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#105772815Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:26 PM GMT

First, the new outlines should be a studio tool which can easily be toggled on and off. Whether you have it toggled on or off will determine whether they're visible to other players. Second, bricks are updated so that when two bricks of the same color, material, and reflectance are placed directly adjacent to one another so that each has at least one face that is parallel to a face on the other brick, it appears as though the two faces are one, unless outlines are enabled. The reason for this is so that people can use shapes other than triangles and rectangles in their places without it being obvious they used pieces of different shapes to make them.
#105772939Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:27 PM GMT

Good idea Bumpedy support.
#105804805Wednesday, July 17, 2013 8:05 PM GMT

You should be able to toggle the outlines very easily, so that builders are still able to differentiate between different bricks they placed.

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