#101853512Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:21 PM GMT

"Bonnie." I look around, Eyes wandering. "Nice place you got here..." I smile, letting out a small laugh.
#101853546Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:21 PM GMT

Anna I walk back over to the cupcakes. "So tempting..." I think to myself. "Nope, not this time!" I smiled and put my hands on my hips. I go to walk out but the walkers are swarmed by the door. "I don't want your cupcakes! Now let me out!" I joke.
#101853635Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:22 PM GMT

Jack Calling Michael, they quickly ran inside a tall 3 story building, slamming and locking the door as a hoard of about 20 zombies slammed into the door. "Few that was close."
#101853755Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:23 PM GMT

Cole "'s not mine, but thanks anyway." I look around the street nervously. "Do you know where those gunshots came from?"
#101853904Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:25 PM GMT

"A women. Blonde." I look at my dirty hands. "Sorry I'll leave." I nod off.
#101854250Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:28 PM GMT

Cole "What? Oh, you don't have to lea- there she goes." I say as she walks off. "Well, those gunshots are most likely a last stand....a last stand that I can loot." I then celebrate in my head and head towards where that strange woman indicated.
#101854271Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:28 PM GMT

Anna I held my gun at the glass. I stood behind the counter of course. "Oh, wait. I can talk the ally way!" I laughed. I put my 45 back in the gun holder and walked to the back. "dead guy flavored cookies." I make a disgusted face and walk out the back.
#101854391Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:30 PM GMT

(Strange woman?! She is not st- okay maybe she is. o3o)
#101854776Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:33 PM GMT

Cole I make it to a bakery surrounded by the undead pounding on the glass. "Well....she's alive....maybe." I shrug as I keep watch from behind a car.
#101854950Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:35 PM GMT

I run fast. No where. I find a car. No dead bodies! I look through the window. Keys are inside. The window is the problem now.
#101855060Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:36 PM GMT

Anna I poke my head from around the corner. Dumb walker think I'm still in there. I hold up my 45 and began to shoot them down. for 8 of them, it took me about 13 shots to kill all of them. "Take that!" I laugh and walk over to them, they had to have something on them.
#101855111Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:37 PM GMT

Alex Pulling out his guns, he reloads and shakes his head. "We need to find some food boy." He pats Michael then stands up, slinging the ak-47 over his shoulder ad putting the pistol in its holster. Running up the stairs, he scanned for any kind of food, only finding a bag of coffee and some stale donuts. "Yum." He spoke sarcastically while taking a bite of the stale donut and tossing one to Michael.
#101855433Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:39 PM GMT

C.S! :D Name:Dillon Porter @ge:19 Gen.der:male Appearance:His hair is untreated, leaving his black hair very messy and long on his head. He is a pale tan from staying inside for long periods of time, wasting his life away on his phone. His shirt is a pale white and is covered in heavy amounts of blood, human and zombie alike. He has the average pupil color, a dark brown. His pants are in the same condition as his shirt, but they are more torn and covered in dirt. His shoes are something you would find in a Wal-Mart, a plain black and very worn out. Personality: Dillon was driven into insanity after he watched his family savaged by the zombies. He is very quiet and nervous around other people, often muttering to himself in the corner. His emotions are uncontrollable, turning from a calm person to someone with war fighting spirit. It is hard to get a word out of him, but he is responsive to commands directed toward him. Weapons (One three starters, you may get more later on.):A large kitchen knife Companion (Pet, etc): He carries around his dad's hand, calling it the name of who it was formerly attached to. Other:Fish Donuts
#101855492Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:40 PM GMT

I don't want to make noise. But i need this car. I try opening the car door by using a paperclip. Its works!. I turn on the car. A loud noise aproaches the CITY. Its so loud. A beeping. "Aw! DANG-IT!" I'm so mad. I run. Its the only thing to do. I see people a bakery. Its the man and women i saw before. The beeping stops.
#101855561Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:41 PM GMT

(Oh lord) Ti snapped back to reality as she thought she heard something fall, only to realize that she fell over onto the stack of pillows, she found herself with nothing to do so she whipped out one of the 6 things in the mysterious basement-shed, A book.
#101855566Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:41 PM GMT

Cole I watch as she murders all of them sporadically. "There's no way she has that much ammo." I mutter before dashing across the street and hiding behind another car as I watch her loot some more. "I'm not sure if she's sane or not so I'll just watch for now....but now that I think about it....samurai would've been a better choice right about now....she was weird but not insane."
#101855775Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:43 PM GMT

(Accepted. Nothing wrong with a crazy guy who carries his dads hand around, right?)
#101856127Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:46 PM GMT

Anna I kept digging through the pockets. "No, no no no." I sighed. "Car keys? Do you know how many cars are in the city?" I threw them behind me. A wallet and other useless junk I also threw. "Well, I had better luck with the cupcakes." I sighed. I looked at my 45. "Again, I need to find that gunshop." I say to myself. I often found the right answer this way than asking someone else.
#101856183Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:47 PM GMT

Cole "Speak of the devil." I joke as I see samurai pull up in a car. I then stand up and look at her and give a small wave. I then call over to the insane asylum escapee. "Hey, you ok over there?"
#101856465Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:50 PM GMT

Anna I quickly turned my had and put my 45 up to the man. "Doing swell. You?" I glared at him. He didn't seem like a threat, so I slowly put my 45 at my side. "You one of Venom's men?" I call over to him.
#101856469Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:50 PM GMT

Kat I gasped and started running back down the alley, only to find my way cut off by more Z's I hadn't seen before. I was cornered. I looked to my left, and then to my right, and I saw a fire escape. Grabbing Mouse and putting him into my satchel, I hurried over to the ladder and jumped up, climbing as fast as I could.
#101856660Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:52 PM GMT

( I'm not inside the car. I ran from it. It was too loud.) "Sup." I smile. My katanas go back in the pack, and walk closer. "Nice to see you again, Cole." I look over at the bakery. "Blondie?" I ask.
#101856809Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:54 PM GMT

Anna I tilt my had a bit and smile. "Reflex more like it." I still held my gun to my side.
#101856857Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:54 PM GMT

Dillon I laughed at the feeble attempts of the zombie that was trying to get through the chained and padlocked door. One hand gripped the door and the other reached toward me, failing to reach its objective. I walked up to it and said "You want a bite of me? Too bad, your not gettin' nothing from me!" I pulled out my kitchen knife and sliced it's lower torso open and it's intestines spilled out of its body. Nothing changed in it emotions, and it continued to grasp for me. I grabbed a string of mixed organs and shoved them into the beast's face, laughing as it was hit in the face and was momentarily stunned. After a short recovery, it continued the never ending objective programmed into the brain of every undead thing out there. Bored, I slid the knife into the zombies head and stared as it fell into the hallway of the apartment building. I shut the door and pulled up a chair to the small window that gave me a view of the shambling undead in the streets of Chicago. I pulled out my dad's hand and set it in my lap. Rescue would come some time. Rescue always came, right?
#101856885Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:54 PM GMT

Kat I reached the top of the building and collapsed, panting. Mouse jumped out of my bag and cuddled with me. I smiled at him. Then I realized I'd pretty much trapped myself on the top of the building. Unless I could find another way down, I'd have to wait until the Z's left, and they were pretty persistent.