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#103778049Tuesday, July 02, 2013 7:19 PM GMT

“Last night, I ‘member going to bed and that Mommy and Daddy had a fight and were yelling at each other. I remember hearing Mommy scream and Daddy coming upstairs to tuck me in good night. Daddy had a bad look on his face, like the time he had accidentally got ketchup on my raccoon, Tyler. There were red spots on his shirt that reminded me of when I colored a volcano throwing-up lava at Day-Care. It was like ‘BLEH! BLEH! BLEH!’.He gived me a kiss on my head and gived Tyler one too. Then I falled asleep. And in the morning, I goed downstairs to watch cartoons. But Mommy was sleeping on the floor. I tried to wake her up like she did to me. I gived her a kiss on the cheek and said, “Good morning Mommy. Time to get up.” But she didn’t move. So I woke up Rachel. She groaned and said that she needed a few more minutes, but I jumped on her bed, so she got up and went downstairs to the living-room. But then she screamed and ran out of the room. She called the number 9-1-1 and was yelling into it and said that Mommy was dead. Then I heared sirens an’ police cars going ‘WEEU, WEEU, WEEU!’ Then Daddy runned into the room and rubbed his face and said some naughty words. Rachel says I’m not supposed to say them. But then the police cars were getting very very very very loud and it hurt my ears so I covered them and then the door busted down and I smiled because it was like a action movie. Then Daddy said the bad words again and runned outta the room. And then the police man runned after him and said something into his walkie-talkie. Then more police men runned in and I heard our fence jingling and shouting in the backyard and some bad words. Then some guy shouted ‘GET DOWN ON THE GROUND! NOW!’ And then another fence jingled and me and Rachel runned to the back yard. Daddy was in the field behind our house and more police men were with him and he was on the ground and shaking. And then the police man sat on him and handcuffed him and Daddy said more bad words. And then the police man took him and stuffed him into a car. Then police men got me an’ Rachel an’ we rode in a police car and it went super fast and I laughed. Then I got out and you guys took me here and I told you what I remembered last night.” I say into the recorder. A lady types what I said into a computer. The police man grins so I smile really wide. His teeth are super shiny. “Howdya get your teeth so white and shiny? I tried coloring mine with a crayon, but Mommy said it was yucky, and it didn’t make my teeth whiter.” I ask, cocking my head to the side. Mommy said I looked cute when I did that, so I showed it to him and the police man smiled more teeth. “I brush them everyday to keep them shiny and healthy.” He says. Then he stops smiling and puts on what Mommy called a ‘serious face.’ “Now, Sammy, do you know what your Dad did?” The man asks. I shake my head. My Daddy didn’t do nothin’. “Your Daddy made your Mommy go bye-bye.” He tells me. “Bye-bye? But she was at home.” “No, Sammy… your mother is dead.”
#103797809Tuesday, July 02, 2013 9:56 PM GMT

Yeah. That's it. So, pretty cool, hm?
#103798822Tuesday, July 02, 2013 10:04 PM GMT

.... That's pretty creepy. Good job, I sense a future creepypasta writer.
#103819913Wednesday, July 03, 2013 12:55 AM GMT

:3 Danka.
#103820453Wednesday, July 03, 2013 1:00 AM GMT

Nice and creepy. Short and sweet.

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