#107547450Monday, July 29, 2013 10:11 PM GMT

Xander "Let him sleep. It'll be best for all of us if we got some rest." I looking at Jason, then at the building again.
#107549097Monday, July 29, 2013 10:23 PM GMT

#107550323Monday, July 29, 2013 10:33 PM GMT

Jason "Alrighty,what'd I miss?"
#107550624Monday, July 29, 2013 10:35 PM GMT

Xander "Not much.. Hey, anyone got a rope or something?" I ask looking up.
#107552000Monday, July 29, 2013 10:44 PM GMT

Mitt, Doug "I ain't go no pope...he's in rome...or fraaanceee..." I grumble in my sleep,moving around uncomfortably. "Only my" I continue to mumble in my sleep, moving around in obvious discomfort.
#107552845Monday, July 29, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

Jason "Well,my PDA's back in the dropship also,we'll need both."
#107553903Monday, July 29, 2013 10:58 PM GMT

Xander "The dropship will be guarded by some Xenoxians. If we would get it, we will have to be swift, andsilent." I say looking at the others.
#107560394Monday, July 29, 2013 11:48 PM GMT

Jason "Sounds good to me."
#107564893Tuesday, July 30, 2013 12:22 AM GMT

Character Sheet - Name: Alex Mirr Age (18 - 30): 22 Appearence: Standing at 5"6, weighing a light 152 lb, with black hair and dark blue eyes. Has a range tracker and attached to his helmet, with infrared sight mode inside, and has customized his rifle so that it shoots in highly accurate three round bursts. Trooper Class: Assault Biography: Grew up in a small mars colony(assuming that humans have established colonies on mars that is), but when the war broke out Alex enlisted, and went through training. Now has been assigned to the super carrier Zeonci 505, and was riding with everyone else in the dropship when it was attacked... (since the roleplay has already started, I'll make up what I did after the dropship crashed): After the dropship crashed, Alex was thrown clear of it and into a pile of rocks, where he lay unconscious for some time. Now, he is awake and wondering how he ended up there... Gender: Male Other: (Cows are used for meat.)
#107586082Tuesday, July 30, 2013 2:53 AM GMT

#107625883Tuesday, July 30, 2013 11:35 AM GMT

( Accepted )
#107626024Tuesday, July 30, 2013 11:38 AM GMT

Mitt, Doug "OKAY, done!" I say happily, lurching up from my sleep and shaking my head. "Weeew. That smells horrible, what is it, alien dog-food? Eeeerrgh." I finish in a joking tone.
#107626537Tuesday, July 30, 2013 11:48 AM GMT

I lie there, still in pain. My leg needed to be treated. I had only covered a few meters from the crash site and I was hungry. I couldn't risk using a flare and getting killed.
#107646568Tuesday, July 30, 2013 3:55 PM GMT

Alex (vision is blurry, can't see anything clearly yet) (groans) Guys? Hey, is anybody there? What happened to my arm?... (vision clears) When did I (groans again) get into these rocks... (gets up and looks over the top of the rocks) (see the Xenoxians at the dropship crash) Oh frip..... (wonders if the others are all dead)
#107657261Tuesday, July 30, 2013 5:28 PM GMT

Mike I still lie there, in the dark of the night all I saw was one of the bodies by the crash site move. "Hello?" I called, I began to realize how risky it was, to shout. The enemy might find out our location, I took note to keep my voice low.
#107662928Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:16 PM GMT

Alex Hearing the shout, I look around for it's source. Seeing another figure nearby, I try to get up and walk. Unfortunately, a Tuiskin also heard the shout and came over to investigate. While my rifle was gone, my pistol was still in its holster. I take it out and drop to the ground once more. Once the Tuiskin gets close, I shoot it in the head. The shot rings out all over the area. Fortunately for me and the caller though, none of the Xenoxians know where the shot came from. They spread out, and are probably going to be more alert than ever, but they aren't coming for me. I crawl over, and find Mike. (I'm going to assume we all know each other by sight, having been together in the dropship for a while.) I say to Mike "Hey, crazy day isn't it?" in a joking tone. Then I notice his bloodied leg. Pulling out the standard-issue field medkit, which I fortunately still have, I attempt to fix up his leg, without much success.
#107663378Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:20 PM GMT

Mike "Thanks for trying to help, but its clearly broken. Try making a splint, that may help" I asnswer, in a hushed tone.My sniper lie beside me, pistol in my holster, If any of those Xenoxians come I'm prepared, I thought. I wished that I hadn't been on this mission, but I had no choice, for it was my duty.
#107665503Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:39 PM GMT

Alex I tear off the lid of the field kit, hoping that it's sturdy enough to make a splint with. Setting it in place, I grab some local foliage and also hope it's good enough to support the splint with. After it's done, I ask "Hey Mike, do you know if there are any other survivors?"
#107665852Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:42 PM GMT

Mike "Not really, Iwoke up a few hours ago with a bad leg, my stuff, and a problem." I answer, gritting my teeth, since setting a splint was torture. I look into my pack, taking out the little food I had. Just some sour cream & onion chips I had snuck in and a bottle of water. "We should start a fire," I told Alex.
#107667433Tuesday, July 30, 2013 6:56 PM GMT

Alex "No, too close to start a fire." I reply. "Those Xenoxians back at the dropship will be alert, they heard my gun go off. Our best bet is to move away, find a cave or a ditch, and start a fire in there. The fog looks pretty thick, even with us still close to the dropship. I don't think we can stand without them noticing us though." I take Mikes sniper rifle and sling it over my back. "I don't think we have far to go before we can start walking instead of crawling." I make sure Mike is okay to crawl with his injured leg, and begin crawling away myself.
#107675655Tuesday, July 30, 2013 8:06 PM GMT

Xander As I look at the building again, I stood up and felt the wall. "Jagged, good enough to grab onto, not without help though.." I say looking at the ground. "I'm going to go back to the dropship." I say looking to the others.
#107688545Tuesday, July 30, 2013 9:53 PM GMT

Alex I think "It's a miracle, this spot is", as I look at a little ditch, which I think is far enough away from the Xenoxians at the dropship for them to see a fire. It's high enough to hide two sitting people, Mike and me, from any aliens at the dropship, while the back is completely open to any other survivors from the dropship who may have gotten away, so a fire may also be used as a low-lying signal flare. I look behind me, to make sure Mike is keeping up with me. I crawl into the ditch, and, deciding the rewards would be greater than the risks, use my pistol to try and light a fire on some foliage I pick out of the ground.
#107689484Tuesday, July 30, 2013 10:01 PM GMT

(Hey laserbreak, is it okay to do a NPC moment? My character Alex lost his customized rifle, which the Xenoxians now have back at the dropship crash site. Along with whatever other weapons were abandoned there by dead soldiers, or soldiers who ran away without their weapons.)
#107708496Wednesday, July 31, 2013 12:43 AM GMT

Jason "I'll go with you,as you might need a technician for something."
#107708901Wednesday, July 31, 2013 12:46 AM GMT

( I don't honestly care. Make it good. ) "I don't need a technician, I need covering fire." I say looking at Jason.