#125395461Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:19 AM GMT

Ogodei then twitches slightly, before throwing his blanket off, and slamming open his door, running down the hall. It was prohibited to run down the hallways without shoes but he really needed this. He had been tired all day, and he needed a jog. He usually never had ever done this before once in his life, but he had felt a sudden burst inside of him. Unexplainable, for sure. He -for the first time in forever it seemed- smiled. Unexplainable? Pff, he was going insane, after all.
#125396211Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:27 AM GMT

The white had melted away from her hair, but her locks remained perfectly straight. Her skin kept it's artificial pale color and her contacts were surprisingly still intact. Backing up she didn't know whether or not to believe it was true. Feeling her back hit her door she pulled herself inside and closed it behind her. Pulling a lock of her hair close into view it was true, then again she could be hallucinating, the dye died out rather early. Perhaps her hair couldn't hold it? Climbing out of her window, her mind screamed "Whitney, get Whitney" in a trance.
#125398878Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

Ogodei quickly charges around a corner, his hand smacking down against the wall as if to say 'goal', as he continues to go. He runs down the hallways, forcing his wings down against his back as he ran so that he would only use his legs. There was no room for flying anyways- his wings extended past the length of the hallways. Almost slidding into another corner, he slows down to catch his breath. Right outside an open door. A chilly breeze came from the door, as did snowflakes. His head slowly turned to the room.
#125399597Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

Before she knew it she was quite far from the ground, and looking down made her arms tremble. She feels her fingers begin to ache and ungracefully scrambles down the wall. Feeling her feet touch the ground, she sighs not only in relief, but victory. Still not dead. Her gaze traveled the vicinity, at least, as far as she could see before she decided to go straight through the woods then turn once far away, sure, her sight and senses were useless at this point but it was better than being caught.
#125401480Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:19 AM GMT

Ogodei walks in, looking around. The sence of his barefoot sinking into pure, deep snow shocked him. The window was open. He slowly walked over to it, sticking his head out to the bright light. "Ahh..." He turns his head to the left, and his face and heart simply just fell-slowly. Turning around, he presses his back against the wall, sliding down and holding his head between his hands. Near the woods, a brunette head was running.
#125402324Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:27 AM GMT

Dark auburn locks of straight hair followed her as he jumped and went around obstacles. She ignored the few times her foot fell to the side a bit, luckily she avoided hurting herself this way. No one noticed her, right? All she had to do was run a little longer before she can actually start looking for the hotel. It was pretty far, proven by the fairly long walk she took with Davin to get here. Though she wasn't going to risk having an unwanted guest follow after her. She kept running, even after her chest and throat began to burn.
#125405791Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:58 AM GMT

All of the engery that had burst from him had suddenly been drained to nothing. Nothing but cold, hard fear and emptyness. "How was it..? Was it... Could it.." He whispers frantically, desperatly trying to find his inner mind and peace. He graps at his long hair, staring at the ground. The hair was straight, but the color, the way it swished when the person was running. "It was.. Its was.."
#125406745Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:06 AM GMT

Slowing down to take a breather she used her knees to keep herself up. Sure, a steady pace would make the trip smoother but keeping a fast pace gets her there faster. A moment or two passed before she took off running again. Stumbling over an exposed tree root she coughed, rolling over on her back. Pulling herself up to sit down she leaned back, holding herself up with her hands. Maybe she pushed herself a little too much. Standing up she decided to walk for a bit, then maybe she'll start looking for them.
#125407447Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:13 AM GMT

He gasps lightly, covering up his eyes in his arms, squeezing his legs to his chest. At first, It had only been empty confusion. Now, It was confusion, a bit of relief, saddness, rage.. He stands up quickly, slapping his hands onto the railing of the window and shouting out of it in a confused mixture of Mongolian and slurs. He squeezes through the window, sailing down. "You..!" He cries, his bare feet hurting as he begins to run across the landscape to the forest. He looked outraged.
#125408042Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:19 AM GMT

Though, she did have good hearing and took off as soon as a voice made its way to her. She could see stores lining the road with the beach in the distance. There has to be somewhere to hide under? Then she spots a car and crawls under it, placing herself in the center, hiding in the shadow of it. At this point she was holding her breath, trembling like a lost puppy. He didn't see her, did he? If so, her lucky just prove to be nonexistent.
#125409285Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

He shouted aloud once more, circling the forest, flying around and getting stuck occassionally; leaving some black feathers around as he struggles through knotted trees. "Та нар! Та хаана байна, та нар бага faker хэвтэж?!" He crys while screaming, rampaging through the forest like he was crazy. Maybe now, he was. (Trans: "You! Where are you, you lying little faker?!")
#125410392Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:41 AM GMT

Olivia rests her head in her hands. Of course he had to spot her when she was most vulnerable, her existence proven. She doubts he'd be all happy too see her. There was no way to explain why she'd hide this from him. Say she didn't trust him? It was indeed true but he would probably tear her up or something. She can't stay here long, it hurts her back. Once he gets stuck, which knows by the rustling of the trees, she'll make a break for it. She pulls herself out of the car and hides close behind it, out of his view. Listening closely, she waits to hear some sort of struggle.
#125412335Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

He crashes out of the bushes, gasping. His shoulder sagged slightly, as he carefully skimms his eyes across the area. His breath was ragged, shoulders and arms were scraped and bleeding, and he looked bruised from all of that struggling in the forest. He begins taking steps foreward, his eyebrows furrowing over his head, which was tilted down. Only his eyes were upward, facing the area around him. His wings dragged along the ground behind him.
#125413015Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:08 AM GMT

Slipping around the corner of the building she was pretty confident she'll get away unnoticed. Though something inside of her felt horrible. She felt horrible overall. Why does he care whether or not she's alive, honestly? He seemed to be loosing faith in himself and confidence in the facility. Has he ever begun with it? Rushing around another block she checked her surroundings before keeping her back to a wall as she inched her way away from the area.
#125415452Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:35 AM GMT

He staggered foreward, almost seeming about to fall foreward. He stops himself, gasping softly and musing under his breath. "Hrrrnn.." He violently swipes a hand outward, making an empty trash can fly out, and crash a ways away- rolling the rest of the way to the wall she was against. He didn't seem to notice she was there, however -in fact- he was about to walk the other direction. That is, until, the steel can made a loud clanking noise against the wall. His head snapped to it, and he began going towards it. The muscles in his wings could obviously be seen stiffening up and raising slightly in a defence.
#125415768Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:39 AM GMT

Olivia flinched in response. Backing away from the sound she picks up a near rock and ducks behind a corner, peeking her head around the corner. Was it a walker or him? When is he going to give up and go back already? Clearly, she couldn't go back herself right now. Maybe she'll have Davin soul wander or something, she just didn't know. What she did know was that if his face appears around the corner he's going to get his teeth knocked out with a rock.
#125416600Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:47 AM GMT

Ogodei couldn't have possibly heard her, but he seemed to get this. He hesitated, before stepping foreward more slowly and cautiously. He must have looked like a complete mindless monster. He carefully approached the walls, touching the side she wasn't on, leaning against the wall, and looking to the corner. He was merely just a couple inches from turning it. He stayed still. She should be just barely behind that corner. He cleared his throat multiple times; as if trying to find words. ".....It couldn't be you."
#125417045Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:52 AM GMT

Olivia grit her teeth before stepping back until she was able to slip around to the other side. Little to no sound was made. "Does it really matter?" she murmured, raising her voice just enough to get the message out to him. "It's such a let down that you'd think I'd let go that easily." She backed away from the area, the distance from him drowning out the sound of her footsteps. She feels another slight pain in her head and winces, shaking the feeling away.
#125417706Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:00 AM GMT

He had gritted his teeth as well. Hearing her voice again really hurt, badly. It swelled inside of his stomach, and rose to his throat. It burned like fire. He couldn't speak, just barely make it make out words. "I don't... believe this..." He feels his hands slip down the surface of the wall, his back sliding. His head leans back against it. His eyes were closed. "I can't... seem to kill you... even now... It wasn't me who killed you... wasn't it..?"
#125418115Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:06 AM GMT

Olivia shrugged, raising her voice "I dunno, am I dead? If I am then yeah, probably." She stopped in her tracks, running a hand through her locks. Why did she like to talk to him? "Why do you ask?" she crossed her arms, she was unimpressed. He was going to be all loud and threatening then wimp out and call her dead. That's cold. "Do you care about me or something?" she grinned mockingly. Might as well mess with him before she leaves.
#125418397Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:10 AM GMT

"Тийм ээ." He replies bluntly. Why be an idiot and stumble over his words? Everything was obviously already over. The faucility will find out, and she will have to leave. He will have to die. "Yes."
#125419039Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:20 AM GMT

"Why?" she approached him and hovered over him she. She leaned down, her hair brushing his shoulder. "I mean, I insulted you and mocked you. Why?" All she wanted to do was scratch his eyes out at this point, is he the innocent all of a sudden. "In all honesty, I never liked you from the start. You brought negativity with you everywhere, and now I may know why but that's a whole other story. You were something to entertain me, a play thing. I don't appreciate you caring the slightest bit about me, because you know what. If I had the chance to save you I wouldn't, because I don't care about you." Though these words stung even her, they were lies. "I bet you agree that you don't deserve to live and stuff like that, but that's foolishness. I mean, everything has a reason. You were given a simple mission, kill me. You didn't. So do it. Kill me." She shoved him, "Kill me, Ogodei. Prove yourself to be nothing but the facilities' toy. In which you are."
#125420396Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:41 AM GMT

When she had shoved him, he had fallen over, lying on his side in the sand, his hair over his face. He didn't talk for a while, seeming not hesitant too speak, but to say nothing at all. Seemingly dead. "How is it.. you know what to say..? I'm an idiot. I have no words... no comebacks." He murmers. He realizes that it was completly and totally lame. Although, he wouldn't admit that the hot tears had begun to spring down his face when he had hit the sand. The feeling burned badly, and her words had only stung the bruises inside, making them burst into flames. He turned his face to the side, away from her face. "If you live... then she.. she can't. I wanted her back so badly.. I made a stupid mistake. I shouldn't have tried to play god... bringing her back is pointless.." He forced his shuddering voice to calm down, clearing his throat. "Her time is gone. I held the grudge for too long...because of my ambitions, I've just been a puppet for them. Iv'e done bad. I'm not going to do bad anymore.. I'm not..." He seemed to shrivel slightly, his wings drawing over him slightly to guard her from anymore hits she had to offer.
#125421294Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:58 AM GMT

Olivia kneeled down next to him "Shut up, just don't talk about me. Tell me who "she" is. I can help you, barely." She pushed his wings away from his face "Don't do that, I don't want you to acknowledge those fake things unless completely necessary...jerk." She had to admit that she did feel bad for him. "Just because you can't see, hear or feel something doesn't mean it isn't there. Just because you can't touch love doesn't mean it isn't there. Just because you cant reach desired hope doesn't mean you don't have it." She sighed, giving up. "I'm not poetic, but the way you work, talk and think annoys me." She forcefully pulled him up, brushing him off and fixing his hair. Like a mother. "Stand up for yourself, don't be pushed around by me. I mean, honestly." Grabbing his face she made him look her in the eyes, "Ally with us, just once more. I promise it'd be worth your while." A sigh came from her, "We need you, I'm getting sick of being told to fear you because now I do, and being around you hurts even when I'm hurting you." Standing up she waved a hand at him, as if shooing him away. "I doubt you care, sorry, do whatever you can to survive. I won't bother you." Rushing around a corner she ran. Why did she do that? It's true, she's a horrible person.
#125432850Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:19 PM GMT

He sat still in the position he left her in, his eyes wavering only at halfway. There were still tears, but he was expressionless. He knew that allying with Olivia again was the right thing to do (and the thing he wanted to do the most), but he was stuck. He couldn't leave the faucility. He had made an everlasting deal with the "papa" he had never met. After his desires are granted; thats when he could leave. It was cold and horrible there, he had gotten sick from it all and had almost died. His number would have ranked up- and for what? For them to wait for him to die over and over again as they sit back lazily? As they wait for him to forget his own desires along with his past? That was probably it. And not only that, but one desire had been crumbled down. The second desire was still eating at his heart. The third was new, and the most powerful. He wanted to be with Olivia. "That was my... first demand for the faucility. Bring her back... "Her," and "She," being.. my mother..."