#104806173Tuesday, July 09, 2013 9:33 PM GMT

I think. I mean I know it's not at 10% that's all I was getting across. But yeah you need to be more specific with your application Holyguy if you want to be accepted, it would've been nice if you looked at the other applications aswell.
#104810076Tuesday, July 09, 2013 9:58 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#104816386Tuesday, July 09, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

[Axiom Republic] The research team is being taken to the Starfarer for launch.
#104832863Wednesday, July 10, 2013 1:04 AM GMT

I did look at others, I'll retry
#104834542Wednesday, July 10, 2013 1:16 AM GMT

---APPLICATION--- Nation name: Xacon Leader: Milad Cuvas Population: 215,659,243 Military size: 97,687,129 Main cities: Thartix, Derwas, Thudder Political ideology: Socialist Government form: Democrat Republic
#104834672Wednesday, July 10, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

Territory: Belgium, Iraq
#104868164Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:54 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#104868304Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:56 AM GMT

Territory: Belgium, France
#104874930Wednesday, July 10, 2013 7:21 AM GMT

Better, but I never said you needed to change the name, I mean yes i like variety but I honestly had no problem with that, I was just saying it'd help your case if you were more specific with some of the things you put down. Good improvement though!
#104885412Wednesday, July 10, 2013 11:34 AM GMT

You need to pick an existing city on your territory.
#104898003Wednesday, July 10, 2013 3:04 PM GMT

The Sovereign Colonies construct the Frigates first, the new Warship is put into progress and is worked on quickly. The Orbital Platform's progress is slow, but is 30% into completion.
#104903507Wednesday, July 10, 2013 4:09 PM GMT

[ Mexico ] Diplomacy The treaty regarding peace with the United States remains in full effect, President Juan Sanchez now looks to create an alliance with the prosperous nation, and expand Mexico's borders deeper into South America. Military Report The Mexican Army continues to patrol the southern border of Mexico, El Salvadorian rebels have been seen just beyond the border, it seems they have caught on to the rumor of Mexico's expansion.
#104905501Wednesday, July 10, 2013 4:30 PM GMT

{Sovereign Colonies} {Government} Javock's City Hall is bombed, there are many Casualties. The Mayor is included in these Casualties, the Sovereign Colonies are out-raged. The S.C.A.F is put on High Alert, Martial Law is in effect in: New Bannon, Javock City and Kendon City. Anyone caught near Key Government or Military Installations, will be Arrested, or shot on Sight. Scanner's are Installed around each City, and Worker's at Government Building's are searched. In Kendon City, a Bank is destroyed, and a Public Transport Building is completely destroyed. {Military} The New Warship, now named CMS Hellion, is completed. It is armed with a Arsenal of Missiles, and armed with Cannons. A Prototype heavy Energy Weapon is tested, showing promising results. More of the Materials first discovered by Colombia are Mined and used for Various Military Purposes. Batches of Helium 3 arrive, as Fuel for the CMS Hellion. The Orbital Command Platform is in finishing Stages.
#104906400Wednesday, July 10, 2013 4:40 PM GMT

{Sovereign Colonies} {Military} One of the Sovereign Colonies Civilian Space Station's are attacked, the defending Forces take Heavy Casualties but hold the Station. Many Civilian Casualties are suffered, the Defensive Frigate, CMS O'Brian, is able to launch off one of it's Nuclear Missiles. The Missile destroy's one of the Hostile Ships, the wreckage is currently being searched for Clues and any Information of the Attacking Force. It turns out that, it's one of the Splinter Groups from the Red Bears. They were able to somehow get their Hands on some Ships and attack the Colonies. It turns out this Group was responsible for the other Bombings on the Sovereign Colonies. Confirmation if they were responsible for the Cambodian Attacks, are yet to be confirmed.
#104908165Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:00 PM GMT

[Axiom Republic] Axiom Republic military and diplomatic ships are fitted with new armor plating and shielding. A Quantum communications relay is established in Antarctica to allow rapid communication between Mars and Earth. The launch of the ARS Starfarer has commenced. Engineers are working on more refined versions of the FTL drive.
#104910332Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:23 PM GMT

{Sovereign Colonies} The Sovereign Colonies send the Axiom Republic a Treaty of Allying. The Orbital Command Platform, named CMS Roanoke, is completed. The Orbital Platform is an outstanding piece of Machinery, showing the Colonies power and Strength in constructing Weapons and it's Industry. The Roanoke has 2 Hangars, able to carry 50 Planetary Space Combat Fighter's, it is able to hold a Crew of up to 4'000, is Armed with the latest Weapons created by the Colonies. It also has a Ship Repair Bay able to repair a Sovereign Frigate. Two Orbital Artillery Platform's, armed with the Prototype Energy Cannon are put forward for Construction. S.C.A.F also Recruit's 15'000 more people for Basic Training and Service.
#104911865Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:37 PM GMT

The UK sends researcher for the international project by the Axiom Republic. (I'm a bit tired and I have not really kept up with the story so far).
#104929118Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:08 PM GMT

~Cambodia~ -Cambodia proceeds to fight against terrorism, they discover major leaders of the terrorism group and learn they have shifting leaders. They link one of their newly formed representatives to the terrorist acts, and the people of the country act against him brutally attacking him in the streets, he dies, but only 3 of the people present during the attack are considered guilty of murder. -Cambodia opens up trading stations and upgrade their airports, merging both together. They then proceed to increase security and watch outsiders carefully. The citizens are watched on the streets heavily as well.
#104948212Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:53 PM GMT

[Axiom Republic] The Starfarer departs from Mars to meet up with the Axiom Exploration Fleet at Gilese 581. Freighters begin making trips to the Outer Solar System and back. Rumors of a terraforming machine have started to circulate. The government does not confirm or deny these rumors.
#105000541Thursday, July 11, 2013 6:15 AM GMT

#105054937Thursday, July 11, 2013 6:51 PM GMT

instead of bumping maybe you should post something else.
#105137135Friday, July 12, 2013 6:39 AM GMT

(I'm trying to get the other's attention on this. Alpha, I've been posting quite a bit, as you can see on the 11th Page.)
#105163704Friday, July 12, 2013 2:35 PM GMT

United States of America [Military] -Mass military advertisement takes place as the military seeks to increase it's current size to ten million active duty within the next five years. Extra college benefits and pay have been regarded as well as stressing the Officer career to extend the time spent. -The M16 and M4 current models are deemed unusable in today's standards, research goes into more modern day standards to regain the edge the US once had, and begin their attempts as regaining military status, though confidential to the public and foreigners. [Government] -Franklin Hall reviews Mexico's peace treaty with other supervisor's, deeming it respectable and fair. He set's it in effect. -Plan's to expand north into Canada are discussed privately as a future objective to truly from the North American continent under one ruling, although Franklin Hall believe's it won't be gained in his presidency unless granted a second term in the upcoming elections starting next year. -Anarchist's start to attempt shutting down high efficiency solar farms in North Dakota, much of which powers both the North and South Dakota's as a sign of protest to democracy, the CIA begin's to look into recovering information on these anarchist's and their allegiance while the National Guard deploy's three regiment's in the region to act as the response force.
#105167134Friday, July 12, 2013 3:10 PM GMT

[Axiom Republic] The Exploration Fleet sends a report stating that Gilese 581g is the only habitable planet in the system, and that scans of 581g turned up inconclusive. They will soon send teams to explore the planet. They are also constructing space stations in the Gilese 581 system. The Starfarer has linked up with the Exploration Fleet. Traditional gunpowder-based weapons have been fully phased out from the military, Gauss and Energy weaponry now take their place. The CC-2 Artificial Intelligence is revealed, each unit uses a highly complex scan of the human brain to create one AI. Each one is unique to the brain that they were scanned from. Currently, this technology is only in use by the Axiom Republic's government.
#105172736Friday, July 12, 2013 4:06 PM GMT

{Sovereign Colonies} S.C.A.F puts forward an Armament Plan. This Plan will create 7 Frigates, 3 Dreadnought's and another Orbital Command Platform. It will also create an extra 450 Nuclear Missiles and 300 more Planetary Space Fighter's. It will also hopefully Recruit 27'000 Army Personnel, 6'000 Navy Personnel, 375 Battle Tanks and 150 Armored Vehicles. The Plan is deemed to be completed in 6 Years time. The Prototype Artillery Platform's are built, but only one will be built. It is deemed too costly for another. The Terrorist attacks seemed to have ceased, but the Hunt is still going on. A Cell Based in Kandon was found, and are currently in a high Security Prison. Employment is high for the people of the Colonies, and Poverty is a rare sight. Everyone is happy, there is no Famine or Disease, this decade is one of prosperity. Military Recruitment is at an all time high, recently 7'000 Recruited for Military Service.