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#102776231Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:49 PM GMT

Well first off I would like to start by saying that I need scripters to make someof these possible help would be greatly appreciated. -Any person can die at any time this will not disrput the story at all -Yo can only complete side quests in between story lines you will not return after you beat stroy -Each player has 3 lives before they get game over. Chapter 1: Awakening You awaken after washing ashore after your helicopter crashs, and you begin to set out to find the other players in the game who are scattered across the map at the games start. What no one does realize is this is an island of outcasts, killers that have been exiled to this island, away from all society, such as Jason Vorhees, Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Chucky, Leatherface, Scream, Pennywise, The blob etc... [NOTE]: In the game you will also be able to do side quests like Jeff the Killer, Bloody Mary, or Jigsaw. Chapter 2: The signal After assembling your team of survivors, you return to the crash site of the heli to retrieve your belongings, however you can hear a fate signal, coming from the Ham Radio in the heli, so you set out to find the radio tower that can boost the signals strength, however upon arrival you find that it is broken and you must retrieve parts scattered around the map, each will be in or near a killers hideout, or in a dangerous area. Once you retrieve the parts you return to the tower and boost the strength. From the distance you can see that a man wearing a leather mask (Leatherface) and other monsters, are charging to the tower. You must defend it. Chapter 3: The decoding If you kill the Leatherface Boss, then you move on back to the Helicopter crash, and recive the message in numbers, 23018462348523782342345234-666, nobody knows how to decode it so you must find someone on the island that can, now here you have options, you can either attempt to repair it yourself, which may result in breaking the radio and getting a Game Over, you can attempt to search the lab for any devices that may help decode it, this will give you a Boss Battle against "The Blob", or you can seek out Dr. Hans Retvok, a russian scientist that was assigned to keep this islands communications up, this will be much longer than any of the other Choices but no consequences are given. Once you find any of these 3 you return to the helicopter, and decode the message, the message reads "Alpha-Niner do you copy, do you copy?? You have 48 hours before that whole Island is destroyed, if you can hear this message, you need to set off dsitress signal so our eye in the sky can see your location and dispatch a rescue team, survive my any means necisarry. Chapter 4: S.O.S Signal After recieving the message you must find multiple flares that are located in Jasons hideout, Camp Crystal Lake, a blowtorch, located in the Factory, which is Freddys hideout, and the 9mm Pistol, which is located in the residential district, which is home to Jeff the Killer, and Michael Myers (All three are boss battles) After obtaining these items get to the beach and set off the flares, and defend the Beach. Then wait for rescue team, after doing this you see the Rescue Helocopter flying close, and suddenly it is shot down, and crashs, then you may search the Heli for any weapons. Chapter 5: Circus Circus! You must now search for the sorce of the rockets firing, this is quite simple just follow the trajectory of the smoke left behind. This will lead you to the Amusement Mile, an area where a circus and playground is located. Pennywise the clown, is located here, he will not kill you, however he will follow you around, and trip you/set traps off/ call killers over to you. But later this leads to a Boss battle. You have the option here to either spare Pennywise or Kill him, spare him and he will not shoot rockets or artillery, and he will give you a weapon of your choice, Chatter Teeth trap (kinda like bear trap), A balloon (Gear that makes you jump high), or an acid flower, (shoots acid at enemies and allows you to access special areas. Killing him stops the rockets and gains changes the end of the story in a better way. Chapter 6: Merely Childs Play.. After you get back to the heli-crash you notice the ham radio has been ripped out of the console, a note is attached that reads "Wanna play??" and there is a blood trail you and your team must follow, Once you reach the end you will reach the chucky boss battle, and once you kill him, simply return to the copter and insert the radio again. Chapter 7: Whats your favorite scary movie?? After re-inserting the radio, your frequency is blocked and a strange man talks to you, he simply says "Whats your favorite scary movie, come find me so we can "chat" more." You must go to the Mansion, and find/destroy the 3 frequency disruptors, then once that is done you will be attacked by Scream (Ghostface), and that springs his boss battle, once that is done you pick up the signal rebooter, and return to the radio. Chapter 8: Your final descion.. You recieve a message from the central control that read "Alpha-Niner this is central, we have dispatched our last rescue heli, unfortuantly, its can only fit 2 of you, so the rest will have to stay behind, Ill leave it up to you to decide." Then you must pick two players out of everyone to get on the copter, the rest must stay on the island, to face death, a horde will attack them, if they survive that, then the island will be bombed, killing them either way. Then the two that were picked return to the army base, and the game ends.
#102777083Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:56 PM GMT

(Side Quests) -Each side quest will give the player a badge upon completion. Quest 1: "The Game" (Jigsaw) Quest 2: "Go to sleep" (Jeff the Killer) Quest 3: "Watcher in the Wings" (Slenderman) Quest 4: "Say it three times" (Bloody Mary) Quest 5: "I'm your guy" (BeetleJuice) Quest 6: "Its alive" (Frankenstein) Quest 7: "Hannibal Cannibal" (Hannibal Lecter) Quest 8: "Dual Personality" (Doctor Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde) Quest 9: "Heart Popping" (Alien) Quest 10: "Fishing with my Friends" (Creature of Black Lagoon)
#102777511Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:59 PM GMT

If you have any suggestions, Im open to them, I also need scripters badly so please if you can script message me.
#103100025Friday, June 28, 2013 12:34 AM GMT

This game sounds amazing. Bumping so that other people can see C: http://twitpic.com/cwe4ya
#103112308Friday, June 28, 2013 2:14 AM GMT

Everyone bump this so lots can see!

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