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#104571008Monday, July 08, 2013 4:31 AM GMT

~{STORYLINE/PLOT}~ Welcome to the city of Taleriva, a rather large city located in the middle of Feron, a large land containing various cities that are famous world-wide. Taleriva is a city that contains the world's most famous dungeons. They stretch as far as the world, making each corridor endless. However, these dungeons each contain a sacred secret that the civilians do not know about, and that is when you step out. Many people, including you, decided to explore the dungeons themselves. And thus, the group of explorers formulated a group only for the bravest of the civilians to join the group and become a dungeon explorer. They held several meetings every night on Friday and planned multiple things. And then, one day, they decided that it was time for the exploration to begin. And so, they met at their group meeting place. At their group meeting place, they each packed up useful supplies that will come in handy during the dangerous journey. Weapons, food, drinks, etc were all packed, and various people chose partners to accompany them during the trip. Will you survive in the dungeons and discover a secret or more, or will you perish while journeying in the dungeons and not discover a single secret? This decision now lays in your hands. ~{RULES OF THE RP}~ 1.) You are expected to ALWAYS abide by the rules stated in this section. If you happen to violate any rule(s) stated in this section of the thread, a minor or major consequence will await you, depending on how bad the situation is. However, if you violate the rule you violated before or violate another rule, your starter consequence will become much more harsher than usual. 2.) Godmodding is NEVER EVER tolerated in this RP, and it basically means power-playing, ubering, or like saying that you're immortal or indestructible. Either way, it is NEVER allowed in the RP. You will receive a major consequence if caught violating this rule. 3.) What me or an admin says, goes. You are NOT allowed to make up useless excuses, no exceptions. In result for not abiding by this rule, you'll receive a major consequence for doing so. 4.) Please respect all RPers, admins, and also myself. Disrespecting is a form of bullying, so I would suggest not doing so, or you can just receive a simple consequence. However, the consequence is not a minor one, it's a major one. Please keep this in mind, thank you. 5.) You CANNOT use in-game RPing if you are a participant of this RP, you MUST ONLY use story-mode RPing. Examples will be stated in the following sentence(s). EXAMPLES: Story-Mode RPing [MUST USE] The cat licked its paws vigorously, never expecting such a nice meal in his entire lifetime. In-Game RPing [DO NOT USE] *the cat licks its paw* 6.) You are expected to use decent grammar AT ALL TIMES in order for us to understand each other in a better state. However, failure to abide by this rule will result in a minor consequence, because the rule itself is not really that important. But, that does NOT mean that you can freely violate this rule every time. 7.) When in a conversation with a NPC or another RPer, you MUST use the dialog correctly. Examples will be listed below in the following sentence(s). EXAMPLES: Quotation Mark(s) [MUST USE] “I never expected such a thing though, Joe,” I responded, hands in pockets. No Quotation Marks [DO NOT USE] Guess so, Joe. 8.) Romance is allowed, but please keep it to a limit and do not go too far with it. Your privileges of being allowed to cause romance will be stripped away if you go way too far with it. 9.) This RP is loosely inspired by the ROBLOX game Dungeon Delvers. However, there will be many changes, as this RP doesn't contain everything the game contains. [MORE RULES COMING SOON!] ~{EXPLORER APPLICATION SHEET}~ Name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Appearance: Physical Appearance: Fears: Biography: Others:
#104573258Monday, July 08, 2013 4:49 AM GMT

Bump #1?
#104573474Monday, July 08, 2013 4:51 AM GMT

(Interesting...I think I'll join.)
#104574345Monday, July 08, 2013 4:58 AM GMT

(Alright, I'll be looking forward towards it. Anyways, bump :3)
#104576283Monday, July 08, 2013 5:16 AM GMT

Oh I forgot to post my sheet. I'll do it now :P ~{EXPLORER APPLICATION SHEET}~ Name: Zyrus Xeneks Age: 34 Gender: Male Nationality: American Appearance: Zyrus has a tall muscular body build with a tattoo of a dragon printed neatly on his back. He wears a plain white shirt with the picture of a rainbow on it, and covering it, is a plain black jacket containing tons of pockets useful for storing items. His jeans are a bluish and black color, probably the two colors mixed together. His shoes are a lime green and black mixture, standing out perfectly from the look of the exterior. Physical Appearance: Zyrus has a tannish skin, possibly the color peach. His eyes are a light brown. He has a scar on his left cheek, which sometimes hurt a lot. Fears: Zyrus fears his death, being bullied, and being defeated in important situations. Biography: Zyrus was born in a wealthy family. For generations, he was the first one in his entire family tree to have a name like his current. Because of his special name, it marks him as a special child only in the eyes of his family tree. He was treated with equal respect while in any properties owned by his family. However, at age 21, his grandparents died of an unknown disease. His grandparents were extremely respectful and friendly to him, but when their death occurred, it haunted him almost to this very day. It gave him several nightmares each one regarding their death, but now, somehow the nightmares have disappeared. Zyrus still honors his grandparents to this very day by sometimes visiting their grave. He enlisted in the US Marine Corps at age 30, and continued to serve the Marine Corps today. Others: N/A
#104576355Monday, July 08, 2013 5:17 AM GMT

I accept myself :3
#104576702Monday, July 08, 2013 5:20 AM GMT

Name: Fawn Thrush Age: about 19, almost 20 now. Gender: Female Nationality: American/white (if that's what your going for? My brain's fried.) Appearance: Fawn has long, wavy blonde-ish brown hair that goes down to her waist, and looks soft to touch. She is tiny and thin with a small waist and body structure. She has brown eyes, that look like cookies. Fawn has a roundish sort of face, and pink rosy cheeks with a dusty trance of lighting brown freckles. Physical Appearance: She is wearing a black tank top, with white skinny jeans, and a wrist band. She has white sneakers on. Fears: Fawns biggest fear is losing the people she loves. She really hates perfection. (Look in bio.) Biography: Fawn has always live with her parents. She grew up in a nice household, but the only problem was, is that it was TOO perfect. Her parents wanted her to grow up to be a perfectly poised princess. Fawn is really the gentle type of girl, but she also has a strong sence of free-will. She became an explorer after running away from her parent's household, hoping that one day she will show them that not all girls have to be gentle and mannered to be perfect. Others: Fawn has a big sniper on her back that she carries with her. She also has a bunch of little knifes that she can throw expertly. Fawn is gentle, but her looks can fool you. In fact, she can even beat grown men up if she wants to.
#104577341Monday, July 08, 2013 5:27 AM GMT

(How's that..? Ugh, I got some stuff mixted around though... Meh, like I said, my brain is MUSH.)
#104577526Monday, July 08, 2013 5:28 AM GMT

Accepted? Also, please note that, if you carry weapons and are expertly trained on how to use them, you still have to keep them to a limit. You can't kill someone directly with a single shot of a sniper or strike directly in the forehead of someone by throwing a knife. Anyways, wanna begin?
#104578112Monday, July 08, 2013 5:34 AM GMT

Also, want to be my partner that I chose at the meeting :3
#104578113Monday, July 08, 2013 5:34 AM GMT

[i know, I know. I'm no godmodder. Lol. :P And yah, sure, lets start, but do we have a certain dungeon we need to be at when we start?]
#104578173Monday, July 08, 2013 5:35 AM GMT

[and about the partnership- Sure, yay. :)]
#104578405Monday, July 08, 2013 5:37 AM GMT

(Our levels are low, so of course we start at a dungeon that is quite easy.) ~{Zyrus}~ I stood still in front of the dungeon gate, examining the unknown symbols crafted on the gate slowly. Suddenly, the gate opened by itself, and then I saw a long corridor.
#104578519Monday, July 08, 2013 5:38 AM GMT

(Sorry for the bad and not detailed paragraphs, I'm kinda tired right now.$
#104578688Monday, July 08, 2013 5:40 AM GMT

)* And I'm on my iPad right now so grammar mistakes may be made.
#104578719Monday, July 08, 2013 5:40 AM GMT

[cool. Lets do dis! >:3] ~Fawn~ I stand in amazement as the door opens up right in front of us. My brown eyes become as wide as sausers. "Wow!" 8U
#104578825Monday, July 08, 2013 5:41 AM GMT

[its ok. I'm on an IPhone. *virtual pat on the back.*]
#104579384Monday, July 08, 2013 5:46 AM GMT

(:D) ~{Zyrus}~ Without saying anything, I carefully stepped in. I threw small rocks in all directions to see if there were any dangerous traps nearby. Fortunately, there were none. “The coast is clear,” I said to Fawn, smiling.
#104579832Monday, July 08, 2013 5:50 AM GMT

~Fawn~ I grin back at him, and walk in as well. I can hear the sound of water dripping in the background, and maybe the chatter of bats, and the sound of my partners voice echoing a bit after telling me that the coat was clear. But all I SEE is dark. Although, I'm not afraid. I already promised that I'd never be afraid again! I step in a couple more steps until I am at Zyrus' side, turning my head to look in every direction.
#104580355Monday, July 08, 2013 5:56 AM GMT

~{Zyrus}~ Seeing that the area was too dark, I took out one of my best flashlights and turned it on. It illuminated the entire area, as well as some other few areas. I smiled again.
#104580873Monday, July 08, 2013 6:01 AM GMT

~Fawn~ She blinks the sudden bright light out if her eyes as Zyrus turns the flashlight on. She looks up to him for a second. THINKS-(what a nice smile. ) She then turns her head here and there to check out the area. "What do you think?"
#104581058Monday, July 08, 2013 6:02 AM GMT

~{Zyrus}~ “We should probably get going first,” I said, flickering the flashlight on and off.
#104581514Monday, July 08, 2013 6:07 AM GMT

~Fawn~ "Good idea." I begin walking, going around the strange rock formations that jutted out of the ground, like a giants jagged old teeth. My mind reflects to my parents. Ha! Look at me now! I've been exploring for almost a year on my own up until I met with the group. And now I'm exploring professionally. Well mom, dad, aren't I just the perfect young lady? I go around a corner, touching the wall.
#104581798Monday, July 08, 2013 6:10 AM GMT

~{Zyrus}~ As I walked, I heard noises behind me. I turned around and then saw a horde of skeleton archers and skeleton warriors. “OMG!” I shrieked.
#104582283Monday, July 08, 2013 6:15 AM GMT

~Fawn~ Whips her head around to see all of the Bony warriors. I give an excited/determined grin, loading my sniper up with extra amo, just in case I ran out during our fight. "Get ready!" I shoot, splintering one's spine. Huh, well that's as a lucky shot. I back up as I continue firing. "Come on Zyrus!"

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