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#102160661Friday, June 21, 2013 11:49 PM GMT

Year 3605 in a distant galaxy, where the Milky Way galaxy is just a legend, an enormous group of planets are located, and technology is far advanced. Only a few of these planets can host life, but the ones that cant are spotted with giant stations, with millions living in each one. The most popular planets are: Marcinnus, a smaller planet located closest to the galaxy's super star. Next in line is a larger planet, called Kinwurir, a mostly jungle planet. Then, is a planet just like earth, except with 3 more moons and deep rings around it. Then there is Iciwan, the last planet known that can hold life, is a cold planet with no moons. After that is Obinhar, a small planet, slightly larger than Marcinnus. Then, the rest of the planets are split from a large belt called the Herotnir astro belt. After the belt comes 8 planets, Jari and Noctur about the same size, Nerwan, Belwi, and Garlarwi, all smaller than the planets in front of them, Then, in order, Harbin, Vardnick, and Yarl, smaller by size, are at the end of the galaxy. There are many smaller planets squished between these. Now, the instructions. You rule a space nation, either on the 13 main planets, or the smaller ones, that you may make up. You may invade others, form alliances, trade the space minerals and others. Rules: No godmodding. Yes, tech is advanced, but just dont say you have 80 bajillion giant nukes in space, and blow up all your enemies planets. No metagaming. USE COMMON SENSE. Allways listen to me. CS: Nation name: Economy: Recources: Civil rights: Relations: History: Planet(s) located on: Planet CS: Title: Recourses: Located: Can sustain life?: Size (No bigger than the smallest planets, Yarl and Marcinnus): Enjoy.
#102161195Friday, June 21, 2013 11:53 PM GMT

Nation name: The Democratic planets of Baileria Economy: Relatively healthy Recources: Uranium, wood, coal, Zarthinium (Used to make the futuristic guns they have, also ships and other tech), And iron are the MAIN resources. Civil rights: Average Relations: Doesnt rush for war, but isnt defenseless. History: Baileria was one of the first to be established. They advanced rapidly. At their strongest point, they owned all of the inner planets plus a few outer planets. Planet(s) located on: Kinwurir, and two of its moons, Gina and Hari
#102183872Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:40 AM GMT

A few large ships are sent from Kinwurir to Hari. Hari will become Bailerias main military. Another ship is sent to Gina, where heavy mining will start.
#102185298Saturday, June 22, 2013 2:49 AM GMT


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