#10833974Thursday, July 09, 2009 2:57 PM GMT

jacob:dude!!!,are you ok??? jacob:speak to me whoever you are!!! jacob:to the hospital! sam:what hospital??? jacob:oh ya we're in the middle of nowhere
#10834080Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:01 PM GMT

Logan: Please Help....*Unconcious*
#10834525Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:13 PM GMT

jacob:oh great if this car gets one more person in here it'll explode jacob:how do we take him somewhere safe??? zac:*whispering to sam*hey....look over there that big thing in the sky lets go tword it i think its a UFO!(oh and i forgot to tell you zac wants to live when they find aliens) jacob:your crazy zac and almost just like mia crazy,daring and weird zac:thnak you!
#10834571Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:14 PM GMT

*zac:thank you
#10834774Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:18 PM GMT

*Cough* Plz Hurry My Nephew....Cyclops Can't....Find
#10834817Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:19 PM GMT

Sam: THATS IT YOUR ALL MAD! *throws them all out the car and speeds of at 100 mph*
#10835514Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:35 PM GMT

Mia: *shoots a missle at sams car* Brian: ARE YOU MAD?!?!
#10835840Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:43 PM GMT

*the missiles lands behinde the car* Sam: NO! BUT YOU ARE! *the sound gets quieter as he gets very distant*
#10836659Thursday, July 09, 2009 4:00 PM GMT

Brian: I WAS TALKING TO HER! Mia: *shoots 3 missles at sam*
#10837292Thursday, July 09, 2009 4:14 PM GMT

name: Tray gender: Male likes: Video games, Books, and sports dislikes: Vegies, Nothing fun, and going om a long trip appearance: white, wears white most of the time, and wears blue denim jeans bio: Likes to make people laugh.
#10840639Thursday, July 09, 2009 5:22 PM GMT

Sam: *is too far for the missiles to reach* Sam: * i go over the horizon and see sears tower* sam:... ok where am i!?, seattle, new york or chicago for gods sake!? >,,<
#10841348Thursday, July 09, 2009 5:35 PM GMT

(it's not sears tower, it's the CN tower, toronto!)
#10841657Thursday, July 09, 2009 5:40 PM GMT

Name: Amanda Gender: Female Likes: Rainy days, action, comedy movies Dislikes: Cloudy days, being lazy, horror movies Appearance: Long, dark hair. Hazel-coloured eyes. Small. White tank top. Blue sweatpants. Violet nail polish. Bio: Destined to become a famous cartoonist. Is usually deprived of sleep. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me: What the heck? What's going on here? It was a perfectly nice day, now there's chaos and a thunderstorm. Could it be...the end of the world? *Gasp* It is! I'd better find a way to survive!
#10842198Thursday, July 09, 2009 5:50 PM GMT

Me: *Sees an injured guy in the ditch with me* Injured guy: Owwww...I think I dislocated my shoulder...It won't work anymore. Me: What's going on here?? Injured guy: It's the end of the world. We're only 2 on the very few survivers left on this entire planet. Me: THE ENTIRE PLANET??? Gosh, we gotta find a way out of here! Injured guy: It's no use. Wherever we run, there's chaos and destruction. We just have to learn to accept fate right now. Me: I bet I could help! *Starts to run, but stops midway* Ohh...I need to take you with me. What's your name? Injured guy: My name's Calvin. Just leave me. Me: But you need to come with me! You're injured and helpless! Injured guy: No, no, I insist you leave me. Face it, kid. You have your own life. If you can help me, you can help the world. Now go! Planet Earth depends on you! Me: *Nods* Okay, Calvin. *Runs*
#10842582Thursday, July 09, 2009 5:56 PM GMT

Me: *Sees a barrel of nuclear waste and skids to a stop* Oh, no. Nuclear waste. I'd better skiddaddle out of here if I want to live. *Barrel of nuclear waste explodes* Me: *Gets engulfed in the radiation* *Passes out* *5 minutes later* Me: *Wakes up* Ughhh...what happened? Huh?? The radiation didn't kill me?? And yet...I have...*Gasp!* Superhuman powers?????? Whoa...AWESOME! With these powers, I'll be able to save the Earth no problem! *Flies away* *Nuclear atomic bomb drops from an airplane*
#10842781Thursday, July 09, 2009 5:59 PM GMT

Me: *Gasp!* I have to stop that bomb! *Uses deflecting power to deflect bomb* *Bomb hits the airplane and the airplane explodes* Me: Wowwwwww...COOL! But, I have to find the evil corporation that's destroying the planet... *Flies away*
#10853911Thursday, July 09, 2009 9:09 PM GMT

(duh.....) both: *driving behind tank* 0_0
#10854240Thursday, July 09, 2009 9:14 PM GMT

Brian: soooo, who like family guy? Mia: brian if anybody but you likes it their name would have to be brian, lois, chris or peter
#10854343Thursday, July 09, 2009 9:17 PM GMT

(lol) (note: in other threads, stormy has electricity as an element and golden wings and ivy has earth/plants and emerald wings)
#10854758Thursday, July 09, 2009 9:25 PM GMT

(nice..... what about darkness, you haven't created a char. for that yet)
#10856420Thursday, July 09, 2009 9:54 PM GMT

(there is no evil corporation... no one knows why but there has been a sudden dieing off of humans.... there are barley any left, nevermind a corporation >_>) Sam: *arrives in chicago* hello? *my voice echos through the whole city* echo: hello... hello.... hello sam: wow this is an eary feeling O_O... Sam: wait... i just had a terrible thought! Sam: if unmaintained these buildings will colapse all the citys will crumble... *sad music comes on*... not even a brick to mark that we were here... and all we acheived... will have virtualy never happened... our whole civilization will... disa... pear... :( Sam: *looks down and up again* nothing... the eiffle tower, hoover damb, statue of liberty... ,the space needle... empire state building... nothing left... everything, recuded to hills, rivers, grass... Sam: there arnt enough people left to recover... we're over :(.... *turns round and goes back to car* *camera zooms out the city and shows some windows brocken, plant life on bottom of buildings, parts rotting* Sam: *gets in car and drives off* Sam: where now?... theres nowhere to go... *sad music ends* (hehe abit of movie there) Sam: or atleast i hope we're not over...
#10856575Thursday, July 09, 2009 9:56 PM GMT

Mia: *jumps into the car next to Sam* so, where we goin'?
#10856883Thursday, July 09, 2009 10:01 PM GMT

(yeah, im going to intro him soon on death sentence)
#10857062Thursday, July 09, 2009 10:05 PM GMT

name: Darby gender: Female likes: scary movies, animals, anime, wolves, foxes, horses, and more dislikes: not alot but alot(no sence XP) appearance: brown hair, icey blue eyes, and hair is meudem and stright. bio figure it out
#10857115Thursday, July 09, 2009 10:06 PM GMT

Sam: somewhere... where u wanna go?