#118043935Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:09 AM GMT

Sitting down and tightening her grip slightly, she thought about her situation. At that moment in time, Olivia realizes something. A frown spread across her face as she let her head hang. She dropped the glass rose gently into the sand pulls her knees up to her chest, resting her forehead on them. She turns away from Davin as her lip quivers before she feels tears running down her cheeks. Why?
#118044311Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:13 AM GMT

Davin's mouth comes open in a bit of an astonished look- the smile whipping off his face immediately. "Eh-Wh-Why are you crying?" He pauses, a confused look over his face. Was it something he had said..?
#118044793Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:18 AM GMT

She tried to speak but the sound came out choked as her throat tightened. All Olivia can get out was "my fault." Honestly, she just wanted to be alone; or dead, one of the two. If a few decisions have never been made, she'd never been in this situation. Or the situation would be worse. How bad it would be emotionally is a good question, but probably less painful.
#118045163Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:22 AM GMT

Lucas --30 MINUTES BEFORE RECOLLECTION OF MEMORIES-- I see a SWAT man on the ground, dead but not reanimated. I took his silenced pistol and his shotgun. Stumbling a few feet, I noticed an Asian restaurant near me, and started dragging my feet to it to eat. But as I started up the stairs, I started seeing stars and fell down on my head. I woke up 30 minutes later with no recollection of the last week. Turning around, I saw the face of a man I would like, hate, want to kill, and save later on (Ogodei). END OF PRE-APOCALYPSE FLASHBACK-- --1 MONTH AGO-- I landed my large cargo plane at JFK in NYC. I had gotten a mysterious call on my radio from someone needing help.
#118045894Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:29 AM GMT

Davin stands, before getting her message and slowly backing up. "...sorry." Was all he could think of before he turned, and walked out of the scene. He frowns- walking towards the cottage. His monster forme slowly becomes human.
#118046407Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:34 AM GMT

Olivia couldn't calm herself but simply cried. She didn't think talking about it would help, only fuel the tears. Like rivers to oceans. She hasn't cried this bad in a while, and it really hits her this time. Pulling her glasses off, her arms laced under her arched knees. She just stared at them, biting her lip as she just let salty water flow effortlessly.
#118047128Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:41 AM GMT

Davin walks into the cabin- to see Whitney sitting on a chair next to Jane's bed. Whit was holding her own forehead- and was staring off into the distance with her thin eyebrows furrowed. He sits down on the floor next to her, exhausted. She responds by setting her hand down the chair side- and rubbing behind his ear. He is quiet, but whines softly. "Whit.. What is worrying you?"
#118047993Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:49 AM GMT

Falling over to the side, covering her face with her curls, Olivia just cried. It was her fault, her actions, and she's just realizing it. It could've been prevented months ago, but her confidence took the best of her, and now someone else has to take the fall. And to bring that person up, she'll have to do the same. The only difference, for life.
#118048930Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:58 AM GMT

Whitney blinks in surprise, looking down at him. "What..? Dav.." She shakes her head. "It shouldn't be important right now. It's just me getting nervous before we attempt our plans. I'm jut expecting the worse, and I should be." She puts on a smile.
#118049704Sunday, November 17, 2013 1:06 AM GMT

Getting a hold of herself, Olivia feels the tears cease and brings small mirror from her bag under the curls "protecting" her face from people's eyes. Her eyes were reddened as well as her nose. She shook her head, who knew if she would even get far enough to bring that person up, leaving that person down. She took a sharp, yet shaky, intake of breath before leaning up and sticking the mirror into her bag. She isn't completely sure of it being her fault, but it was something she said that did it. She kept her head down, running her fingers through her "protection" ad placing a few behind her ear. She crossed her legs and sticks her glasses onto the collar of her shirt. She's not going to live knowing she didn't try.
#118051229Sunday, November 17, 2013 1:22 AM GMT

Lucas --1 MONTH AGO-- I called the person back, and I heard, "Empire State Building. Entrance C. 3 hours." I got inside the airport to take a shower. Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw my unkempt hair fall to my shoulders and my dark beard start to go off of my chin. Putting on my jacket, I walked through the airport until I saw a luggage bus in the parking lot. Driving to the Empire State Building, I saw six people standing there, two large guys with miniguns, two skinny looking scientists, one girl, and a tall man holding an assault rifle. Driving up, he man with the assault rifle said, "You're Lucas, right? I'm Jack, the one you spoke to. We need evacuation." They got in, and driving back to the airport, Jack said, "The two big fellas and the girl are my brothers and sister. We were on vacation here, and we found the two other guys a little while ago. Turns out they are big scientists working for some global government thing in Dubai and were trying to find a cure in the US." The scientists said, "The others died, except maybe one or two others and also our gunners."
#118051678Sunday, November 17, 2013 1:27 AM GMT

Davin's blue eyes lower to the floor, before coming back up, and resting on her. His mouth forms words, but no sound comes out, and tears well out of his eyes. He grabs her hand that was behind his ear- and squeezes it tightly. Whit looks to him, and gives a look of confusion. He shakes his head, wiping at his eyes. "S-sorry... I'm just worried over everything... And I'm not sure that where going to win or not, and... Oh.." His face turns red.
#118052365Sunday, November 17, 2013 1:35 AM GMT

Lucas --30 DAYS AGO-- We got to the cargo plane as Jack wrapped up the story. "The scientists say they may have a lead to the cure. But we needed a plane that had keys to start it, as my sister is a pilot but doesn't know how to hotwire a plane." I nodded as I walked towards the cargo plane. Opening the door, I turned around to see none of them moving forward, and one scientist getting out a bottle of scotch. Confused, I said, "What's wrong?" Jack smiled, laughed, and said, "Everything is perfect." Walking forward, he pretended to climb up, but hit my with the stock of his rifle in the head. --29 DAYS AGO-- I woke up and looked around. The cargo plane was gone! They stole my keys and took the plane. But next to me was the bottle of scotch and a note that said, SEE YOU LATER, MY FRIEND -JACK.
#118052573Sunday, November 17, 2013 1:37 AM GMT

Olivia held the rose in her palm, twirling it around a bit. It looked just like it looked when she first saw it. She closed her eyes and took short deep breaths. If she doesn't make it to the end, surely the other's will be able to do it on their own. She just doesn't want this idea to be the situation for her newfound friends. At this point, they're beginning to mean too much to her. Her eyes opened, how have they survived, how has she survived? Is she a good guy, because the good guys always win in books and movies. And often sometimes, in reality.
#118053751Sunday, November 17, 2013 1:51 AM GMT

Whit smiles a little bit, and leans over on the edge of the chaiR. She brings her hands down onto his head, and starts scratching his spiky hair affectionately. "It's okay Dav. We are all really worried.. Don't take this too hard, but you always have seemed to goofy to cry.." She giggles. His face gets more red, and he wipes away at his eyes- slightly laughing.
#118055770Sunday, November 17, 2013 2:12 AM GMT

Olivia lifts her head up and rubs her eyes "Sorry for what I said" she muttered to herself. She closed her eyes to prevent tears from escaping. Standing up, she dusted the sand off of her legs before making her way over to the cottage. Her hands in her pockets and the puffiness of her eyes reduced to a minimum. What was Whitney so upset about? She had her theories but she can't take Whitney's thoughts and speak them herself.
#118056674Sunday, November 17, 2013 2:22 AM GMT

Davin squeals, scrabbling underneath a bed after whit had tried to tickle him. Whitney laughs, staring at the direction he had gone. Her eyes rest on the bed. She takes a running start, and leaps onto the bed- making Davin give off a soft gasp. The noise wakes up Jane and she watches form her bed. The corners of her little pink lips go up.
#118058143Sunday, November 17, 2013 2:39 AM GMT

Olivia paused and looked down at the glass rose in her hand. She continued her way towards the cottage wondering when they're going to search for this supposed "hospital." And how will they get in, knowing what they have done to people. They must have pretty complex technologies.
#118058577Sunday, November 17, 2013 2:44 AM GMT

Jane sits up in the bed, tugging at her pale blonde hair that had managed to tangle itself up into many knotts. She smiles that them. Whitney looks back at Jane, blinking. "Oh, your awake." She smiles back at Jane, sitting indian style. "Did you sleep well?" Jane nods. "Yes, thank you." Davin pops his head out from under the bed, looking at Jane.
#118059723Sunday, November 17, 2013 2:56 AM GMT

Olivia reaches the cottage and rests her forehead against the outer walls, her lower arms flat against it's heated surface. She sighed quietly before opening the door and sitting down against the wall with her legs crossed, closing her eyes. "Hey guys" she murmured quietly, running a hand through her curls as she blew a curled strand out of her face. She opened her eyes realizing something's missing on her face, she touches the area where her nose meets her forehead "Hm..?"
#118060932Sunday, November 17, 2013 3:08 AM GMT

Davin looks at Olivia a bit with worry, before he charges quickly underneath Jane's bed, and grabs her foot- trying to drag her under playfully. Jane squeals, and begins tugging her foot back away from him. Whitney grins at Olivia. "Welcome home~"
#118061455Sunday, November 17, 2013 3:14 AM GMT

"I'd rather be somewhere bigger but thanks...I left my glasses back there, be right back" she stood up. Heading out the door, Olivia looked for her foot prints and followed them to where she had been when she took them off. She feels her foot bump into something and bent down to pick it up. She could tell they were her glasses and heads back towards the cottage. Entering, she closed the door behind her before going into the bathroom to rinse the lenses. Who knows what could've been where she was sitting?
#118062198Sunday, November 17, 2013 3:22 AM GMT

By the time Olivia got back, Jane was on the floor and almost under, and she was screeching while laughing. Whitney seemed to be gone. Jane tugged away last second, and began running- but tripped on her long hair drsgging on the floor, and she lands infront of Olivia. "owwie." Davin's head pops out from underneath, but he does it too quickly, and bumps his head on the steel frame "ow!" (Haha, like brother and sister. XD)
#118062673Sunday, November 17, 2013 3:27 AM GMT

Olivia is startled to see a girl and stumbles backwards, grabbing a part of a doorframe and hiding behind it "Wha-.." she grabs onto a table and kinda hides under it "Raining children out there, too dangerous, nope" she whispers to herself. Crawling out from under the table and sitting on it, Olivia began to doodle a bit in her sketchbook with a black pen. The ink on the pen suddenly pours out of the pen. She stares "Witchcraft..."
#118063878Sunday, November 17, 2013 3:40 AM GMT

Jane looks at her with wide eyes, before getting up and running away from Davin, who was chasing her into the kitchen area with one of Whit's shoes.