means you must use everyday regular weapons. I for some odd reason can't type today.)
#101849518Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:44 PM GMT

(I'm a bit surprised that you don't know what a "Fire axe" is, It's just an axe used by fire-fighters)
#101849635Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:45 PM GMT

My katanas are out, ready to kill. "Any alive?" I say, in a normal tone. There is no answer. I grab a bag of cheez-its, and a soda and head out, toward the store that looks like a gun shop. "Nice find Bon, Nice find."
#101849700Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:46 PM GMT

(I lack logic. ^.^ And to me, and axe is an axe. Plus I've never heard of a fire axe. o3o Figure I would've in 1st grade or something. Or preschool, my school was right across the street from a fire department. XD)
#101849793Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:47 PM GMT

(It's a visual novel.....basically a book on the computer....with pictures....some a bit more adult than others.) Cole I let out a sigh as I peeked around the corner of the hotel. At least four were wandering around on this floor and I wanted to check it out. I pressed my ear against the wall and listened. Sounds like at least 2 pairs of legs. I rushed in and wrapped an arm around ones neck shoving the shiv into the side. I quickly crumples to the ground and the other one is none the wiser. I grab a nearby bottle and run up and smash it into the side of its head. It falls to the ground and I smash its head in. I fall back onto a chair and let out a sigh before rummaging around the place.
#101849867Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:47 PM GMT

Name: Jack Kingsbury @ge: 19 Gen.der: Male Appearance: 6 foot, has a good build. He has dirty blonde spiked hair and blue eyes with a large scar over his left. He has a good build and wears a black and red trench coat with lots of chains and buckles. He also has a working pocket watch in his right pocket that helps him with how much time he has in the day. Personality: Quiet, smart, determined Weapons: An ak-47 he found in a military seargent's home, a pistol and a crowbar. Companion: A 2 year old German Shepherd named Michael. Other: fish donuts
#101849962Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:48 PM GMT

(I feel stupid. But anyway, accepted I guess. ^.^) Anna As I strolled across the cars, I heard some screaming from behind me. "Too late now." I say to myself. If that persons was already bit then its too late. I ignored the screams and kept walking till they quit. I stopped walking looked behind me and sighed.
#101850050Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:49 PM GMT

(That's understandable, lizzy. I didn't fire axe's existed until last year. side note, Am I accepted?)
#101850117Wednesday, June 19, 2013 4:50 PM GMT

(Um, I feel as if you are trying to find a warp hole or something with the military thing I put in rules. o3o)

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