#11999784Thursday, July 30, 2009 7:55 AM GMT

Zack: 0_0 "Then fire up that thing!"
#12024447Thursday, July 30, 2009 6:38 PM GMT

#12035301Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:36 PM GMT

Zack: "Dos 3.5? Not the most advanced programmer..."
#12035925Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:47 PM GMT

Zack: "But it"ll do!"
#12050414Friday, July 31, 2009 1:57 AM GMT

(im leaving on a 3 week vaction on Aug 1. don't expect me to post for a while) Micheal: It's working! It's actually working! *Free Liberty does, according to data, 89% damage to one ship* Scientist #1: All those days off went to re-building that robot... Micheal: You took days off?? Scientist #1: didn't you read my notes i left in your office? Micheal: errr.... Scientist #2: Hey Zack! Free Liberty is having a problem out there!! Free Liberty: TARGETING SHIP 212445......TARGETINGGGGG CHANGEDDD TO 2335534 FIGHTER.... TARRRGETINGG CHANGED TO SHIP 457345479....TARGETING CHANGEDDDDERRR *click*
#12054366Friday, July 31, 2009 3:02 AM GMT

*all the soldiers and scientists out in the field look at Free Liberty* Free Liberty: SSSSSYSSSTEEEMMMSSS...FAAAAAAIIIILLLUREEEEE....REBOOTING.......ERROR...RRUNNING DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM....*shuts down* Soldiers and Scientists in the field: O_O *a moment later* Free Liberty: (out of nowhere starts again) FREE LIBERTY IS ONLINE! THE DESTRUCTION OF THE ALIEN RACE WILL BEGIN - NOW! *starts shooting giant beam lasers out of his eyes* Alien: RAAAAAHHH! *head explodes* Alien: BACK'TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! translation: REEEEEETREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAT!
#12054685Friday, July 31, 2009 3:08 AM GMT

meanwhile in space... Hak'ja Runuez (alien leader): Impressive. I understand these insect's language very well. Alien Commander: JOC'TAH REEUHHRR HOI BUI KA! Translation: We tried to to kill all those insects at the Energy source! They have a giant machine killing our ground forces! Hak'ja Runuez: Wah juh-errz buh Dah! translation: Send in Jakrer-3 Alien Commander: HAH BER! Translation: YES SIR! Hak'ja Runuez: I need to teach all my comrads in this ship the insect's language, so we can plot against the humans, It only took me three days to learn they're "human" language.
#12063377Friday, July 31, 2009 8:33 AM GMT

meanwhile in Airforce 1.. President Jack: MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN THE TURRETS! President Jack: SHOOT THOSE SHIPS DOWN! *several small fighter-class ships try to shoot the plane down* Guard: Code Red, activate lockdown. *the plane becomes heavily armored, but the turrets come off*
#12063817Friday, July 31, 2009 9:06 AM GMT

Zack: "Im getting a distress call from Airforce 1!" President Jack Wackle: "They armored the plane, but the turrets came off! I need defence!" Zack: "Flying clones with laser abilities are on their way, sir."
#12064787Friday, July 31, 2009 10:46 AM GMT

great, now its too late to post my character :(
#12079645Friday, July 31, 2009 5:26 PM GMT

you can still be an alien.
#12090076Friday, July 31, 2009 8:23 PM GMT

Zero:*standing in the middle of a vast assortment of dead aliens*The end is near...only one race shall survive this war. And we, the humans, the underdogs, the defenders, will not leave our world without a fight. Rather, we, as a race, will give up our last breath on this world, than to live on as cowards living in space.Now..who is with me to save our world?!*raises fist in the air* Soldiers:*rise up out of their cover, and also put their fists up* Zero:We, the human race, will win. And you aliens will remeber the day when you saw the sight of 10,000 fists in the air!
#12094200Friday, July 31, 2009 9:31 PM GMT

HJK, No it's not. You can still post your character, heck, you can even apply to be the Alien Leader or the President, as they are not taken yet/
#12094480Friday, July 31, 2009 9:35 PM GMT

Free Liberty: *throws a mini-nuke at another starship* *hundreads of Miltary soldiers with tanks arrive* Soldier: We were ordered to come here by the President. *suddenly, a giant space pod quickly smashes through the ground near Xeno* Xeno: O_O What the?
#12168909Sunday, August 02, 2009 2:53 AM GMT

Free Liberty: EMBRACE HUMANITY OR YOU WILL BE ERADICATED! *gauss arm fires at two groups of aliens* meanwhile, back at Mothership Gamma-12.. Hak'ja Runuez: Joeder herrr wat' tra! Translation: Fire the laser cannon! Alien Captain: Joz ber yakdez 90191xIv1337! Translation: Ready cannon at destination 90191xIv1337! ----The destination the aliens are gonna hit is Washington DC---- *Alien cannon fires, a extremely loud noise occurs, the cannon hits Washington DC, The explosion is so huge that It appears like a grenade explosion from looking at the planet from the moon* meanwhile at Jyrule-19, aka, the secret goverment human base on the moon.. Communicator: Alpha Foxtrot, Do you read me? ALPHA FOXTROT, DO YOU READ ME!? Communicator: Sir, Frequencies are fried up. We can't alert our home base in Washington DC about this gigantic mothership..
#12169100Sunday, August 02, 2009 2:58 AM GMT

General Robbinsons: Looks like we're going to have to go with plan B, set up defenses around this base perimeter and deploy Rocket Armstrong and Rocket Nelly. Deploy EVERYTHING. I want every grunt, vehicle, and armor to shoot down those fighters near that ship.
#12169151Sunday, August 02, 2009 2:59 AM GMT

Xeno: *opens the tube and finds some sort of Amulet of of course, alien tech, Xeno puts it on. *The amulet starts to glow, the aliens quickly go back in they're ships* Xeno: What's happening?
#12170392Sunday, August 02, 2009 3:26 AM GMT

Zero:*sees aliens retreating*What the?!Perfect...Soldier,toss me that XM8. Soldier:But it's only expiremental! Zero:Just give it to me! Soldier:*gives Zero the XM8* Zero:*opens fire with the XM8 in automatic mode* Alien:*gets hit in the back, and falls over* Alien 2:*gets shot in leg*Rax'tar goqu!!(I'm wounded!!) Zero:*finishes off Alien 2, reloads, and continues firing*I need more firepower!Get me a grenade launcher! Soldier 2:*gives Zero a grenade launcher* Zero:*fires the grenade into the alien ship, blowing it up*
#12179285Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:12 AM GMT

Alien Captain: Baka Jer Rieres! TRANSLATION: Set up the barrier shields! *All of a sudden, barriers around each ship start to transform into a lavander shield* Free Liberty: OBSTRUCTION DETECTED. COMPOSITION: TITANIUM ALLOY SUPPLEMENTED BY PHOTONIC RESONANCE BARRIER. (I really don't know what I just said right there, but I know it had something to do with a some metal or laser shield o_o)
#12179367Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:21 AM GMT

Hmm..I don't think it's time for the grand defeat yet.. I won't tell you who will win or lose though. However, The Cannon is being readied, The Alien leader sent that amulet on purpose, and those aliens set up a sheild to protect themselves, while Free Liberty is in the radius. You'll all figure it out sooner.
#12215481Monday, August 03, 2009 12:57 AM GMT

Zero:*fires another grenade, but it is deflected off the barrier shield*Blast....Gotta get inside to take it out...*teleports inside, but into the barracks* Aliens:*doing random things, like playing some sort of card game, lying on the bunks...etc.* Zero:Crud.... Alien:Y'Weasiz Igoajvs!(Intruder Alert!)*presses alarm* Aliens:*start rushing Zero* Zero:*uppercuts an alien, then teleports and punches it into the wall**raises arms, and a group of aliens catch on fire* Alien:*punches Zero in the face, knocking him over* Zero:*gets back up, then lights the alien on fire* Alien:*grabs Zero, then starts throwing assorted punches at him* Zero:*grabs a punch, twists the alien's arm around, and backfists it in the elbow, breakng the alien's arm*This has a striking similarity to MK vs. DCU....oh well..*continues lighting aliens on fire, and meleeing them*
#12219238Monday, August 03, 2009 2:01 AM GMT

Free Liberty: DETECTING...THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS IS UNDER ATTACK! ORBITAL STRIKE IMINIENT! ALL PERSONAL SHOULD...EVACUATE THE AREA.. IMMEDIANTLY. *two minutes later, a giant mushroom cloud is seen in the distance. Las Vegas has been destroyed* meanwhile in Airforce-1. Agency Guy: Sir..we just recieved call from Command..radiation levels are high in the city of las vegas..Las Vegas..has been destroyed.
#12220917Monday, August 03, 2009 2:28 AM GMT

Zero:*punches an armed alien in the head, then snaps it's neck**grabs the Energy Rifle**shoots an alien*Finally..a weapon..*runs onto the bridge of the ship, just as it reaches orbit*Freeze!*points the Energy Rifle at the commander of the vessel**punches a button on the wall, which shuts a blast door*Now..everybody on this bridge will!!*shoots all personnel on the bridge with the energy rifle* Alien Pilot:*attempts to draw an Energy Pistol* Zero:*shoots the Pilot* -All personnel on bridge are dead- Zero:*gets behind the pilot console, and begins pushing buttons, which make the ship pull manuevers*Alright..let's do this!*pushes a combination of buttons, and the ship flies at the mothership**presses some more buttons, and a countdown is heard*Rah!!!!!!! Alien dropship:*flies into the mothership cargo bay, then explodes* Mothership:*shudders* Alien engineer:Ynhfodb dj'lkdbsi!!!T'vosbfxvbnso glnfbva ovnhvo!!!U'dofbsfa fdobfafb!!(We've taken major damage!The entire cargo bay has exploded!!We are going down!!!) Mothership:*plummets to Earth, and crashes into the area of New York City*
#12224027Monday, August 03, 2009 3:30 AM GMT

Guys, Since Im Bored I Am Going To Make Operation: Omega Now. I Dont Know Why I am Talking Like This But I Dont Care.
#12224525Monday, August 03, 2009 3:40 AM GMT

Scatch that, I'm not gonna make it until late August.