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#109575398Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:22 PM GMT

Before you reply, yes, I do know that people hide their insults, but please read. These ideas are mostly for in-game security Please read everything carefully, if someone disagrees about something that was already in the thread, then they will be ignored - NOTE: Difference between TSC and TTSC TSC: Temporary Safe Chatter They can read whatever other players post TTSC: Temporary True Safe Chatter They can't read whatever other players post. - NOTE 2: Temporary (true) safe chatters can receive messages, but only temporary true safe chatters can reply to them. (with leet language) - Everytime someone says an insult in game, the CRBD (Chat Rules Breaking Detector) will remove their post and make them TSC (Temporary Safe Chatters), but before making then TSF, they will get 1 warning. - Now, some people hide their insults like: ###### (potato, it's an example) or ****** or !@#$%^ or: p o t a t o So this is another idea, not allowing symbols in the text IN-GAME, not OUT-GAME, but parenthesis allowed. No one word messages, no only space text. Minimum 6 words per post. - Now, if a player gets up to 5 true reports, (NOT FALSE, READ CAREFULLY) they will get a 1 day TSC. If a player gets up to 10 true reports, they will get a 1 week TSC If a player gets up to 15 true reports, they become safechatters If a swearing player doesn't gets reports until 2 weeks,(NOT COUNTING BANS AND TSC) their true report counter resets to 0. (optional, but needed to prevent veterans becoming safechatters because of their noob days) - Not allowing leet language (also known as l33t or 1337) Before you say something about players, read carefully again. Sometimes people hide their insults like this: p073370 (potato) The idea is: Not allowing people everywhere posting leet language but Forum Games How it will work: If someone posts an insult, example: (not really an insult) p073370, their post will be removed and the player will get a warning. Up to 5 warnings, if the player continues posting leet language, then they will get a 5 minutes TSC For players that have their keyboard broken and must put a number instead of a letter, there is a option of "Broken Keyboard" in Account Settings, that will make you a TTSC (Temporary True Safechatter, true safechatters don't see other player's text to prevent watching people posting insults and being unable to post, false safechatters see the text) until you remove the flag. About players: There are people that pronounce the full player username, so if someone posts a full username, they won't get a warning. - Other suggestion: Comment spam If the CRBD detects spam in comments like "SEND ME TRADES" or "how to get"(because most of giveaway R$ comments have that sentence) or whatever, they will get their comment deleted, and a hour of TSC. ( [ Content Deleted ] ) - Mini Note from OP These rules may be irriating, but they will destroy like 95% of the insults and spam IT WON'T STOP ALL THE SPAM! If you support, leave a reply below, if not then ignore this topic or give me reasons.
#109575766Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:25 PM GMT

Bump. TL;DR version: Get someone to read it for you, or stop being lazy.
#109577805Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:44 PM GMT

#109577892Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:45 PM GMT

I aggre its the only good thing ROBLOX made the rest are bad
#109578192Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:48 PM GMT

My first ever supporter ;') Thank you sir rockout!
#109580294Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:07 PM GMT

#109580875Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:12 PM GMT

I support this. I really wish it worked like this. So many problems would be slved. :]
#109581012Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:13 PM GMT

Support, good idea.
#109581671Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:19 PM GMT

Nice idea with a good intent, but a lot of players will be banned possibly resulting in mass quitting making Roblox go down hill. Should be more polished in my opinion.
#109582103Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:23 PM GMT

"Minimum 6 words per post." How do I answer a question? "Yes yes yes yes yes yes." "No no no no no no." "Ok ok ok ok ok ok."
#109582619Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:27 PM GMT

I like the idea
#109602409Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:02 PM GMT

@crabbydarth Then we should allow posting "yes","no","ok" without limit, but not other words.
#109602564Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:03 PM GMT

They have stopped swearing. They have come out with " # " filter.
#109606568Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:34 PM GMT

Sounds like a good idea, but could use some work.
#109606717Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:35 PM GMT

And if they were to stop swearing and anything else. from that they would need to improve their report button. For reason's behind reporting them.
#109607521Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:41 PM GMT

This has a good intention but I don't exactly know how well this would work out, wouldn't too many people quit ROBLOX?
#109607749Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:42 PM GMT

Maybe, which would take out half the people that just join to get alts for their main accounts.
#109607916Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:44 PM GMT

#109608183Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:46 PM GMT

No support. Censorship is nothing but a pointless grammar and word usage restriction that can cause a majority of one's perspective to reality to degrade and should be excluded globalwide. Even though this argument is WNTS, we all have to agree. And plus, we have Freedom of Speech so why would anyone even care about restricting their so-called-you-say "swearing?" ___ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hod0WtYE4SA , what's really good?!
#109608293Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:46 PM GMT

Well, I have nothing to say. I give you my support.
#109609744Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:57 PM GMT

Good idea. But it shouldn't be TOO annoying, and it needs to be reviewed by the staff and maybe some players well. The filter adds silly things like the HP series by JK Rowling. It also forgets many bad words. I saw somebody swear many times yet they got censored on a silly word. I also think roblox should look at the people with one report. Some people agree that somebody is being mean but they don't report because they forget or they don't want to. Also, some people just bully ONE specific person; both in the real world and cyber world so that when the one person tells an adult/reports he/she, they don't really care about it. Also, I like to play Wizard101 and Pirate101. The company that made those games moderate the message boards 100%. They look at your message before it's posted, and they decide if it gets posted or not. Roblox should do the same thing with the forums. -Ad
#109610740Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:05 PM GMT

#109610761Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:05 PM GMT

They censor HP because it's Copyrighted to warner F-ros cant say the name.. Roblox got in trouble a bit ago and now we cant discuss it..
#109685684Wednesday, August 14, 2013 9:03 AM GMT

@manofthebase44 "They have stopped swearing. They have come out with " # " filter." Do you know hiding bad words?
#109685791Wednesday, August 14, 2013 9:06 AM GMT

"No support. Censorship is nothing but a pointless grammar and word usage restriction that can cause a majority of one's perspective to reality to degrade and should be excluded globalwide. Even though this argument is WNTS, we all have to agree. And plus, we have Freedom of Speech so why would anyone even care about restricting their so-called-you-say "swearing?"" You know, more than a half of players on ROBLOX are kids, and they learn bad words because of the Internet.

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