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#102365219Sunday, June 23, 2013 1:30 AM GMT

If I could play ROBLOX on my PS3 I would enjoy it heaps and I would play ROBLOx all the time and I could finally not lag because my PS3 doesn't lag at all!!! My PC is very old and it lags A TON! Please, ROBLOX, sometime in the near future at least, please make it possible to play ROBLOX on the PS3+/Xbox 360+!
#102365720Sunday, June 23, 2013 1:34 AM GMT

Dude their working on it! They work it to phones and ipods/ipads then they move onto zbox and ps3's! Just liek minecraft ok bro! Be patient!
#102367040Sunday, June 23, 2013 1:44 AM GMT

please never do this.
#102867525Wednesday, June 26, 2013 11:32 AM GMT

That will be cool. ~Freddoz
#103396912Sunday, June 30, 2013 12:29 AM GMT

But they're gonna be like nuuuuuuu we only make it posibruuuuu on PS4!!!!
#103397123Sunday, June 30, 2013 12:31 AM GMT

This is the last year of the Xbox360 AND the PS3. Why release it on a dying console? -Even then, there's little use. A controller has limited power to a keyboard.
#103398943Sunday, June 30, 2013 12:46 AM GMT

Please ROBLOX never do this Also I agree with frozen, why release a game on a console that's just about out the door and who's servers will be disconnected soon?
#103402071Sunday, June 30, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

#103403159Sunday, June 30, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

This would be cool.
#115313390Saturday, October 12, 2013 9:46 PM GMT

#115313598Saturday, October 12, 2013 9:48 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#115314096Saturday, October 12, 2013 9:53 PM GMT

@marblemaster The servers are gonna be live for years... Their not going to shut off the entire system just, because they release a new one. That would be a HORRIBLE business tactic, because not everyone has the money to upgrade to a new system on the release, and even if they did most places sell-out really quickly.
#115314330Saturday, October 12, 2013 9:56 PM GMT

ok look, they would have to make ps3 games only because of the controls on a keyboard. this might be staff created games only or they would introduce ps3 studio, idk.
#115317081Saturday, October 12, 2013 10:25 PM GMT

Not going to happen. PS3 hardware is like 5 years old. There's a 0 percent chance. If they ever did, it'd be for PS4/Xbox 1. Disregard females, acquire currency.
#115317786Saturday, October 12, 2013 10:32 PM GMT

I would like to see ROBLOX come to the console world... Here is how it could work; You would go to a game-store and find a ROBLOX set for what ever system its for(Ps3/4 or XBOX 360/one) The set would contain a ROBLOX keyboard, A ROBLOX mouse, And a free disk to instal ROBLOX onto your console. With the keyboard/mouse in the kit, Normal game-play on consoles is possible. Even though the kit ISNT free, ROBLOX still needs to be able to pay for the disk's being sent out, Right? And you would need the keyboard/mouse for full ROBLOX compatibility. Saying this is impossible? I have seen strange things done before(Sometimes in person, Sometimes in the Digital world) Never underestimate the human brain. ~11076
#115319009Saturday, October 12, 2013 10:47 PM GMT

By the time this happens, iPhone 5s and 5c are the only things 90% of everyone will be using.
#115319333Saturday, October 12, 2013 10:51 PM GMT

11076, you have no idea what you're talking about. At all. Disregard females, acquire currency.
#115320580Saturday, October 12, 2013 11:05 PM GMT

Welcome to the internet! Take me up on this amazing offer and you'll be able to grow up in a matter of months! Go buy a computer and play your games on that! Most of your favorite games on the 360/PS3 are also on the PC, and in addition, they have better graphics. Not only that, but also some of them support mods(people, or yourself, can make edits to the game to make it even better. Sorry, not for console gamers -- only PC) Oh, and wait, there's more! There is a wider selection of games for the PC than for the consoles, and not only that, most of them are FREE. In fact, if you spend more than $30 just to play a game for the computer, we'll consider you dumb! There are excellent options out there(i.e. Planetside 2, Warframe, etc, oh, and did I mention all free?) that easily make the console games look like a tiny pebble. Oh, and guess what. You don't have to get a new computer to play games every time a new gaming console comes out! In the long run, console gamers spend about $300 a year(5-6 games, and by the way, that's as much as the console itself?) compared to PC gamers who get most of their games FREE. No more paying for wifi from Microsoft. No more overheating after 5 hours of gameplay. And best of all, you don't have to settle for the restrictions Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo put on their consoles since you have your own customizable computer. When a computer can do everything a console can do(including supporting controllers for games), it doesn't make a lot of sense to use a gaming console which cost as much as a decent computer.(Console prices keep rising, while computers don't really change that much in price, well, except, you know, down.) Welcome to the glorious internet! Note: I am not responsible if you get addicted to pirating paid games so that you get them for free.
#115331154Sunday, October 13, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

@GreenDay987 I was running Roblox almost lagless on most games on a 954MB Ram computer with a 1-core processor so odds are the Xbox360/PS3 could run Roblox without a problem. Not to mention Roblox is a lot easier to run than most major games both systems run.
#115332436Sunday, October 13, 2013 1:23 AM GMT

I think this is a GREAT idea, they need to just ask politely to the creators of the Playstation and XBOX. Its just that simple. :P ~HungeryColin
#115334041Sunday, October 13, 2013 1:43 AM GMT

What if we wanna play it on Atari? ;o
#115350954Sunday, October 13, 2013 4:40 AM GMT

@bigbad ROBLOX isn't a one game platform. There's multiple games with multiple levels of lag. They need to optimize it for all. PS3/Xbox uses old hardware. ROBLOX isn't designed to run on consoles, nor to be build with one. Disregard females, acquire currency.
#115354498Sunday, October 13, 2013 5:29 AM GMT

@GreenDay987 The "old hardware" the Xbox 360/PS3 have are better than the computer I just said... If the Xbox 360, and PS3 can run GTA V, COD, Battlefield, etc. i'm pretty sure it can handle something like Roblox.
#115361353Sunday, October 13, 2013 7:41 AM GMT

It well not happen. Roblox has already grown. We cant add all this stuff. Im sorry. But. Its never going to untill ROBLOX gets the idea.
#115364797Sunday, October 13, 2013 9:47 AM GMT

No just no it would cost too much money many peapole will trow away their ps3 to get some space for ps4 so no just no

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