#110040965Saturday, August 17, 2013 4:26 AM GMT

(It's okay) I ask for a planet for my troops to practice ground assaults, and request my systems for ground vehicles. Then, I decide to wait until the other combat ships are completed. At the same time, I begin drafting conscripts from my systems to bolster the navy and army personnel. I ask the engineers if the superlaser on the Sword Breaker is strong enough to destroy ground targets from orbit, and if our vessels could commence orbital bombardments. I also ask the shipyards to make more fighters, bombers, and interceptors.
#110043758Saturday, August 17, 2013 4:51 AM GMT

You can practice ground assaults on Speio, as long as you practice away from populated areas and avoid destroying landscape. You can bump the combat ships to the top of the priority list, but most of them will take weeks. The earliest one to be completed will take two days. Drafting conscripts will lower the overall efficiency of your fleet because of all the new people, and it also lowers morale somewhat. The engineers say that the superlaser has enough power to bombard planets with, but it will have less effect than targeting other ships, and it won't be very accurate unless you have imaging data from the planetary surface. The other vessels don't have any weapons that could handle attacking planets from space. The shipyards can only handle so many tasks at a time, you might have to reduce the schedule for the frigates if you want fighters,bombers, and interceptors with them. Also, and stellar radiation or such should have cleared up by now, you could try contacting the lost scout ship again.
#110044011Saturday, August 17, 2013 4:53 AM GMT

(I'm getting off for the night now, post your answer if you want, but I won't be responding until morning.)
#110045610Saturday, August 17, 2013 5:07 AM GMT

(Alright.) I decide, instead of drafting, to recruit and train volunteer contract servicemen. A mass propaganda campaign is to be launched. At the same time, the fleet continues training and the army starts drilling on the surface. We set up urban areas for them to practice urban combat. I request intelligence to give me schematics of the senate building. We await the construction of the capitol ships first, then will begin with the starfighters. We contact the scout ship.
#110088351Saturday, August 17, 2013 4:57 PM GMT

There are no capital ships under construction at the shipyards. As I said before, mostly frigates, a few carriers. Your ad campaign is moderately successful, and a few veterans of the fleets volunteer. On the other hand, it looks like the army is just getting eager folk who want a piece of action. Your request to intelligence is approved only because you have to pull rank, they are very suspicious of what you intend now. You have no doubt in your mind they will inform the entirety of the senate. You set up urban areas to practice in, and the troops practice there. You send a real-time contact transmission to the scout ship, and it connects automatically. You have no visual, but you think you hear breathing, very, very loud breathing. Alien breaths, except that none of the species in the sector that you know of breathe as loudly as that. Something is very strange here. You request the intelligence section to analyze that breathing with human proximity to the console, and they tell you that a regular human would have to be *inside* the console to get that level of loudness. And drawing gasps of air from a failing oxygen system. There's only one answer as far as you can see. Some alien race has taken out the crew of the scout ship, either forcibly or non-forcibly, and set themselves up inside of it.
#110118581Saturday, August 17, 2013 9:35 PM GMT

I continue awaiting the construction of the ships. Troops continue training, and I inform the senate of the result of the scout ship.
#110158720Sunday, August 18, 2013 3:25 AM GMT

You inform the senate, and they have mixed reactions. Some react with fear, others with anger, and still others with glee. You can only assume the gleeful ones are the ones that want to wage war. Several of the senate members, mostly the ones who reacted with fear, go off the line. Your own faction senator has let you go out on a combat/scouting mission, to the planet where the lost scouts went. However, you can wait a few days for some of the ships to finish.
#110159049Sunday, August 18, 2013 3:29 AM GMT

I will wait for some of the ships to finish. At the same time, I gather all of my forces from the ground aboard the warships and give them an inspiring speech.
#110222323Sunday, August 18, 2013 6:15 PM GMT

You wait about a week, and your fleet is bolstered by three frigates, one carrier, and 4 fighters, 2 bombers, and 3 interceptors. Your gathering of the troops and the inspiring speech probably helped with confidence, but probably didn't make them go into the realm of recklessness. Overall a good speech.
#110223137Sunday, August 18, 2013 6:24 PM GMT

Our full force heads to the alien occupied space.
#110224769Sunday, August 18, 2013 6:40 PM GMT

You don't know that it's alien occupied, because officially it's neutral territory. But whatever, you head there. Your fleet heads out to the far-flung Meda system, which has three inhabited planets on the chart. From the hundreds of thousands of Ula and Mohini to the millions of inhabitants on Aethra, if things *aren't* wrong in some way it could be very, very bad for you and your fleet. On the other hand, if the system really is under attack by unknown aliens, it could earn you a medal or two for foreseeing the threat. So your fleet is going to be in the "jump" for a few hours, and you have some time to yourself.
#110225195Sunday, August 18, 2013 6:44 PM GMT

I study different military writings from different species and prepare different plans and tactics to use against any aliens.
#110225961Sunday, August 18, 2013 6:51 PM GMT

Since you have never seen whatever aliens might be attacking, there isn't really much information you can get. Hence, it's probable some of your tactics won't work well. You now have an hour before you hit the Meda system.
#110226364Sunday, August 18, 2013 6:54 PM GMT

I order all flight crews to prep their ships and for soldiers to get to transports.
#110227384Sunday, August 18, 2013 7:03 PM GMT

You do that, and then you arrive at the Meda system. There's.... nothing. No ships, no radar signatures, no power emissions, nothing you can see from space. The planets don't look like battlefields, they look normal as always. The cold, inhospitable world of Aethra still has it's domed cities up, the temperate world of Mohini is looking very green with all its forests, and the warm-temperate world of Uli looks perfectly normal, no craters that would normally come from space or ground combat. So you have three options. You can go over to any on of the planets, and dispatch landing shuttles or even go to the ground yourself.
#110228002Sunday, August 18, 2013 7:09 PM GMT

I contact the government centers of the planets, asking if they are fine and if they spotted the lost scout ship.
#110228954Sunday, August 18, 2013 7:18 PM GMT

You get no response. Now you believe something is up. It could be that something went off in a giant, system-scouring EMP blast. A lot of big machinery is used, so it wouldn't be too hard to imagine something like that. The other option is a bio-bomb to all of the planets, wiping out any animal life almost instantly. The chances of bio-bombs bombarding all the planets would be just a little more likely than 2.481549%, but it could still happen.
#110229383Sunday, August 18, 2013 7:22 PM GMT

I send a shuttle of commandos in hazmat suits down to one of the planetary capitols to see what is wrong, ordering them to report every ten minutes.
#110232688Sunday, August 18, 2013 7:53 PM GMT

You send the shuttle down to the closest planet, Ula, and after ten minutes they report back, saying that the city is eerily quiet. Also, the hazmat suits are probably unnecessary because most bio-bomb ordinances will dissipate after a few hours or minutes.
#110233547Sunday, August 18, 2013 8:01 PM GMT

I tell them to secure their landing area so I can bring a larger contingent of troops down and inspect this myself, and have a scanning crew check the air.
#110235923Sunday, August 18, 2013 8:23 PM GMT

They send a panicked report up, saying that they found some biohazards that pierced even fully sealed hazmat suits. They have reported one dead, and another sick and probably going to die within a few minutes. You don't have enough hazmat suits for your entire army, and it doesn't really matter anyways. The report did say that fully sealed suits can be pierced, but that doesn't really make sense. If they could be pierced, then whatever biohazard is causing it has to be small, down on the electron level at the largest it could be.
#110236435Sunday, August 18, 2013 8:27 PM GMT

I send a bomber to destroy their transport so they can't spread it by leaving. Then I order them to hold out until I can inform then senate and they could send specialists who deal with biology like this, like a CDC kind of agency. I then inform the senate.
#110238277Sunday, August 18, 2013 8:42 PM GMT

You send the bomber, but this isn't a disease. It's a biohazard, it can only be spread by the source of whatever is making it, not by people who are exposed to it. You contact the senate, but get no response. It looks like everybody is making their preparations for whatever.
#110239406Sunday, August 18, 2013 8:52 PM GMT

I order the troops there to look for the source as I attempt to contact my faction senator.
#110243738Sunday, August 18, 2013 9:30 PM GMT

They found the source. They haven't seen it yet, but they know where it is. You attempt to contact your faction senator, but it looks like stellar radiation is getting in the way again.