#101879907Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:01 PM GMT

"Uhh.. Cute dog?" I don't really mean it. My glasses are crooked. I fix them, and then go to the edge of the building. "Nice View." About 4 zombies still stand at the door, wanting in. "Ha." I let out a small laugh.
#101880752Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:08 PM GMT

Kat "Mouse is VERY cute, thank you very much!" I said, my bipolarness kicking in. I turned away and pet Mouse, saying "it's ok, honey, the mean person didn't mean it!"
#101880812Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:08 PM GMT

(Ok then..) Alex Seeing the other person, he turned ad climbed back through the fire escape and called Michael then hopped back down the stairs.
#101881381Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:13 PM GMT

"Ok than... I think I'll be going no-" I hear something. On the other building theres a man. "Yea bye.." I run down the stairs leaving you and running to the other building.
#101881527Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:14 PM GMT

Kat I followed Bonnie, not wanting to be left alone again. (I gtg, be back later!)
#101884461Wednesday, June 19, 2013 9:35 PM GMT

Anna I looked around. "Funny how I play with my life? Aren't we all? If we didn't want to play with our lives we'd all lock our self in a vault with all we need to live. I just play with my life a little more." I smirked. "Kind of like Russian roulet. You don't want to risk your life, don't play the game." I say and look at my wrist, as if I had a watch. Which I didn't.
#101889544Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:14 PM GMT

You follow behind me. "Its just. Its like you don't even care. I try my hardest live, and you just play around." I smirk and keep walking. I look at the doors to the big building.
#101892667Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:42 PM GMT

Alex Opening the door, he walked out, gun at the ready and Michael at his side. They started walking cautiously down the road, passing the building the woman was on when Michael started barking furiously at something. Turning, Alex saw two zombies coming towards them. Slinging his gun on his shoulder, he pulled out his crowbar. Two zombies were nothing and there was no point in revealing himself to other zombies. As try got nearer he slammed the closest zombie in the head with the crowbar, killing it then waiting for the other to get closer.
#101893189Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:48 PM GMT

I see the man and dog. I run to get closer. "Hello!?" I say.
#101896823Wednesday, June 19, 2013 11:24 PM GMT

Anna I smiled. "I mess with my live, but not those around me." I smiled. "Unless its Venoms men." I laughed as she ran off. "Gunshop..." I say to myself. Remebering where I am I look east. "This way." I say and began to wonder off. "You see, gambling with your own life is nothing, but gambling with others is idiotic." I say, not really caring if she heard me or not. With only 7 ammo total I had to be careful. If a zombie ran at me, I wouldn't have enough ammo to kill them if I miss 3 times with my 45 or 4 times with my pistol.
#101902559Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:13 AM GMT

Alex He looks behind him, seeing someone then turns back around, watching the zombie. "Hey." He says quietly before lunging at the zombie and thrashing it with the crowbar. He nodded, sure it was dead then turned around and stuck out his hand. "I'm Alex. That's Michael." He nodded towards the large German shepherd seated next to him.
#101906168Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:42 AM GMT

I walk closer, about 3 feet away from you now. "Oh gosh. Never though I'd see a dog again." I reach out my hand. "May I?"
#101908513Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:00 AM GMT

(Hey, I'm back. Can I just say I've been with you guys please? xD)
#101908857Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:03 AM GMT

Anna I keep walking. Looking argue signs. "Food, food, hotel, food..." I say read out loud. I know it's this way, I used to pass by it each day. Finally I stumbled upon it. Locked..."hmm." I look at it. I didn't see any walkers in site, so I kicked the door and shattered the glass on it. I walked in and looked around. I couldn't hl but grab a hunting rifle while I was there. I've always wanted one. Surprisingly this place wasn't looted yet... Maybe the fact of breaking the glass and drawing attention to you was a dumb idea. But I needed ammo. I went to the storage room. I looked at the 2 small boxes left of ammo for a 45, which I had. And 1 for a pistol. It was looted, the back door that led to the alley was wide open. "If only I had looked." I laughed. I shrugged and grabbed the 3 small boxes.
#101909054Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:05 AM GMT

(I forgot something in my CS. Shoes. So I guess my C is barefoot. X3 Nah, she has sneaker boots! :D)
#101909277Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:06 AM GMT

(Just wondering, can I join?)
#101920285Thursday, June 20, 2013 2:35 AM GMT

Alex Shrugging he looked down at Michael. "Sit." Michael sat down immediately, as Alex looked at the person. "Gohead." He attached his crowbar to a buckle on the top of his trench coat and pulled out his ak-47, holding it with ease.
#101972023Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:25 PM GMT

I pet the dog. "Hes sweet." I reply. I put one hand on my hip, and begin. "So. Nice Ak-47." I look at it. "How much amo you got there?"
#101972204Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:27 PM GMT

Kat "Oh, you pet HIS dog, but just because mine is smaller you 'don't like it'." I scoffed, glaring at Bonnie.
#101972861Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:33 PM GMT

(Its not too late to join. :P)
#101973030Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:34 PM GMT

Year:2013 Location: Chicago Season: Earlier summer Time: 5:34pm
#101974195Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:44 PM GMT

Dillon As I slowly descend down the stairs, I turn around and sprin back to the emergency staircase leading back to room. I push the door open, and I met with three pairs of hungry eyes. "What do you want from me, huh?" I ask while jabbing my knife at them, a warning to make the zombies stay back. They continue their slow shuffle toward me, and I slice down with my knife on the first zombie. It sinks down the center of its head and stops in between the undead's eyes. Blood begins to form from the wound and I pull the knife from it's head, pushing back the other two zombies before running back to my room. I push the door open and lock the padlock, muttering "They ain't gonna get me, no not today. Hehe, I'm safe in here until rescue comes, they gonna find me eventually."
#101974671Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:49 PM GMT

(I decided I want another C. o3o Because I'm used to having two.) C.S! :D Name:Christan dow @ge:17 Gen.der: F Appearance:Short with strawberry blond wavy hair.( All my Characters have some sort of blond. :P) Its not brushed, unless you count running you figures threw it. Its about shoulder length, if not longer but not by much. She uses two bobby pins to keep the hair from her eyes. She is pale, but not too pale. Her eyes are hazel. She wears a spaghetti strapped tank top, blue plaid. With regular white washed girls jeans. Although she's not picky about what she wears. She has black and white gym shoes. (Or tenishoes.) She also has a heart shaped locket, with a picture of her mom on one side and dad on the other. Personality:Christan is bipolar, and can go from sweet to raged. But most of the time she's sweet and often now and days strays away from everyone else. Not because they might kill her, but ever since her mom died she formed a shell. Weapons (One three starters, you may get more later on.): A simple kitchen knife, and her dads pellet gun. Companion (Pet, etc): A black and white pitbull. Her ears arent cut, but floppy like they should be. Her tail isn't cut either. Her pit has a blue harness with a leash attached. Her name is Skittles. Other:o3o I'm not putting it again. Accepted by me! :D
#101975032Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:52 PM GMT

"I like big dogs." I don't really care about Kat. She is too weird.
#101975241Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:54 PM GMT

Kat I furrowed my eyebrows at Bonnie, my feelings hurt.