#103964506Thursday, July 04, 2013 2:21 AM GMT

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#103965134Thursday, July 04, 2013 2:27 AM GMT

(Only a day, on a misunderstanding. It's alright. Anyways, I'm going to get off now. Sonata probably won't be back on until tomorrow, and even if he does Cyrus is only going to watch the impending fight from the house. Have a nice night.)
#103965360Thursday, July 04, 2013 2:28 AM GMT

Kenji Ikezawa We stop for a second as we listen to faint screams radiating from the air vents. "That's our guy. I remember the voice." I whisper. "Get in position." We listen to a piece of the vent being unscrewed. We'd be ready to take a shot as soon as the vent opened and he came out.
#103965635Thursday, July 04, 2013 2:30 AM GMT

(... I stand corrected, and I stand by until sudden log off.)
#103967313Thursday, July 04, 2013 2:43 AM GMT

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#104011719Thursday, July 04, 2013 1:15 PM GMT

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#104034674Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:04 PM GMT

Cyrus hits a few more buttons, and the elevators slowly power down, rendering them useless. On the cameras inside the elevators, he can see the confused faces of Black Hand members as they mash buttons in an attempt to get the elevator to work... As mostly everyone is outside on jobs or up in the bar drinking, the only ones on the 6th floor other than Jared and the mercs are the two guards, and they're clearly incapable of performing well due to their current state... And of course, the turrets, beeping in an upbeat tone while they spin around on top of the ceiling, not targeting anything. Cyrus is now confident that there will be no interruption, and takes the time to gather more information on this... 'Known Brotherhood'. He meets the Known's database only to be stopped by an amazingly complicated security system... He debates whether to bypass it now or later.
#104036082Thursday, July 04, 2013 5:15 PM GMT

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#104067184Thursday, July 04, 2013 8:52 PM GMT

Kenji Ikezawa We see the target is armed. Rats! Better act quickly! My suppressed pistol already drawn, I take a shot, (non-fatally) striking him below the chest. I see Geoffrey taking a shot, hitting him (one more, non-fatally) in the arm. Excellent - he's on the ground. It'll only be a matter of time before the boss's henchmen arrive. (Jared should still be able to move, albeit slowed down by taking two 9mm rounds) Everett pulls out his heavily-modified PDA, and calls me over. "Kenji, someone in this building is attempting to access our databases. Tell the boss to trace the computers and cut power there at once." "Copy that. Boss! We have an attempted digital intrusion on our systems. Knock out power to the following area!" The boss tells me that the computer attempting to access us is from the surveillance room - where one guy supposedly attempted to contact us! "One target down, let's find that other guy fast!"
#104069415Thursday, July 04, 2013 9:09 PM GMT

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#104069600Thursday, July 04, 2013 9:11 PM GMT

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#104070468Thursday, July 04, 2013 9:17 PM GMT

Kenji Ikezawa I see the target struggle to move, but he still manages to clock Everett in the jaw with his foot. I quickly react by taking him down by his neck, and holding his throat against the ground. He'd suffocate and be unconscious soon enough. To speed up the process, I see Geoffrey block oxygen from his lungs by resting his boot-clad foot on his lungs, effectively preventing breathing. After about fifteen seconds, we kick the target back onto the ground, and carry on. Everett spins his neck around a few times, and we carried on down the hallway to get to the staircase. We should be seeing our next target soon.
#104071176Thursday, July 04, 2013 9:22 PM GMT

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#104077467Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:12 PM GMT

In the end, Cyrus decided to not access the Known's database. Chances are an alarm will go off, and the last thing he wants is someone knowing where he is, especially when he knows nothing about them. He checks the monitors... Jared is down, chances are the other fellow will follow. Cyrus moves back over to his radio, and re-contacts the Kenji fellow. "I'm going to unlock the chopper gunners suite door for you... You should be able to gain access..." There is a bit of faint typing on a keyboard. "Now." The radio cuts off once more. The key card scanner on Aldis's door promptly flashes green, and an audible click faintly rings out.
#104078324Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:20 PM GMT

Kenji Ikezawa We descend down a flight of stairs, and get to the corridor just in time to see the suite door open. This should at least alert our target inside, but nothing at this point would really save him from us. Rather than shoot him, I watch Geoffrey pistol whip him to incapacitate him. Good - now we would just have to guard the door and look out for other henchmen who would have to pick up our target. Our first target (or what was left of him) should have already been collected by the boss's henchmen. We radio the man in the surveillance room, "Alright, thanks for opening the door, but why did you try to access our database? We traced the computer hacker to you, ya know?"
#104079457Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:30 PM GMT

"Lets be honest with each other Ikezawa. I haven't accessed anyone's database except this one, and I would be alerted if I was traced. I also have absolutely no intention in hacking into the known, as I already have all the information I need about the Known Brotherhood." His knowledge about the brotherhood is a bluff, but certainly effective assuming his current situation. "Theoretically, if I was traced, you would end up at a... less than child friendly store in California. In addition, the computer system I have access to at the current moment, and the radio I am currently using to contact you have no relation." "Before you ask your second question, bear in mind that I have access to the turrets on the ceiling that will make more holes in you than Swiss cheese..." There is a long silence before he speaks again. "Now, your second question please."
#104080874Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:42 PM GMT

Kenji Ikezawa "Fine, do it. Shoot us. Oh wait, Boss disabled power to your room, didn't he? You se, he caught on to your shenanigans with both the automated turrets, and the turrets you concealed in the ceiling. Oh wait, what's that? He hasn't cut power to the automated machines already? Well they should go down" I wait for a distant *Boom* coming from a few floors above that it likely to alert a few guards, but otherwise be relatively normal. "Ah, there we go. Electromagnetic pulse grenade authorized by the boss. Now while I'm fairly sure you didn't feel that, you'll definitely feel what's in store for you next." I wait for a brief moment, and finally, as the boss's soulful voice tells us "permission for a take-down granted" i hear two unsuppressed rounds from a pistol. "Kenji, the target's incapacitated." I hear Geoffrey speaking now. "I'll let you chat with him before he bleeds out though." "By the way," I begin speaking. "How the hell did you not know that the boss was watching?"
#104081702Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:49 PM GMT

Kenji Ikezawa "Hey Kenji, I see a nametag. Any idea who Cyrus is?" I inquire the boss, and he replies, "Yes, we know he's been causing trouble here. Good work taking him down. My henchmen will deal with him shortly."
#104082133Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:53 PM GMT

(I'm just going to remind you, in case you didn't take the time to check previous posts, that Cyrus is in a suburban house in New York, with high tech equipment from the previous tenants. In addition, everything was hacked into before-hand. As he never attempted to inflitrate the Known's network, and his presence has already been in the BHN's database for at least 2 years, the Known has no knowledge of Cyrus's presence. As mentioned, any attempt to trace Cyrus will lead to California. Also, Cyrus would be able to identify if an EMP would activate since he has access to the security cameras.)
#104082488Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:56 PM GMT

(A few other things. If you decided to read Cyrus's bio, you would realize that he has been alone in New York with minimal contact with anyone for the past 2 years. He was declared dead even before the Revolution began, as he ran from home.)
#104082589Thursday, July 04, 2013 10:57 PM GMT

(If that's the case, I hiiiiighly doubt a radio frequency would travel thaaat far)
#104082954Thursday, July 04, 2013 11:00 PM GMT

(Radio connected to a satellite. He isn't using a hand-held radio, if that's what you assumed.)
#104085729Thursday, July 04, 2013 11:23 PM GMT

(I thought that kind of tech would all be down in the ensuing chaos and based on the story, anything not a weapon would be technologically set-back at least 50 years, but sure. Just thought it'd make more sense for you to be a worker of the boss considering how everyone's there right now.)
#104086786Thursday, July 04, 2013 11:32 PM GMT

(... The revolution is two years in the future, and two additional years is the setting. Modern technology would be one of the major reasons why so many people are alive, in skyscrapers with a large amount of guards and enough skills to take on other humans in addition to the creepers and other such mutants. That, and Cyrus's bio background is in earlier posts, and he has no intention, nevermind capability, of traveling such a distance in such a short time. I suggest you at least quickly skim through the past few pages before posting again.)
#104086794Thursday, July 04, 2013 11:33 PM GMT

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