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#103910259Wednesday, July 03, 2013 7:13 PM GMT

(Note: I use a google chrome extension known as forum enhancer, so i apologize if the organization is sloppy) AUGUST 17, 1998, 7:34 AM PST,1 HOUR AFTER LAUNCH OF INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION, "Expedition 36, this is Mission Control, it's officially been an hour since you departed from Earth's atmosphere, how's the view up there? Over." "Mission Control, this is Commander Pavel Vinogradov of Expedition 36, the view's mighty fine. I can almost see the space station from here." "Expedition 36, this is Mission Control, I doubt it. Well, be ready to be living up there for a long time. Over." In 1998, the International Space Station manned by Expedition 36, launched from Earth and made way into space. The crew, led by Pavel Vinogradov, consisted of Aleksandr Misurkin, Chris Cassidy, Karen L. Nyberg, Fyodor Yurchikin, and Luca Parmitano.For 22 years, these astronauts embarked on a journey to explore space. While they stayed up on in the stars, the ones below on Earth weren't so lucky. By 2014, food shortages were caused due to harmful wastes put dumped into the ground, poaching, and overfishing. These food shortages kept Earth on edge, but technology continued to unfold. Predictions of human merging with machine by 2040 were terminated, soon discoveries were found that would be able to merge the two. Later on, life became easier for the people of Earth. They had no physical limitations when their own bodies were made out of steel. But, you do not know, that these physical limitations did not make them be mobilized forever. Their bodies could still be crushed into nothing and they would experience it, and never die. They could be ripped in half, and they'd feel the pain, but never die. Soon, groups of terrorists began to use this to their advantage. These steel bodies were expensive, so the companies sometimes resorted to having terrorists buy their product. Space exploration was also at a huge high. Mars and Pluto were both ready for colonization. Massive terraformers, controlled by the International Space Station, were used to shape these planets to meet the human needs. DECEMBER 4, 2019, 5:17 PM PST,[COMMANDER LOG 79] "Mission Control, this is Commander Pavel Vinogradov of Expedition 36, Terraformer 44 is leaving from Pluto, it'll take a couple months to get there" "Expedition 36, this is Mission Control, Roger that. We'll begin open the latches. Over." *Communication comm shuts off* "Okay people, in one more year, we're off this thing. Get working" "Woohoo! Finally! Imagine all the new types of food they've come up with me!" "Chris, why are you thinking about the food? We'll be heros!" "Oh, will you two knuckleheads can it?" "Dang, Nyberg, we're just trying to have some fun." "Stop calling me Nyberg, my first name is Karen." "Okay, Nyberg." "Oh my gosh, I'm not gonna even talk to you anymore Chris" "Good luck with that, Nyberg" "Hey, Chris, cut her some slack, she's had some hard times" "Pavel, she's the one in the frowny mood, not my fault she's--" "It's an order, Chris. Dont disobey your orders" "Yes, Sir...." As the crew celebrated their time in space and it's end, months passed as usual work. Terraformer 44 began its journey from Pluto to Earth. The crew members took turns each night and day maneuvering Terraformer 44 until Pavel had the wheel. FEBRUARY 28, 2020, 1:37 AM PST, [COMMANDER LOG 111] "Jesus, I hate piloting this thing, takes ages. Here's Pavel with Commander Log 111. Huh, three ones, aint that lucky. We'll be leaving soon from this place in time. I sure most of the crew is glad about it. I was, until I learned that my family will probably be dead. I was the only child in my family, and I spent 22 years in space rather than trying to have my own family. Now I'm 56, dang. Gonna have to visit ma's and pa's grave. Im not so sure what'd they say about me. They criticized me for using my telescope at night. Huh, I can see Terraformer 44 now. Where's it going? Huh, must've been half-sleeping. The handle isn't working. What the, oh jesus, it's deployed the claws. It's heading for... oh god. I got to get to the comms." *Pavel can be heard sprinting up and down stairs to get to the communication comms, as the log-recorder dangles from wrist* FEBURARY 28, 2020, 1:40 AM PST, [COMMANDER LOG 112] "MISSION CONTROL, MISSION CONTROL, THIS IS *breath* PAVEL VINO-*breath*-GRADOV, TERRAFORMER 44 HAS LOST CONTROL, TERRAFORMER 44 HAS LOST CONTROL" "Expedition 36, this is Mission Control, Terraformer 44 is being commanded right now, please check what the problem could be" "NO, YOU DONT GET IT, I'M NOT CONTROLLING IT, SOMEONE ELSE IS USING IT" "*A long pause of horror is heard* What's its current course?" "ITS HEADING FOR EARTH, ITS ATTACHING ITS CLAWS TO IT" "*A TV is heard turning on, multiple news reports in different countries are heard* Dear god..." "MISSION CONTROL, RESPOND," "*The operators of Mission Control panic, screams and yells are heard, people begin to rush out the doors*" "*Pavel's heavy breathing is heard* No... no.. no...." *Pavel falls to the floor, being unconscious* "*A huge explosion is heard on Mission Control's as the Terraformer begins to reshape the surface of the Earth*" ---RULES--- IN A EASY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 :) #1: NO ROMANCE AT ALL, #2: I MADE THIS THREAD, ME>YOU #3: THERE ARE ONLY FIVE SPOTS ON THIS ROLEPLAY, IF YOU'D LIKE ANOTHER ONE, THE ONLY OPTION IS A PERSON(WHOSE TRANSFERRED THEIR CONSCIOUS INTO A MACHINE)SEVERELY DAMAGED BY THE TERRAFORMER THAT THE ASTRONAUTS DECIDE TO SALVAGE #4: NO CURSES OTHER THAN 'DANG' OR 'JESUS' OR 'OH LORD'. IF YOU WANT TO EXPRESS PAIN, PUT *YELLS IN PAIN* #5: INACTIVITY FROM THREAD CAN RESULT IN YOUR EXPULSION FROM THREAD CHARACTER INFO: (POST TO CLAIM A ASTRONAUT) Commander Pavel Vinogradov, RSA Third spaceflight Flight Engineer 1- Aleksandr Misurkin, RSA First spaceflight Flight Engineer 2- Chris Cassidy, NASA Second spaceflight Flight Engineer 3- Karen L. Nyberg, NASA Second spaceflight Flight Engineer 4- Fyodor Yurchikhin, RSA Fourth spaceflight Flight Engineer 5- Luca Parmitano, ESA First spaceflight WE BEGIN ROLEPLAY ONCE ALL SPOTS ARE CLAIMED,
#103910489Wednesday, July 03, 2013 7:15 PM GMT

Pavel Vinogradov claimed by me
#103911923Wednesday, July 03, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

What happened to 45?

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