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#108000705Friday, August 02, 2013 3:07 AM GMT

I'll make a normal RP and see if it works out... You choose a job and RP as many jobs. This RP does not have a lot of information because the plot is simple, fill out the CS, and role play in the city. RULES  1. There are some parts of the CS that you do not have to fill out, these are marked with *'s at the end of them.  2. You cannot Gmod. In this case you CAN be arrested, but can only be killed if the victim approves of it.  3. You can choose virtually any job, as long as it is realistic, like no superheroes.  4. This is based on the city of Washington, DC, so congress is allowed, but anything that is the power of military and up, you have to PM me.  5. Certain jobs have a limited number of people, like there can only be one president and vice-president.  6. Some jobs have an age limit. Military is 25+ Congress is 30+ Head of state is 40+ etc. etc.  7. Residents can only live in either the city or metropolitan area (Of DC), any others are not allowed. CS  - Name:  - Age:  - Biography*  - Occupation:  - Appearance*  - Personality:  - Criminal record*(How many felonies you have)  - Skills* (Up to 50 points for skills, they include; Strength, Speech, and Weapons) (If you accept to the rules and have read this, put 'City' under your CS) (Your CS has to be accepted by me, if it is not, you cannot start roleplaying) (If you do not want to enter Criminal record, Biography, Appearance, and/or Skills, put N/A beside them and they will be randomly administered when yours is started, [excluding Appearance and Criminal record]) Disclaimer ----------- I do understand that this will be filled with tl;dr's, but atleast try to read as much as you can. This is just to see how this turns out! Do not yell at me (Or whatever you do) because you don't like it or something.
#108001173Friday, August 02, 2013 3:11 AM GMT

(Also, direct your questions to me, as I will be on often)
#108002420Friday, August 02, 2013 3:22 AM GMT

Name: Sophie Exton Age: 18 Biography: Sophie is a 18 year old teenager who was kicked out by her parents when she was 16 and has been very independent. She was an only child and can be troublesome at times but is very fun to be around. She works hard and lives in a small apartment. Occupation: Works at a nearby ice cream shop Appearance: Sophie is a tall female with sandy blonde hair that reaches her rib cage. She has a pretty toned body and wears a lot of jeans and converse and usually pairs it with nice shirts or hoodies. Personality: She is funny, often optimistic. She can be some what sarcastic but she loves to meet new people Criminal record: Once was caught driving without a license Skills: She can cook very well and has a lot of athletic skills
#108004656Friday, August 02, 2013 3:42 AM GMT

(Looks like so far two girls, unless somebody of opposing gender forums while I'm typing this...) - Name: Ginny McMillan - Age: 20 - Biography* (I prefer people to just find it out during conversations.) - Occupation: She currently has a job as a Barista I guess at Starbucks or black cow? - Appearance* Ginny is Irish and that's easy to tell just by looking at her red, wavy hair. She is 5'6 with big green eyes and pale skin. - Personality: She is a nice enough person, sarcastic and with a good sense of humor. She can be rebellious at times and pretty outgoing. She's also pretty artistic. - Criminal record*(How many felonies you have) Vandalism. - Skills* Sketching and painting, Sculpting, (most styles of art in general.) some Karate, baking
#108004930Friday, August 02, 2013 3:44 AM GMT

(I'll have a CS up, I'm bored and I need a roleplay. :l)
#108005574Friday, August 02, 2013 3:50 AM GMT

Sport and Ginny, looks good so far, you can start.
#108005776Friday, August 02, 2013 3:52 AM GMT

(Time please?)
#108005905Friday, August 02, 2013 3:53 AM GMT

(Present in Washington, DC)
#108005991Friday, August 02, 2013 3:54 AM GMT

(Okay thanks) Sophie I wake up. The sun was in my face, I rolled over onto my stomach and pushed my face deep into my pillow. I couldn't help it, the late nights had really caught up with me.
#108006103Friday, August 02, 2013 3:55 AM GMT

(I'll make mine in a bit, after everything's started)
#108007233Friday, August 02, 2013 4:04 AM GMT

(We- ok xD that works, but I'll be more specific next time, my fault.) Ginny I woke up, the smell of a cheap Fabreeze plug-in right next to my mattress, yet you could hardly smell the lavender scent it was giving off. I guess that's what happens when you have the same one for a week. I rolled off the mattress, the drop to the ground short. I stretch my arms, yawning and untangling myself from the covers. Once I'm free I stand up, dragging myself to the mirror. My already messy hair looked terrifying, and by the time I finished brushing it, I had but ten minutes till work. I quickly threw on my uniform, slipped on my red Vans and a black hoodie that said 'I' with a big red heart, and then 'NYC' which I used to live (I guess I work at Starbucks since Black Cow is a New York place.)
#108007542Friday, August 02, 2013 4:07 AM GMT

- Name: Will Hatter - Gender: Male - Age: 16 - Biography: N/A - Occupation: Works at a supermarket - Appearance: Will has blonde hair that sometimes gets in his face most of the time. It is also rough. His eye color is pure blue. He wears a gray t-shirt with black and yellow at the end of the sleeves. He also wears black things on his arms as a accessory with yellow at the end of both ends. His pants are pure black and has a belt on it, and his shoes are red. - Apperance Picture: http://t4ak.roblox.com/277f68bc773620cf81ab26400c7c35f7 - Personality: Will isn't a shy kid, he likes to party a lot and have a fun time. He doesn't fear much things, even things that can get him arrested. He also always likes to make new friends, it's one of his favorite things in the world. He always sticks up for other people no matter what, even if he doesn't even know the person he is helping. - Criminal record: Vandalism, stealing, trespassing, and doing drugs (I dunno, I thought I might as well make him have a long record x3) - Skills: Jumping, running, climbing, writing, drawing, and math
#108007588Friday, August 02, 2013 4:08 AM GMT

Realistic to DC, but I shall live in the metropolitan area!
#108007791Friday, August 02, 2013 4:10 AM GMT

Will Hatter's Bio Will grew up in a simple family, and still does, but his parent's have been very strict to him ever since his first felonie.
#108007845Friday, August 02, 2013 4:10 AM GMT

Sophie I hugged the last minutes I had in bed. I rolled off the bed, throwing my covers off. I stood up fast and my head got dizzy I could see stars. "ughh" The morning came with the casual morning growl. I stumbled over to the cabinet and grabbed some cereal. I grabbed a glass bowl with beautiful painted leaves all over it from the cabinet. It had suffered from the use of my million bowls of cereal and mid night pudding. I poured in the cereal glancing at the clock. The milk was jerked out of the refrigerator and immediately put to work. Milk droppings covered the counter as I shoveled the lucky charms into my mouth. I wiped of the milk dripping from my chin.
#108007906Friday, August 02, 2013 4:11 AM GMT

(I'm accepted? x3)
#108008815Friday, August 02, 2013 4:20 AM GMT

(I'll take that as a yes :3) Will heard his alarm clock, he quickly slammed his hand on it. "Five more minutes..." he said as he tried to relax again in his bed. The door slammed open. "Will get up!" his mother said. "Just a few more minutes..." he said. "No! Get up!" his mother said. "Fine..." he said as he got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed a small snack bar and ate it as he got a cup of orange juice and sat down at the table finishing his "breakfast."
#108009338Friday, August 02, 2013 4:26 AM GMT

Name: John Burke Age: 32 Biography: John was raised in the metropolitan area, and he eventually moved to a good part of the District of Columbia, and later married and had a family. Occupation: Police officer Appearance: When off duty, he wears, a plaid shirt with a backpack and jeans. He has long brown hair that reach right above his eyes, and bright green eyes that shine when in light. Personality: John is generally friendly, but it's not hard to make him talk about you. This gives him somewhat of a reputation that people don't really like. When he's mad, he'll yell, and it's loud enough that people get offended if he does, even if it's an accident. Criminal record: N/A Skills: Running, jumping, math, planning, and firearms.
#108009437Friday, August 02, 2013 4:27 AM GMT

Sophie I threw the dirty bowl in to the sink, sliding it across the counter. The cereal was placed randomly among the shelf, lost with all the other food that swallowed it. A dusty hat lay on the boarder of the dresser. I grabbed the hat with a swift movement. I batted it with my hand as if I where to be beating a rug, I threw it on top of my head after I had brushed my hair. A pink apron was spread out across my bed neatly. I got on the skinny tank and pierced my name tag to the side. The apron was thrown on my body. I ran in my socks, gliding across the non polished floor, grabbing my shoes. I slipped my feet into the ragged old shoes and stabbed my key into the handle of the door as if I was killing off a zombie. I ran straight to my car parked on the street.
#108009451Friday, August 02, 2013 4:27 AM GMT

(Sorry, I was writing my bio, yeah, accepted)
#108009708Friday, August 02, 2013 4:29 AM GMT

Will continued to eat, he then finally finished his food after a few minutes. He then looked around the room and take a dollar from his mom's purse. He put it in his pocket then went to his bathroom to do his hair. He then went into his bedroom and got dressed in his normal clothes. He then walked out the house and went to where he works.
#108009768Friday, August 02, 2013 4:30 AM GMT

(*took a dollar)
#108009779Friday, August 02, 2013 4:30 AM GMT

John wakes up as his alarm blares. "Ugh, Monday...I hate Monday...." Surprisingly, my wife doesn't wake up, and considering she has to drop off the kids at school, I wake her up. "Honey, you gotta wake up, it's pretty late" he says as he slips on his patrol uniform.
#108009972Friday, August 02, 2013 4:32 AM GMT

Ginny I was halfway to work, and I was relieved to see that when I looked at my phone I still had 5 minutes. I stopped. I had forgotten something... but what? Finally I realized what it was, I needed to lock my door! In fact, it probably would be good to bring my keys and wallet while I was at it... I began running back to my apartment and in 9 minutes I had made it, I quickly grabbed my stuff and looked at my phone again, oh good it was only- ONE MINUTE? I ran down the stairs, almost tripping and cracking my head open at one point, the whole time I ran mumbling "Gotta get to work, gotta get to work." Finally I made it there, 8 minutes late but nobody had noticed, to my luck.
#108010093Friday, August 02, 2013 4:33 AM GMT

(Credit to buck10me for the name, by the way.)

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