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#109568022Tuesday, August 13, 2013 2:57 PM GMT

Dear ROBLOXians,hello. Before you read my suggestion,i would like every child to go away,since this post probably will make him mad. (13-,go play a game) As many of you probably have already noticed,today's internet is SWARMING with little,grammar lacking spoiled brats,and i am not talking about those with dyslexia(obviously),i am talking about those that,without any reason at all,start RAGING at EVERYTHING,and not only that,but those who insult you without a reason without even knowing what the insult means or if its just a very stupid insult. for example,just today i almost had a heart attack because of those horrible little kids on the internet,the spoiled brats that come mostly from america(i am sorry if anyone finds this offensive,but this i my experience) or UK,or the Non English speakers(like me)that are no older then 7. How did it start?like this. i was playing Blacklight retribution to find a grammar lacking,little kid swarming community that keeps insulting everyone who "kills" them in the video game,and its not better in roblox by any means. i was just playing a roblox shooter game,when suddenly,little kids started calling me a noob,or a girl,and besides me being a lot more mature then them,i responded. i told them that i started playing back in 2007(and its true,my account was deleted)and that despite their little stupid insult,i am not a girl,and that they should be studying Grammar instead of playing Roblox. what was their stupid response this time?LOLHESOMADLOL my suggestion is Roblox needs to deactivate the free chat for a period of time if:the child gets enough reports of not using the chat appropriately by other players OR find some other way to determine if they actually are 13+ or if they are lying. Excuse me if i offended anyone,but English is nowhere near CLOSE of being my mother language,and i expected american children to know their language a lot more then an israeli teenager. Bottom line:anyone with suggestions of how to determine if its a child or a smart enough teenager,please,feel free to write here. Children that are mad at this post,please,for the sake of everyone,do not write anything.
#109568406Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:02 PM GMT

So you're ranting about how personalities of some which people annoy you on a kids game so much that you had to make a long thread with bad grammar in the suggestions and ideas forum subsection? stop contradicting your invalid pointless rant. Your idea is trying to make the world revolve around you, figure out it doesn't and just ignore people online that are annoying.
#109568558Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:04 PM GMT

Disagree The best suggestion i'd recommend is ignoring then, or if they start harrassing you, report them.
#109569172Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:10 PM GMT

as i already said,english is not my mother language,but my grammar is far better then the grammar of the little children. and i am not trying to make the world revolve around me,my point is,LITTLE KIDS AGED 5 DO NOT BELONG ON THE INTERNET.it makes me sad to see that all of you disagree to my opinion,but what can i do?and IGNORE THEM OR REPORT THEM IF THEY HARASS ME?oh please,i did not find a rule in the roblox FAQ(which,none of you probably have ever read) that says its allowed. you can blame me for being an ignorant butthurt teenager,but until those kid get on your nerves,you will never know.you sadden me.
#109569412Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:13 PM GMT

You sadden me at how you continue to write pointless paragraphs on this, when you could JUST IGNORE THEM AND REPORT THEM FOR HARASSMENT ANYWAY.
#109569668Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:16 PM GMT

there's no report for harassment,there's only for personal info,bad words,threats and stuff,but even if there is a report for harassment,i am pretty sure the admins wont handle a bunch of spoiled kids.
#109569756Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:17 PM GMT

All you gotta do is report for rude or mean behavior while in the game... And believe me, admins have to put up with everything.
#109570140Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:22 PM GMT

what if i told you,i did it already?and nothing happend,and i am not saying i reported them 2 or 47 times,i am saying that even if 5 people on the same game reported the same player,nothing helped. i understand that posting on roblox was a mistake,since its swarming with little kids/immature people everywhere. guess you can only play games today with a friend that can keep you calm at all times,even on roblox. its sad to see how roblox became worse and worse with every year that passed.2008 was the golden year of roblox.it was a mistake to come back to roblox after my 2 year break,what a shame.
#109570391Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:25 PM GMT

2008? You joined 2009.
#109570560Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:27 PM GMT

it seems you never read my first post,hmmm? as i said,in my early idiotic kid years,i made an account in 2007,he was deleted in 2009 due to my huge amount of IQ in my early child years.
#109570613Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:28 PM GMT

"i would like every child to go away,since this post probably will make him mad." That rules out basically everyone in S&I, just saying. Anyway, I don't agree with the reasoning of the suggestion at all- If they're going to be imbeciles, laugh at them. If they're going to cry because you did something you're supposed to in a game, laugh at them. If they're going to insult you in anger and then call you angered, laugh at thier stupidity. And Join date =/= maturity. There could be 18yr olds that joined this year. :/. And grammar =/= maturity either. But, the suggestion itself- The removal of chat as a punishment to imbeciles n general, I would enjoy. I would enjoy indeed. More specialised bans would be lovely.
#109571343Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:36 PM GMT

i may have made a mistake there,since i do not think that join date = maturity,this is,not at all,what i meant,what i MEANT was Age=maturity in some rare cases age=\= maturity,but we are on roblox....SOOOO... anyway,my suggestion was not removing children from roblox,but making the stupid ones unable to talk as they wish,since the only thing coming out of their mouth would probably be Bullturds. what i meant when i said every child to leave this post was:avoiding chances of stupid posts by 7 years old kids that lack grammar and intelligence. you are one of those people who give faith in humanity(for me,at least) thank you for helping me clear my true intentions.
#109571628Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:40 PM GMT

#109571661Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:40 PM GMT

You're very welcome.
#109571912Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:43 PM GMT

"little,grammar lacking spoiled brats," So we can assume your grammar is fine, right? Oh wait. Apparently you're not a native English speaker, but that doesn't give you the right to criticize others' grammar when yours is awful. For all you know, they're not native English speakers either. As for the actual idea, it's open to abuse. Getting your friends to all report somebody because you don't like them seems like the exact sort of thing these people you describe would do. Obviously, you could add in moderation, but then it's basically just the same system we currently have. Just report somebody if they're using abusive language and moderators will deal with it.
#109572371Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:48 PM GMT

it seems everyone misunderstands me. I NEVER SAID I HAVE A PERFECT GRAMMAR,I HAVE A GRAMMAR BETTER THEN MOST OF THE NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS(god,are you people that stupid?) and no,i never told ALL of my friends to report those kids,infact,i never told ANY of my friends to report those children. my grammar is good,but not perfect but the grammar of those kids is HORRIBLE,it almost gave me a heartattack. roblox has a horrible community,and you can't say i am wrong,its too bad none of you understand my means. do not respond anymore,posting here was a mistake,and now i am getting swarmed and blamed,how ironic.
#109572411Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:49 PM GMT

before you complain more,i meant to write misunderstood* this thread is closed.
#109572561Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:51 PM GMT

Grammar of kids on an online video game causes you to have a heartattack? I think someone here is a little exaggerated.
#109572576Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:51 PM GMT

#109572663Tuesday, August 13, 2013 3:52 PM GMT

yes,its that bad. if you want to be helpful,tell me how to close this thread before i get swarmed by more people.
#109576689Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:34 PM GMT

Well, thats "murika" for you, or at least the area where I live o3o If you notice someone is being overly immature, then ignore them. If they start to harass, then pull some witty remark on them and they will be likely to shut up. If they continue, then leave. They aren't worth your time if you are getting annoyed by them, so go to another server. Roblox should add a mute option such as "/mute plr,plr2,..." and "/unmute plr,plr2,...", as well as fully implementing the whisper chat that they already have added Players service o3o
#109576793Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:35 PM GMT

As for closing the thread, players can't do that, but I have seen cases where the OP requests that the thread gets locked, and then it just drops below the first page. Request a mod to do it.
#109580359Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:07 PM GMT

it seems like only 2 people here understand my true meaning,thanks mettaursp. i have a problem with leaving,since when i enter a game,i expect to play it,not leave it until it has decent people.
#109580857Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:12 PM GMT

They should make an ignore button, there your problem is solved
#109581222Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:15 PM GMT

Ignore them, not that hard.

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