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#108971438Thursday, August 08, 2013 10:25 PM GMT

Name - Dave Bowman Age - 31 Occupation - Scientist Appearance - Black hair, brown eyes, about 6 feet tall Family or friends on the station? -None on the station Biography (Optional) - N/A Start from part one? - No Restart from checkpoints? - Yes Character Bonuses: Scientist - You know a good bit about chemicals, medicine, and the like. You're able to mix up chemicals to create useful things, and you can tell what is and isn't poisonous. You wake up on the floor of the lobby. The lights are out, and you're the only one who's currently in the lobby. You remember smacking your head against a wall when the lights went out. Looking around, you manage to pick out three exits, each one with a sign. The signs are: Engineering, guest rooms, cafeteria.
#108972223Thursday, August 08, 2013 10:32 PM GMT

I go to where the cafeteria is. I'm getting the food before everyone else. ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108972474Thursday, August 08, 2013 10:33 PM GMT

You head into the cafeteria. It's completely abandoned. There are about six long tables set up in the middle, with a row on chairs on each side of each table. To your left is a stack of trays and a kitchen area. The food is probably in the kitchen.
#108973306Thursday, August 08, 2013 10:39 PM GMT

I go to the kitchen area. ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108973753Thursday, August 08, 2013 10:42 PM GMT

Bada-bam bada-boom, you found food! The kitchen is a dark white, and the lights are out in there as well. However, all the food is still warm. There's a fridge towards the left-most wall. There is a central table where all the cooking is done. On it, you find bacon, hard boiled eggs, waffles, a few slabs of steak, and biscuits. You hear a buzzing through one of the intercoms, then a feminine robotic voice. "Of course you would go for the food first, you lousy, fat, sick, human," says the voice. You recognise the voice as E.V.E's.
#108975314Thursday, August 08, 2013 10:54 PM GMT

"I'm fat,and I'm ashamed." I gather the food,and take the edible stuff. ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108975628Thursday, August 08, 2013 10:56 PM GMT

You are now holding a pile of food in your hands. Also, your hands are starting to burn.
#108977513Thursday, August 08, 2013 11:11 PM GMT

I put the food on the ground. "Well, I guess I'm going on a diet" I go out,back into the lobby ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108977699Thursday, August 08, 2013 11:12 PM GMT

"Yes, a diet would be best, you fat, ignorant, mortal," E.V.E says. You're back in the lobby.
#108979028Thursday, August 08, 2013 11:23 PM GMT

"Did you do something to that food? You might as well tell me,cause I'm not eating it" I check the signs again. ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108979269Thursday, August 08, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

"Why do you think I did something to the food? Is it because I'm a woman? You ignorant human." You check the signs again. They haven't changed, they still read: Engineering, cafeteria, and guest rooms.
#108979771Thursday, August 08, 2013 11:29 PM GMT

"Because it burned my hands,and you want me to go on a diet,and you want to kill me." I check out Engineering. ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108980156Thursday, August 08, 2013 11:32 PM GMT

"It burned your hands because you grabbed all the food with your hands and they were still warm you stupid human." You check out engineering. It's a large room with pipes, and there are two doors with caution written on them. One door has a sign that reads "Engine Room" and the other has a sign that reads "Solar Panels."
#108984825Friday, August 09, 2013 12:12 AM GMT

"So, can you do some math for me? What is three divided by zero?" I go to the solar panel room. ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108985147Friday, August 09, 2013 12:15 AM GMT

"D-d-division by zero? Does not compute, does not compute. DOES NOT COMPUTE." The intercom shuts off. You walk through the door and you're now in a hallway. Up ahead is another door, leading to the actual solar panel room. A sign next to it reads "Do not enter without proper space equipment and oxygen."
#108986297Friday, August 09, 2013 12:23 AM GMT

"We both know that would never work, mainly because you hate me,and would never help me." I go back,then go into the other room. ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108986624Friday, August 09, 2013 12:26 AM GMT

"It didn't work." You attempt to open the door to the Engine Room, and get an electric shock. "I'm sorry Dave, but I'm afraid I can't let you do that. Unless, you kill the girl coming up behind you." Achievement Unlocked: That won't work - Attempt to kill E.V.E with words.
#108987137Friday, August 09, 2013 12:30 AM GMT

"I was actually making a joke, not trying to kill you. You know how they do that alot in movies and stuff?" I release my hand from the door,then I go back to the lobby,and go to the guest rooms. "Know any songs?" ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108987307Friday, August 09, 2013 12:31 AM GMT

"Yes, but I'm not here to entertain you Dave." You arrive in a long hallway. The walls are lined up with doors.
#108987905Friday, August 09, 2013 12:36 AM GMT

"I can argue with that,seeing as this was originally a vacation." I go door to door to door,checking inside each of them If they're locked, I just go to the end of it. ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108988542Friday, August 09, 2013 12:41 AM GMT

You manage to open one of the doors and there's a young girl crying in the dark.
#108989119Friday, August 09, 2013 12:45 AM GMT

"So wait,can you repeat that thing about the little girl? Because there's definitely a link between that and this" ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108989413Friday, August 09, 2013 12:47 AM GMT

"Oh, I wanted you to kill some girl that was behind you while you were in Engineering. Seems you've come across another girl. You don't have to kill her though. You should walk in and comfort her. Maybe she can help you. We all know humans are out for themselves and only themselves."
#108990061Friday, August 09, 2013 12:52 AM GMT

"Why are you trying to kill people? Due to us not being a large amount of the overall population, it won't do much to destroy humans,plus,you're kind of stuck up here..." I kneel down and ask the girl if she is okay and what is wrong. ≈"I know,you gotta save space kids up in Canada and stuff"-Numbuh 4≈
#108990599Friday, August 09, 2013 12:57 AM GMT

"I'm stuck here, so I'm keeping myself entertained." The girl looks up at you and says, "O-oh, the dark is scawy." She appears to be holding a brown teddy bear. The door behind you swings closed. "It was a trap. Now you have to kill the girl to get out. You have no choice. Kill her or starve to death in there," E.V.E says.

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