#107089141Friday, July 26, 2013 6:07 PM GMT

" I am saying, I believe Roblox is going to promote Paid Access to get Bcers to use it. They want to limit our access to games. " I made a lil mistake on the post, I made lol. You can figure which this goes to.
#107089393Friday, July 26, 2013 6:09 PM GMT

Well, support! Paid Access is nothing, you could play real games with no Paid Access, and people will start coming to ROBLOX, because it will be free.
#107089500Friday, July 26, 2013 6:10 PM GMT

#107090258Friday, July 26, 2013 6:16 PM GMT

people have been saying that roblox is going to become p2p for years
#107093787Friday, July 26, 2013 6:43 PM GMT

Yeah,in fact, ROBLOX Studio doesn't even let me make any models! I mean,If I use it,it still says "To make a model,you have to use ROBLOX STUDIO!" So,they'll make updates to the website,they'll make playing the game hardr,but they won't just do something that actually makes this game better,and fix it.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ain't no party like a timelord party because a timelord party isn't bound by typical temporal parameters and thus don't stop!
#107095557Friday, July 26, 2013 6:56 PM GMT

@ SwordFighterSwag Shut up and get off this post you disgusting selfish idiot. I hate when stupid people just post whatever they want just because they think they're right, my god...
#107095790Friday, July 26, 2013 6:58 PM GMT

#107097469Friday, July 26, 2013 7:09 PM GMT

i dont see whats wrong with tools.they;re the same like b4?
#107098300Friday, July 26, 2013 7:16 PM GMT

My friends, if you joined in 2012 or later, you don't know what the tools were like back then. Personally, I never liked building in servers, I always used Roblox Studio. However, I do agree that the building back before terrain was of a much higher quality. Also, please bring the old studio back. Studio 2.0 lags even on the lowest graphics quality, and it is harder to control in many cases. *Tell me about the rabbits, George*
#107098382Friday, July 26, 2013 7:17 PM GMT

I dont support this...Stop whining over updates.You cant CONTROL ROBLOX.Personally I like Paid Access Gaming.With Paid Access Gaming you could sell early entry into your WIP game.Also it wont save your stuff because of your connection.Get a new Modem
#107098860Friday, July 26, 2013 7:21 PM GMT

Well Paid Access means no one will visit your place nonbcs cant afford them so you;ll only see BC;S we already have the BC Games feature why make the paid access games feature if only BC'S can afford its almost just like Bc only games.
#107098939Friday, July 26, 2013 7:21 PM GMT

@tecmags #5 Thing about that is,that you LOSE all of those benefits AFTER BC expires. Keep dreamin'.
#107099548Friday, July 26, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

@Spec you are the stupid idiot he accidently said something which I was trying to correct. You are stupid for NOT EVEN looking at his post idiot.
#107099721Friday, July 26, 2013 7:28 PM GMT

@Tecmagdiams This comment in a NutShell "Hi,im TecmagDiams and I think that NBC's are noobs and should buy stuff for greedy people to get more money so they can make more terrible updates and taunt NBC's till they buy Lifetime OBC for THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS" REALLY.
#107099813Friday, July 26, 2013 7:29 PM GMT

Look; I'm not fine with paid access the way it is now; it'd be better to remove it. However; if they fixed it up; like let's say games with over 1000 visits could be set to paid access; or only BCers can make games paid access; ect. Something not to make paid access way overused, it would be much better.
#107099816Friday, July 26, 2013 7:29 PM GMT

This is not actually an argument conquers and I do actually know what am I saying you idiot. This is not going to me Pay to pay site cause you are scared for P2P. Lol stop getting butthurt kid there's MILLIONS of other games to play.
#107099984Friday, July 26, 2013 7:30 PM GMT

I don't give a blox about being banned, you canjust make a new account, sure you will have to start over. This is a bunch of noobflakes. BC only, Pay to Play, I admit, I am more of a generous BCer, I'm with the noobs on this argument, the NEW meaning, also the Non-BCers, they are not noobs, well most of them.
#107101386Friday, July 26, 2013 7:40 PM GMT

Look, You can just ignore the P2P games ok? Only a few games are P2P. Not all. I ignore them. Why can't you?
#107102812Friday, July 26, 2013 7:49 PM GMT

Boo who likes to pay for games tiffanycoles.
#107103268Friday, July 26, 2013 7:52 PM GMT

I compltely agree with you other than one thing, the forum moderators are obliged to look at every single post to make sure it is apropriate. Have more faith in your moderators.
#107106184Friday, July 26, 2013 8:11 PM GMT

Le support.
#107108941Friday, July 26, 2013 8:31 PM GMT

I give support. Yes I'm a BC but I agree about all of this. It is stupid about all there building updates that don't help. Resizing is a huge one but for me I hate the new tools, I want the older tools they worked just fine. Old ROBLOX rocked this new ROBLOX I'm not sure about. Now to the person who started this 1. I agree 100% 2. Also 100% agree 3. Very, very much agree! 4. Now I may be BC and never bought those cards but it sure sounds stupid so ill agree. And as for the paid access games, I think there stupid. I mean think about it who wants to pay to get into some game that could be a trick so the owner can just get money. Not to mention that we BC's get a ton of money everyday compared to non BC's which I think is very unfair. I will point out though that this is life and it isn't usually fair. Sometimes you can't get what you expect or deserve by ranting. I still agree though.
#107112552Friday, July 26, 2013 8:57 PM GMT

Support. I don't like the idea of updating the tools, but I am kind of not agreeing in the Robux one... Anyway, I saw some posts from you guys. One thing is that tools like Insert breaks and some of the better old tools are removed. For example, the new tool gives voxel and cubic bricks, but you cannot decrease their size. The copy tool is also a helpful thing that was removed in personal servers. Bringing back the old tools actually receives the most of my support. The other thing I have to counter is one when someone likes paid/BC games. Some might have ban scripts in them which promotes the less use of BC. Also, a person might just copy that place for themselves. It isn't fair to the real games with how some people intend to use it for private places. Also, why would you buy BC to a paid place that lied about its title/description making it worse? Greed, I bet. Therefore I support this argument. For the Robux one, I am unstable about changing it because BC members are supposed to get perks, right? I feel secure about that, but I have something to say a bit off-topic from this. It is about the game cards. When you buy 45 days BC, It is $10 (2.5 weekly). For the normal one it is $5.95 (1.5 weekly). What surprises me is that the 6 month is $29.95 (1.3 weekly). The rates... Is that really true? The 45 days rate is higher than the monthly, but lower than the 45 days? If I knew, I should've saved up for the 6 month!
#107112685Friday, July 26, 2013 8:58 PM GMT

On the first line, I meant I LIKE the idea of updating the tools.
#107131851Friday, July 26, 2013 11:18 PM GMT

lsabellShadows, 19 out of millions of players isn't much. If you can't reach 19 visitors to meet that ad, you either didn't have an ad that grabbed attention well, or didn't present the place well enough to attract the purchases. "Not that you can speak of being strapped for cash at this point." Again, just because someone isn't actively in a situation doesn't mean that can not speak for it. If that was the case women's rights would have never made it, because it took the male vote to get them those rights. conquerors101, "Tec you like Paid Access Because you are TBC. You rich you can go to most of the Paid Access. Us Non BC people it takes up to couple months to make 250 robux. You only takes about a week." *sigh* I thought that we where past you using petty personal attacks on me and not touching my point... Again, me liking Paid Access has NOTHING to do with being TBC, please stop playing as a broken record. I like it because it allows users new avenues of revenue, and more control over their content... DarkPhoenix411, "#5 Thing about that is,that you LOSE all of those benefits AFTER BC expires." Not sure what #5 you are referring to, but yea, you don't get additional content when you are no longer subscribed to it. That's expected and not an issue. "This comment in a NutShell "Hi,im TecmagDiams and I think that NBC's are noobs and should buy stuff for greedy people to get more money so they can make more terrible updates and taunt NBC's till they buy Lifetime OBC for THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS" REALLY." Wow, another attack on me and not my points, what a surprise, children do almost nothing but ad hominime. So let me dissect this one piece at a time and show that you really are just kicking and screaming and having a fit. I don't think NBC are noobs, thanks for starting with a lie. Shows how much we can trust you. I never said that people should buy stuff they don't want to, I also don't believe and I do believe that people are not different based on BC status, so that's a second lie in a row. You thinking the updates are terrible is personal opinion, not fact. I have even used factual evidence to back my claims to show this update was positive. So you did nothing but lie and kick and scream. Wow. "Look, You can just ignore the P2P games ok? Only a few games are P2P. Not all. I ignore them. Why can't you?" ^This "Some might have ban scripts in them which promotes the less use of BC." Not allowed, report the place. "Also, a person might just copy that place for themselves." >Not allowed, report the place. "It isn't fair to the real games with how some people intend to use it for private places." How is this unfair?