#12800486Thursday, August 13, 2009 6:26 PM GMT

I think nowone will earn 'we will survive''badge because there are ALOT of surviors even if you stick together one will die so you can earn it only if there are less surviors.
#12810926Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:56 PM GMT

If your suggjesting badges I have a couple. Infecter - Kill 5 Survivors in 1 game as any zombie type. Killers eye - Have all your shots hit a zombie in a game. Saveoir (I think this one will be impossible to do but w/e) - Save a Teammate from any Zombie. Mainly Smokers and Tanks.
#12814433Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:10 PM GMT

no impossible and anoying badges!
#12821557Friday, August 14, 2009 1:29 AM GMT

can u make it more likly that ull be tank cuase ive never ben tanjk once
#12822061Friday, August 14, 2009 1:39 AM GMT

#12826799Friday, August 14, 2009 3:42 AM GMT

Yeah I know but theres a LINK here in the place des. So he oboiusly approves this guide.
#12828090Friday, August 14, 2009 4:41 AM GMT

Hey i found out that if the tank throw the rock (seats) it can make the survivors sit!!! and also u should make a map of a abounden base like area 51 lol that would be cool!
#12829486Friday, August 14, 2009 6:16 AM GMT

Arena 51? Never.Better Subway.
#12829622Friday, August 14, 2009 6:27 AM GMT

I have an idea for a map that takes place in an underground maze of a mine. The survivors have to find their way up to the surface while zombies have to, of course, murder them.
#12832582Friday, August 14, 2009 11:09 AM GMT

I said subway i dont mean maze.I mean you must survive for a time until a car comes.
#12832715Friday, August 14, 2009 11:17 AM GMT

I love that game, I found a trick. The smoker's effect cancels medi-kits. Also for quick kills, pull them above water, and click again to drop them. Also the smoker tool can shoot through materials, to do so move your camera around the obstruction to see your target, and click. warning, noobs will think you're hacking -_- they don't know how to script and don't realize that it is just the effect of the script.
#12834814Friday, August 14, 2009 1:20 PM GMT

You should add more guns like a rocket launcher or a minigun that wud be totally awesome. you should add a giant zombie aswell that blows itself up. awesome game
#12835169Friday, August 14, 2009 1:36 PM GMT

really i do better alone at the road than a group at the dock most zombies ignore me and thairs lots of space to kill a tank farm i block off door and push all barrels off so it makes it were noobs cant git up unless thay know the glitch or other way up and i stick with the group at stud harvest cuase thairs lots of room for things to hide so i sugest stick in a group of 2 or 3 others git in one big group and one zombie comes kills two and thay all die never do the dock that is a fail it doesnt matter what you do its a fail smokers can git you zombies followed with boomers will kill you tanks cornor you hunters out smart you stuff like that some good zombie team work tips hunters and smokers are good smoker and another smoker good cuase wen a person gits smoked here comes some one else to kill him and the other smoker gits him by the time some one else comes the smoker will have done his job tank and hunter or tank and smoker both good groups Fun Facts never go out alone with a shot gun or avoid cornors smokers will pray on you if your a humter your to far away from the survivor hit E and dont jump it will give you a speed boost Tanks dont try a long range rock thairs no point if they fall thay will git back up before you git thair Smokers if you can git a look around a door or somthing and git some one it will pull them through the door in one second and you might kill her before the others come Boomers i sugest you git near a med and hide wen the player comes to git it boom thair dead survivor facts Bill is for some one with a sharp shot with not much ammo its a very powerfull gun better for lone wolf style louis a gun for a bad aim is almost the same as mp5 but the uzi is good zoey dual pistol are power full and can whipe out zombies in a heart beet franic is close combat pump shotgun its not very good for long range like smokers but gitting close it blows almost anything away
#12837225Friday, August 14, 2009 2:49 PM GMT

I love this game it's really addicting I played it for 3 hours straight yesterday and it's also a good game to meet new friends.
#12842596Friday, August 14, 2009 5:17 PM GMT

Placerebuilder do not listen to poopin18 or the guy that suggested a minigun or rocket launcher, those Ideas will both ruin the game, but I do admit, A subway system would be awesome.
#12845488Friday, August 14, 2009 6:17 PM GMT

"Also for quick kills, pull them above water, and click again to drop them. Also the smoker tool can shoot through materials, to do so move your camera around the obstruction to see your target, and click. warning, noobs will think you're hacking -_- they don't know how to script and don't realize that it is just the effect of the script." That is what we call Smoker lameing. You Abuse Glitches like that and it's near Impossible to Survive. I never seen anyone who didn't get mad from Smoker Lameing. And Like I said if you don't like a posted idea. Say way. Don't just say It'll ruin the game or it sucks. Miniguns or R.L's will dfenilty ruin the game if they were so easy to collect. However I wouldn't throw them out the Window. Maybe the items can be placed in areas whch are easy for ombie Acess but hard for Survivor acess. However I doubt it'll happan. As both would be so incredbily powerful if you ccould Reload them. Maps? Well I have many Map Ideas. Hospitals, Appartment, Hotel, Park, etc.
#12847576Friday, August 14, 2009 7:08 PM GMT

Heres some helpful hints for where to hide.. NOTE:ALWAYS COLLECT MOLOTVS AND A MEDKIT BEFORE GOING TO BATTLE CITY . Then, get everyone to the top of office building if not already there. If a tank comes up, your dead, so abandon ship (jump off office) and run away. HOW TO DEFEAT MASSIVE HORDES OF ZOMBIES throw a pipebomb, then molotovs, then blow them away with a shotgun or uzi. This way the pipebomb kills most zombies, and molotov burns tank to death and bullets just help alot. STUD HARVEST make sure no noobs are following you. Head to the tunnel on the right side of the train track(where the train exits). No zombies are really smart enough to look there. Make sure that you dont walk off edge because it is very narrow when you go in. Wait til the very last 30 seconds of train leaving (run instantly if its military vehicle) and FIRE YOUR LAZOR BLARGH!! not really throw a pipebomb and hop on! FARM get everyone to the roof, and use a barell to get onto the top roof. Make sure you have alot of molotovs to throw when your in the truck. not really any taticts here except stick together. FUN FACTS -smokers can drop people over water -tanks can live through pipebombs so throw molotovs at them -if you go behind the mountain at stud harvest there is a little ridge you can walk on in the back but be VERY careful it takes expert skills to get there -If your a zombie, Hide in the bushes! people Don't know your there so when they walk by you can suprise attack them! GUNS -MP5:One of my personal favorites, has alot of accuracy and power but low ammo. -UZI:Another good one but ammo goes fast. Easy kills for smokers, and regular zombies. -DOUBLE GUN:very powerful gun. I don't really like it because if a zombie is chasing you from behind its hard to aim. SHOTGUN:Good on hunters. DO NOT USE FOR LONG RANGE SHOTS!! Best used when zombie is chasing you. well, theres my guide! I hope you liked it!
#12855715Friday, August 14, 2009 10:01 PM GMT

I have a way that helped the survivors win. The gun shop on the old map is a good hidey hole, make sure no noobs will shoot the barrels, then go into the back room, make sure you have some good shooters at the clerk desk to alert you if zombies are coming, then close both doors in the back room, if any noobs shoot the barrels, take them out of the back room for zombie food, then push the barrels into the doors, if a bot rescues you, go out the back door to the dock, you can still make it to the heli rescue in time, just run to it and don't stop, if zombies start picking you off one by one, throw a pipe bomb or moltolov to stop them in their tracks, you won't mke it if you stop running, thats why if you know its a heli rescue, spend some of the game collecting medikits and moltolovs.
#12855873Friday, August 14, 2009 10:04 PM GMT

I'm gonna fix the spelling mistakes Bot=Boat Mke=Make I'm to lazy to look up how to spell motolov, so I'll do that later.
#12857081Friday, August 14, 2009 10:30 PM GMT

CITY . Then, get everyone to the top of office building if not already there. If a tank comes up, your dead, so abandon ship (jump off office) and run away. First off the Top of the office building is a PERFECT place for Zombies to corner you. Theres no Ammo Supply and Hunters and Smokers can get really easy kills. If your camping ALWAYS make sure you have an ammo supply. Overwise you'll be dead or forced to move out defenceless. HOW TO DEFEAT MASSIVE HORDES OF ZOMBIES throw a pipebomb, then molotovs, then blow them away with a shotgun or uzi. This way the pipebomb kills most zombies, and molotov burns tank to death and bullets just help alot. Not a bad tip. However Pipebombs THEN Molotovs is overkill. Normally 1 pipebomb + Blasting your gun is enough for a Tank. And Molotovs don' work for me. STUD HARVEST make sure no noobs are following you. Head to the tunnel on the right side of the train track(where the train exits). No zombies are really smart enough to look there. Make sure that you dont walk off edge because it is very narrow when you go in. Wait til the very last 30 seconds of train leaving (run instantly if its military vehicle) and FIRE YOUR LAZOR BLARGH!! not really throw a pipebomb and hop on! Ok. First off this WILL gurentee you'll die unless you move out. Again no Ammo supply so you'll be forced to get out. To make this worse Your name apears to the Zombies so you can't see them but they'll see you! Thus Entering a Silent Death. And pipebomb will not buy you enough time. You'll be dead by then unless the Zombies are Terrible. FARM get everyone to the roof, and use a barell to get onto the top roof. Make sure you have alot of molotovs to throw when your in the truck. not really any taticts here except stick together. Top roof is an ok place but it's also the most prediable. I see Zombies win alot from Exploiting that. Takeing a Route to the roof and then surpriseing the Survivors. A Hunter waited and just killed 3 Clueless Survoirs and then killed all the rest below trying to grab a medkit. The roof is also not the only place to camp. Infact it's an Easy place for Hunters and Tanks.
#12859569Friday, August 14, 2009 11:28 PM GMT

City: I Wait at the road becuase thairs ammo not that so fare but wen on the road smokers have to come out in whide range to kill you i perfer gitting 1 or 2 people 4 people make it harder cuase thair more easy to see i suggest mp5 low ammo but it is good for some slick kills you will make it to any were on time wen recue arives try to sneak around the zombies cuase thay will all head to the recue heli you will make it with 30 seconds to spare and boat 45 on what zombies attack you on the way Stud Harvert i sugest you go out into the place were amored truck is cuase the trains removed or script doesnt like it i hide behind its a good place to hide not only can zombies not see your name thay think every ones at the train station it kind of scary some time tho watch out for smokers its very rare for them to spot you but it will happen with 1 zombie after every one else is dead and door opens to truck its not going to be easy to survive :L Farm House : i perfer going up to the roof the quick way throwing all the barrels off so dumb zombies other than smokers and hunters can git up thair just make sure the doors cracked a bit so you can jump on it like the smart way im one of the first people to figure it out wen tanks try to copy us he jumps his arms will knock the door in so just relax and hope Thanks
#12869109Saturday, August 15, 2009 2:36 AM GMT

WAT ABOUT THE EXPLOSIVE BARRELS? can u type that in the guide?
#12871800Saturday, August 15, 2009 3:44 AM GMT

Rumor said that there was a epik hacker hacking a few famous place these day. Even R2D got haxed and the haxer put a giant black hole into the server. Epik.
#12871915Saturday, August 15, 2009 3:47 AM GMT

i agree with gary mercy hospital should be added and when left 4 dead 2 comes out u should add those maps :D
#12874015Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:52 AM GMT

there isnt a boat in it enymore its a heli