#117463282Saturday, November 09, 2013 4:15 PM GMT

Marcus How many soldiers are coming towards me?
#117491491Saturday, November 09, 2013 9:43 PM GMT

Kyle I start to head toward the police department but I sneak on quietly so the helicopter does not see me.
#117492426Saturday, November 09, 2013 9:53 PM GMT

Name: James L. Plaxco /-\ge: 25 Appearance: Charming Brown-haired Fellow, Five O' Clock Shadow,Black BDU pants, Black BDU shirt (sleeves rolled), and a Coyote backpack Personality: Funny,Smart,and Serious Bio: When he was a farmer, he always obeyed orders. But, when his family and him were seperated, he wanted revenge and find his parents Previous Occupation: Farmer Province: DALSHIRE Perks: NOT TASTY,FATE HAS OTHER PLANS,and COMRADE
#117492659Saturday, November 09, 2013 9:55 PM GMT

Alice Cautiously, I walked slowly down the stairs. I tried to be silent as I did so.
#117517192Sunday, November 10, 2013 2:41 AM GMT

-Mack- "I saw some officers engaged in battle with thugs outside. Jordan and I managed to help the thugs wipe out the officers, and then down a few thugs before the infected forced them to flee, all without them knowing. I apologize if those guys were your guards, I had no way to know."
#117520303Sunday, November 10, 2013 3:14 AM GMT

[Your character doesn't have a name either, theman, according to your CS.] [Raptor, farmers don't wear military fatigues. And I never established that your character could start out with a backpack. Your personality is still not 2 lines.] -Mack- "Terrorist filth," he kicks you over and points his shotgun at your head. "It's time for you to die. You killed us all, you damned moron," he snarls. ----- HP: 98/100 -Marcus- Five. All armed with auto-carbines. They probably suspect the accident was accident, since none are aiming their weapons at you. However, they will soon find out you caused the wreck once one of the other passengers comes to their senses. -Kyle- You have no idea where the police department is. -Alice- You arrive downstairs. The living room holds nothing of value. The kitchen has been ransacked, and the back door is blocked by rubble that has fallen out from the roof, which has been damaged. Probably due to some kind of heavy military equipment that was used in this area before the authorities retreated elsewhere.
#117521423Sunday, November 10, 2013 3:26 AM GMT

Name: James L. Plaxco /-\ge: 25 Appearance: Charming Brown-haired Fellow, Five O' Clock Shadow,Tan Khaki pants, black to-shirt, sunglasses and a black baseball cap Personality: Funny,Smart,and Serious,Stubborn,Sometimes Gulabel,athletic,silly,sometimes stupid,tuff,sometimes happy when he finds things. Bio: When he was a farmer, he always obeyed orders. But, when his family and him were seperated, he wanted revenge and find his parents Previous Occupation: Farmer Province: DALSHIRE Perks: NOT TASTY,FATE HAS OTHER PLANS,and COMRADE
#117523467Sunday, November 10, 2013 3:46 AM GMT

Alice I sighed, and looked over at the front door. Perhaps I could sneak out...I decided to try and open it.
#117526597Sunday, November 10, 2013 4:18 AM GMT

(I was never me continued by the way. I broke into one of my apartments.)
#117526673Sunday, November 10, 2013 4:19 AM GMT

(The apartments*
#117542608Sunday, November 10, 2013 10:33 AM GMT

Name: Charlie Knight /-\ge: 25 Appearance: Brown, unruly hair and bright green eyes. Wears a ripped lab coat and white t-shirt with black trousers. Also wears chipped glasses. Didn't have time to pick up any equipment before evacuating. Personality: Generally a nice guy, but can be a little selfish. He likes to take control of situations and be the leader. However, he will still act nicely to others. Very smart. Bio: Had always devoted himself to science, even through school. After he left university, he acquired a job as a scientist but the Deshton Incident happened only 2 weeks into his research on bombs and how to disarm them. (Has no knowledge of how to make a bomb.) Previous Occupation: Scientist Province: Smachundy Perks: Freerunner, Quick Fingers and Bibliophile
#117553874Sunday, November 10, 2013 3:36 PM GMT

Ksenia With the new clip in my gun, I back away as far as I can, aiming at the hall where he is, waiting for him to come out. "I'm wounded! please... please..." I say in my girliest voice that I can possibly muster.
#117563241Sunday, November 10, 2013 5:29 PM GMT

Kyle I go toward the town not knowing what I might find but hoping for supplies. And possibly a group who will take me in!
#117615938Monday, November 11, 2013 2:31 AM GMT

-Mack- Wow, second time I've had a gun pointed at me. Kick him in the chest and grab my pistol, fire at the head.
#117617429Monday, November 11, 2013 2:46 AM GMT

(My name's Machete Killingston, CAN I START NOW!?)
#117625177Monday, November 11, 2013 4:08 AM GMT

(Machete Killingston... Dafuq bro?)
#117649267Monday, November 11, 2013 4:33 PM GMT

Marcus Anywhere to hide?
#117670794Monday, November 11, 2013 9:31 PM GMT

[Somebody is already named James. You're Plaxo.] [Accepted.] -Plaxo- You are in Dalshire city, Clarneway district, in an alley--near a park. The street has infected shambling about, but holds more corpses than hostile life. You have a Mongraf Welton pistol with one magazine, which holds 8 rounds. You have nothing else. Across the street is a library. -Alice- You open the door after shoving the shelf what was blocking it out of the way. One of the infectees sees you, and begins to shamble in your direction, feebly gripping a knife. -James- You try to open one of the doors, but it is locked. -Charlie- You are in a small town called Silo Lewis. It seems devoid of life. Ghouls wander the streets or pick at the bodies, or smash at doors. You have a combat knife, and two syringes of medical painkiller. Across the street is a SCUC office. -Ksenia- You are already down to your last Chippler Spree magazine. "Good," he simply says. He does not come out. -Kyle- You wander into the town. Eight infected people notice you, and begin to move towards you. Three of them are running. -Marcus- No. They've already seen you. -Mack- You manage to execute your moves perfectly, and drop him with two shots to the skull. He drops his weapon on the floor and sprawls onto his back lifelessly. Four ghouls come in through the door.
#117672795Monday, November 11, 2013 9:52 PM GMT

-Mack- And this, children, is why you don't use policemen as guards during an apocalypse. Shoot the ghouls with the pistol and pick up his shotgun, check his body for any sort of supplies or ammunition, and is he wearing any sort of bulletproof armor?
#117675943Monday, November 11, 2013 10:23 PM GMT

Kyle Look for the nearest vehicle to get away in if that does not work then I look for I high place up to climb and get away since I have no ammo :( These were my actions if one does not work then chose the other. If neither work then I just run!!
#117676409Monday, November 11, 2013 10:28 PM GMT

(Is there some indication that there's anything good in this particular apartment?)
#117676575Monday, November 11, 2013 10:29 PM GMT

Plaxo I crouch and walk to the library. As I walk to the door. I hear a big huff behind me.... I grab my gun and shoot it. I loot the infected civilian. I steal the food he had in his backpack that he had. As I enter the library, I see more zombies... Great I mumble to myself. I crouch again, I steal books and some things... I run again and get to a abandoned house. I sleep for an hour. I wake up and start looking for stuff again.
#117688214Tuesday, November 12, 2013 12:29 AM GMT

Alexis My eyes widened. "Oh, sh-" I said, trying to shut the door again. Hopefully the infected wouldn't reach me before then. (Looking back at the original post and seeing some of these other names, I have recently realized that "Alice" is a weird name for this world since there's different languages. Not a big deal, just kinda interesting.)
#117688355Tuesday, November 12, 2013 12:30 AM GMT

(*Alice Sorry, I goofed up there.)
#117689272Tuesday, November 12, 2013 12:40 AM GMT

I found a old police station, that was abandoned for a year or so. I search in it. Oooo good. I grab ammo from the crates. I find some clothes also, I take them I put the new clothes on.... Nice. I put a cap on me that was on a dead person. I start searching for more.. I hear the door open I hide in a locker. I hear voices. They say: Jackson, search the rooms I see a Military soldier walk pass me. I get out and I stab him with a stick that I made with a sharp end. I kill him. I put him in the locker. I walk up to the next one. I coked him to death. I put him down. I steal him backpack he had and his clothes.. Nice It's my lucky day I guess. I walk to the house I was and put the clothes in a locker that was in the house. Next day I search again.