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#10835782Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:41 PM GMT

(NOT a Role-Play, just a STORY. Apparently we have to post stories here -.-) Mr. K: Hai dar Paco Paco: Hellu Mr. k: Wanna gu on a adventure? Paco: Nu Mr. K: Orrly? Paco: Yia rlly Mr. K: No wai Paco: Yes wai Mr K: Sssrly? Paco: Ok, im let's go. --Five Minutes Later-- Taco Bell Kitteh: Hellur, may I take jur ordar? Mr K: tew cheezeburgars plz TBK: Weh dunt sell dem cheezeburgars sur Mr K: NU WAI!? TBK: Weh got deh tacos. Mr K: .....Why yu talk like dat? TBK: Liek wut? Mr K: Liek dat. TBK: Dis ish how I tulk Mr K: Yu talk returded TBK: Nu Paco: I wunt deh cheezebarger Mr K: Shut up Paco, weh ish havin a logikalnes discussion TBK: liek, ssrsly, dunt beh wasting meh time, I gotz lots o tacos tu maek Mr K: ZUMG, ISH DAT A KOOKIE TREE? Paco: Nu. Mr K: Oh. Paco: Remembur, deh Ceilin Cat beh eateded deh first Kookie Tree Mr K: I find your faith in such an entity as a "Ceiling Cat" both illogical, and a waste of time. Perhaps one should practice their talents elsewhere than following a false diety such as "Cieling Cat." Paco: ..............Yu tulk returded. --DEH END O PART WUN--
#10835921Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:44 PM GMT

Liek, bump, and stuffe.
#10836011Thursday, July 09, 2009 3:46 PM GMT

kookie tree :3
#10838854Thursday, July 09, 2009 4:49 PM GMT

bump -.-

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