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#111057025Sunday, August 25, 2013 7:05 PM GMT

(Okay, SOMEHOW the other thread locked. I do not know how as I did not lock it...) PARTS ===== ~Story *Read* ~Details ~Geography *Read* ~Races *Should Read* ~Empowered *Should Read* ~Religion ~Guilds and Organizations *Should Read* ~Rules and Admins *Read ~Character Sheet *Read* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* STORY ===== A young girl sat perched on a stool, hands gripping the wooden seat. Behind her stood an older girl, gently combing her blonde curls. Every now and then the child murmured an objection, stating that it hurt. The older girl laughed halfheartedly at her sister's complaints. It was quiet, save for the murmurs and the soft laughter. It was startling when the child spoke up, asking a question no person would want to answer. "Will daddy ever come home?" She asked in the soft and innocent voice of a young child. Her voice was filled with with worry though it was obvious she did not understand the implications of such a thing happening. Few young children in this country could grasp their minds around the prospect of losing a child. Death was not an uncommon part of life but that did not make it common. The older girl hesitated, taking a few deep breaths before plastering a smile on her face. It was a precise and measured smile, almost as if she had carved it out of stone. "He always comes home," she forced out into the thick silence. "You know that, sweetie." The small girl turned in her seat, a tiny hand reaching for her sister's arm. She pulled herself up on the stool, staring into the eyes of her sister. "Are you sure?" A small nod and a growing smile was all it took to reassure the young child. Soon she was once again sitting on the stool, impatiently squirming as a ribbon was braided through her hair. Soon the process was done and the child leaped off the chair. Ignoring her sister's protests she raced out the door, giggling wildly. "Be careful, Juniper!" The eldest warned, now staring at the plain stone walls of their abode. Outside she could picture a child twirling as if she were a princess as she sang. She would bend down to the ground, searching through the tall grass for one of her many cloth dolls. Then her dance would be resumed, along with a confusing conversation between a toy and a human. The eldest stood there, fluttering her eyes to prevent the falling of tears. Tain was not a place for an innocent. The country was ravaged with war and every day many died. Many males had been recruited into the armies, each a man like her father. She didn't notice it right away, when the laughter turned to cries. A small child begged for mercy as a rough voice demanded for an answer. A thump and a whimper was heard, the cries momentarily growing louder before suddenly turning quiet. The girl raced towards the door, knowing what to expect and yet fearing it all the same. Within seconds she found herself on the dying grass, a sword held over her heart. Cruel laughter could be heard before everything went black. The grass was soon painted with blood and the murderers ran free, ransacking the small cottage. This outcome would be repeated throughout many homes. Children would be found dead, mother's lying beside them. Father's would be all but non-existent as they had been sent off to fight a losing war. This was Tain. --- Tain, a once beautiful and free land, has been taken under the control of a sadistic ruler. Little is known about him, save for the fact that he is a rare Empowered, having the skills of both a Demonic and a Paranormal. Tain was doomed to fall to this mysterious man as, although they had a great army, they had a small numbers of soldiers. Soon unskilled men were drafted into the army, quickly leaving children orphaned and wives widowed. It did not take long for small raids to turn into the slaughtering of the innocent. Entire villages disappeared. When the invaders finally made it to the capital Tain was weak. It took no time for the capital to be overtaken and, all the foolish royals and nobles, to be murdered. Only their children were spared, forced to become pets and slaves. The enemy's leader was quickly crowned the ruler of Tain. He named himself the Emperor, providing no other name to be called by. Life is now terrible for the people. Many have died and still more are murderer. A bad mood or a simple whim are all it takes to doom a small village. Throughout the country, Empowered are being hunted down and killed. Any who survive one of the many hunting parties are labeled as criminals and traitors. Few escape unnoticed. Any one Empowered who fight back are brought to the Emperor himself to be killed in some extravagant way. The country is now weak and no person is brave enough to fight back. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* DETAILS ======= Tain was started by the Tain Family, the family that led their fellow slaves out of Barishiec. Despite being a safe land the war caused much trouble in Tain. The rich, which always had a large hold on the government, became more important. They prospered, always have enough food to eat, while the poor starved. The middle class was all but non-existent. Most live in fear of the many guilds that have formed throughout the land, with the most powerful being the Draco. The Draco are a group of assassins that control many parts of the country. The king's word means little to the Draco and their followers. Tain is a medieval fantasy world, there is no technology. The currency is made of copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins. Coppers are equal to one dollar, silvers are equal to ten dollars, golds are equal to fifty dollars, and platinum are equal to five hundred dollars. Copper is commonly found among the poor, silver is found among the middle class, gold is found with the rich, and platinum are quite rare. Please remember that you will, most likely not have a coin outside of your social class. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* GEOGRAPHY =========== -BASIC- The role-play takes place in a large world similar to Earth in many ways. There are a few different continents and, unlike Earth, five main oceans. These oceans are named after the compass directions. There are the North, South, East, and West oceans. There also is an ocean simply referred to as the 'Center.' The story takes place on the largest continent, simply known as Ursio. This continent circles around the Center. There are a few other, unexplored continents. -TAIN- Tain is a small country occupying part of the North-Western edge of Ursio. It is surrounded by land on three sides and borders the North Ocean. Tain is a relatively simple land that is composed of many rolling hills and rocky plateaus. The capital, Domic, occupies a tall plateau in the middle of the country. Surrounding the capital is Domini's Woods. Four main paths go through the forest. Three paths lead to the three largest towns; Alio, Deriam, and Feriost. The remaining path leads to the Blood Rose Inn and, if one were to continue down this path, they would reach Kieriam. The Eastern border holds a large mountain range, which is the home to the small settlement of Dalia. Somewhere in the mountains there is also rumored to be a dungeon of sorts. *Blood Rose Inn* As the name suggests this is a dangerous place with a dark past. It is viewed as a popular and elegant inn and yet, despite it's popularity, they often experience a large amount of disappearances and murders. *Domic* Domic is the capital of Tain. It holds the Palace that, after being taken over, has been remodeled into the 'ideal' fortress and torture area. It also holds Mai's Messengers, an academy for the rich and an orphanage. The rich and those with scholarships are given a top notch education. The orphans are also educated, though there lessons are not even close to those of the rich. *Alio* Alio is the home of two infamous places. One is the Star's Blessing Inn, a simple place rumored to be run by an old traitor and his trusted daughter. While this place has been the starting point of many conspiracies, it is also the home to a great night of entertainment and service. The final place is the Tainted Flower, a simple apothecary owned by an old woman. Unlike many apothecaries, this store is more suited to customers with a deadlier taste. A collection of poisons and fatal ingredients are sold here. They are all rumored to be shipped from Tain's enemy, Aleen. *Deriam* Deriam is home to the Minstril. The Minstril was originally built as a library and book store but, as the owner grew older, he also established an unofficial orphanage. His workers are children he has 'adopted' who double as his messengers. *Feriost* The Seven Moons Inn is a popular place, owned by a kind young woman and her three children. Despite its 'fancy' appearance it is one of the few places in Tain that cater to both the rich and the poor. *Kieriam* Kieriam is known as the 'Holy City' as it holds Domini's Temple. The temple is home to the small family that are known as the 'official' priests and priestesses of the Domini Religion. *Dalia* Dalia is a simple mountain settlement perched in the Eastern Mountains. There is nothing special about it, save for the fact that it is the only 'successful' settlement. *Dungeon* The Dungeon is an area where traitors and criminals are taken. They are placed in a large underground area of tunnels and, anyone who makes it out, is granted freedom in whatever new land they find themselves in. However, few have made it out and even fewer make it out unharmed. This is for a connecting role-play. *Domini's Woods* Domini's Woods is a dangerous place with few safe paths. If one were to step off the path it is rumored that they will disappear and, if they ever return, shall be little more than a hollow and insane shell. At times they may return with dulled or completely eradicated senses. Only if one is invited by Domini himself are they able to journey their safely. -IGREAN- Igrean is an ally of Tain. Their society focuses primarily on nature and defense. They are found at the south-eastern border of Tain. Their large country is a collection of forests and fertile plains, with many fresh springs. Settlements are sparsely spread and quite simple. -IESHIO- Ieshio is an ally of Tain. Their main industries are composed of fishing and merchants. They have a long and narrow piece of land bordering the West Ocean. The land itself is a blend of rock and sand. There are few living trees or plants outside of their small 'farms.' -ALIEH- Alieh is an ally of Tain, found on the eastern edge of Ursio. Alieh has a warm climate and most of the land is a collection of plateaus. It is a nation of crafters and merchants with most settlements being large cities. -ALEEN- Aleen is an enemy directly east of Tain with a small part of their country on the border of the North Ocean. Their land is a collection of plateaus, divided into a series of fiefdoms. Their buildings are typically made of dark stone, and nothing else. Above grounds their people are typically thieves and assassins. Below group they have a warped version of Igrean's farms. These specialize in fatal ingredients and plants. -JERIAN- Jerian is an enemy of Tain in the south of Ursio. It is a collection of rolling hills, often covered in rocks and snow. The land is cold most of the year with twisted plants and trees. They are a hunting based civilization, sometimes resorting to cannibalism. They have many tightly packed wood and stone 'cities' and a few roaming tribes. -BARISHIEC- Barshiec is Tain's biggest enemy as all Tanian's have come from this strange land. Barshiec is a dark country that circles around the Center Ocean. The dirt is a dull grey and the skies are often a bruised purple. The land is a collection of craters and caves. All plants appear to be dim and dull. Barishiec is a land of merchants and slaves with buildings that are a cross between the Medieval castles and Victorian homes. -Barren Lands- The Barren lands are areas of Ursio that are not controlled by any country. They are all walled off from the rest of the countries and mainly take up the south of Ursio and a small connecting area in the north. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* RACES ===== -TAIN- The people of Tain are the closest to 'pure' humans. While other countries have a common characteristic that sets them apart and above the others, Tain has normal humans. It must be noted, however, that they have the largest amount of Empowered. -IGREAN- Those of Igrean are a graceful group of people, each with a notable green thumb. They are naturally agile and, when it comes to the land, geniuses. Their people generally appear fragile, like flowers. Each man, woman, and child has an appearance that seems to be themed around a plant. EXAMPLE: A child may have tanned skin and eyes that change between shades of red and pink. Their hair may be long and and pure white. This may be the appearance for a child based off of a cherry blossom tree. -IESHIO- The people have Ieshio are built for the water and, it is quite obvious, that they can survive for much longer without air than the typical person. They typically have tanned skin, with the rest of their appearance blending in with the ocean and marine life. -ALIEH- The people of Alieh are a quiet and elegant race. Their country is not one for communication or fighting, leaving them to seem some what mysterious. When seen they are said to have alabaster skin. Their eyes are often colored like jewels and their hair is often pure white, golden blonde, or a silver color. -ALEEN- The people of Aleen are like shadows. They are the ideal thieves and assassins, typically being agile and quiet. Their skin is typically a slate grey or midnight black. Their eyes are a variety of dark colors and their hair is typically a chocolate brown or raven black. -JERIAN- The people of Jerian are built to survive in cold and severe conditions. They also are rumored to be all but unnoticeable. Their appearances tend to be pale and washed out with pale skin, dull eyes, and pale hair. -BARISHIEC- The people of Barishiec are a dark race. They are pale creatures with a skeleton like appearances. Their eyes are typically sunken in and a dark color, while their hair is either extremely pale or extremely dark. Their eyes often turn a crimson color when they experience an extreme emotion. It is rumored that these people have slight psychic abilities. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* EMPOWERED =========== Any race can be an Empowered, though it is most common in the 'normal' humans of Tain. Most people are only one type of Empowered, though it must be noted that there are reports of those that are more than one type. It is important to note that there is no proof of a person being more than one type of Empowered if they are a Magi. It is rumored but never proven. *Domini* The Domini Empowered are akin to angels on earth. Their powers are activated mentally and require a form of inner peace. Without this 'peace' they need to expel greater amounts of energy and use a form of verbal chant. There are ways to get around this lack of peace as long as one non-Empowered is with the Domini. If this person has inner peace they can let the Domini 'feed' off of it. This must be willing. ~Domini Empowered have a control over the element light and the ability to generate small amounts of it. ~Domini have a control over positive emotions and, due to this, they can project soothing emotions. ~Domini Empowered have the ability to heal a person physically. The most powerful of them can treat mental illnesses and disorders, though it must be said that they risk gaining this disorder themselves. Physical treatment is slow when they are on their own and it is best if they have some knowledge of what they are doing to prevent disastrous results. ~Domini are known to be the only person to be able to 'battle' the Demonic on a mental level with some measure of safety. While will and courage are important in these fights, this 'holy' gift gives them an edge. ~Domini Empowered are able to heal a person from even a fatal wound with the help of other Dominis or a Magi Empowered. This requires a chant. ~When paired with a Domini Empowered the two can chant and release a person from this puppet spell. It is nearly impossible for someone who is both a Paranormal Empowered and a Domini Empowered to do this themselves. ~Domini Empowered are able to communicate with Angelic spirits. They also can enlist their help. ~Domini have the ability to journey into the Other World that overlaps Domini's Woods. The most powerful can bring items and people to this world and back. ~Domini Empowered are one of the few able to journey into Domini's Woods safely. *Demonic* The Demonic Empowered are much like mortal demons. Their powers are activated mentally and often feed off negative energies. When they can not feed off negative energies they are required to use chants and greater amounts of energy. A way to get around this requires a non-Empowered. They can, unwillingly, feed off that person's physical energy. ~Demonic Empowered have control over the element of darkness and the ability to generate small amounts of it. ~Demonic Empowered have control over negative emotions. They can feed off and project these emotions. ~Demonic Empowered have the ability to sense and read a person's fear and, because of this, cast illusions of them. When a person is dreaming they can cause that person to have nightmares and night terrors. ~Demonic Empowered are known to be able to cause mental damage to a Domini Empowered. This is shown in a battle of 'illusions' or of the mind. ~Demonic Empowered are able to inflict mental and physical damage on any person if they have the help of other Demonics or the help of a Magi Empowered. This always requires a chant. ~When paired with a Paranormal Empowered the two can chant and make any person like their 'puppet.' They can not cause physical or mental damage to this person without inflicting the same wounds on themselves. It is nearly impossible for someone who is both a Paranormal Empowered and a Demonic Empowered to do this themselves. ~Demonic Empowered are able to communicate with and call on Demonic Spirits. ~Demonic Empowered can rarely journey into Domini's Woods if they do not follow the paths. ~Demonic Empowered can not journey into the Other World unless they are invited by Domini himself and, even then, they are in great danger. *Paranormal* Paranormal Empowered are akin to ghosts. Their powers are activated mentally and use only energy. When a person is short on this they can leach energy from sources of heat or a non-Empowered. They also can chant and use less energy. ~Paranormal Empowered have a minor control over heat and cold, mainly to cause extreme warm and cold spots. Only the most powerful can use this to any deadly advantage. ~Paranormal Empowered have the ability to turn invisible for a short time. ~Paranormal Empowered have the ability to reveal the past of any object. The most powerful can read minor instances from a person's past and, with the help of others or a Magi, whole memories. ~When paired with a Demonic Empowered the two can chant and make any person like their 'puppet.' They can not cause physical or mental damage to this person without inflicting the same wounds on themselves. It is nearly impossible for someone who is both a Paranormal Empowered and a Demonic Empowered to do this themselves. ~When paired with a Domini Empowered the two can chant and release a person from this puppet spell. It is nearly impossible for someone who is both a Paranormal Empowered and a Domini Empowered to do this themselves. ~A Paranormal Empowered can work with a Magi to jump start a dead person. This person will then be living. This requires a chant. ~Paranormal Empowered can communicate with and call on the spirits of the dead. *Magi* The Magi Empowered are, in a way, wizards. To use most of their powers they must complete a certain chant, which will gift them with the ability for a certain time. Each time they use their ability it shall use up some energy. ~At all times Magi Empowered have slight telepathic and empathic gifts. These do, however, have to be activated and are not used actively. These are one of the few gifts of a Magi Empowered that can be activated mentally or physically. This power will last for 1-3 hours. ~With a certain chant the Empowered may gift themselves with control over one of the four main elements. If one were to complete all four chants and give up all the needed energy they would be able to control all four elements for a few hours. When two other Magi are gathered they can complete a certain chant to gift others with these gifts. They also have the option to gift each of themselves with a less common element. This, however, requires one of the basic elements to feed off of. ~With a certain chant they can strengthen or weaken a certain skill or ability. They also can strengthen or weaken the powers of a fellow Empowered. ~With a certain chant they can 'jump start' a dying body to make the person once again living. This takes a great amount of energy and it often requires the help of a Paranormal Empowered. ~With a certain chant they can heal minor wounds. With the help of a Domini Empowered they can use another chant to heal major wounds. ~With a certain chant and the help of a Demonic Empowered they can harm a person to a medium extent. This can be either mental or physical, but never both at the same time as each requires a different chant. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* RELIGION ======== Although the world is tolerant of other beliefs it must be noted that the main religion is the Domini Religion. Unlike most there is some 'proof' behind this belief. The Domini Religion is ruled by a group of triplet gods. It is unknown when they first started to exist, as it is said the three gods were simply born. Each sacrificed a piece of their being to create this world. As everything grew they also created five other minor gods. -Main Three- *Domini* Domini is referred to as the 'Father of All.' Despite the fact that all three triplets created the world, Domini is referred to as the leader and planner. He is said to be the god of Creation and Plans. In one of his more fickle moods he is referred to as the god of Disasters. Domini displays a fatherly love for his people, yet he is not against harming them to teach a lesson. *Fahren* Fahren is known as the Tempter and Monster. He is the creator of disease and war. He is constantly warring with his brother and sister for control, as he is also the god of Jealousy and Greed. He has a certain hatred for the people on the planet, despite working to create it. *Maryann* Maryann is known as the Spirit and Comforter. Not much is known about her, though it is rumored that she calms her brothers. She is viewed as the Mother and Sister of all. -Minor Five- There is little information on these five. *Celestine* She is viewed as the guardian of the Magi Empowered. *Melrose* She is viewed as the guardian of the Paranormal Empowered. *Michelin* She is viewed as the guardian of the non-empowered people. *Zephyr* He is viewed as the guardian of the Demonic Empowered. *Engel* He is viewed as the guardian of the Domini Empowered. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* GUILDS AND ORGANIZATIONS ========================= -Draco- The Draco are a well known and feared guild, assumed to be made up of primarily assassins and thieves. They are said to have no real purpose as the group prefers to keep an air of mystery. They share little about their past, only their highest members know about it. The Draco do work on their own and, for the right price, work for others. They are rumored to work from the Blood Rose Inn. -Messengers- Those that join the Messengers are often young and poor, simply looking for a place to survive. They are rumored to work as literal messengers and spies. Some have believe they helped run the 'hidden' parts of the country while others believe they were trying to take it over. -Saviors- The Saviors are not the bright and shining heroes you might think. The men and women that compose this group are sided with the enemy. These are the 'secret police' of the Emperor and the ones that are sent to track down the Empowered. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* RULES ===== 1) Remember that I, RangerGirl3373, am in charge. My word is law. I do not care if you think it is unfair, do not argue with me. I am the creator, not you. My second in commands are my Admins. You also must listen to them but remember, I do overrule them. Admins can accept and decline characters, answer some questions about the role-play, organize time-skips (If the majority of the role-play agrees), and help me settle fights. That is basically the extent of their powers. 2) Do not GMod, uber, or power-play. Remember that you shall never win every fight and you shall never escape every fight, even the major ones, with little more than a paper cut. Be realistic and remember you aren't GOD! You are allowed to kill and seriously injure people. You don't need their permission either. However, if a person informs you that their character must live then you should let them live. You can't over-use this. 3) Do not be perfect. Do not be a Mary-Sue or a Gary-Stue. You can't be the perfect child with the saddest life ever, always getting attention. You can't be the undefeated villain who holds all the cards. Sometimes this does work out, but not that much. 4) I honestly must say, the chances of you personally killing or seriously injuring a person is slim. Yes, it may happen, but I am not going to say you can do it without permission. Once again, I am sorry but there are guards to prevent that. 5) Unless a person gives you permission, you can not control any character other than your own. You may, however control NPC's unless another player specifically calls that NPC. In that case it becomes a UC (Unofficial Character). However, if a person gives you permission to control their character you may. 6) Ignore the trolls and flamers. If you don't, I may need to ban you from the role-play. 7)If you have a major twist for a character or story that is not your own please ask that person for permission to go along with that. If it could seriously mess up the plot itself, run it by me first. If you don't, I may get annoyed and any chance of your idea being accepted goes down by about ninety-nine percent. 8) I follow the three strike system for most things. If you get three strikes, I consider banning you temporarily or permanently. My admins are run under a similar system, except I give them five strikes. 9) I really shouldn't have to put this but please remember that other people's characters do not need to be pleasing to you. Do not throw a fit because you don't agree with a character. ADMINS ====== RangerGirl3373 BabyShawna09 Kanamesama BrokenJodie DaichiAkane Sahanke *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* CHARACTER SHEET ================ Name: [First and last] A.ge: [Recommended age: 17+, Minimum to travel: 13+, Need guardian: 12 and below] Gender: Race: Empowered? If so, what type?: [Unless exceptions are made, one out of three role-players are Empowered.] Detailed Appearance: Personality: Skill(s)/Strength(s): [Don't overpower yourself.] Weakness(es): [I want something real and major. No hidden weaknesses.] Starting Point: Occupation: [Any work for guilds and organizations should be included here.] Bio: [Required. No TBR] Status in Society: [Tends to determine your wealth] Wealth: [The average money you have/ start out with] Item(s): Weapon(s): [No guns, don't overpower yourself.] Anything else?:
#111062445Sunday, August 25, 2013 7:57 PM GMT

Done reading alllllllll of it, now for the CS.
#111064283Sunday, August 25, 2013 8:14 PM GMT

Name: Jack Sicarri A.ge: 21 Gender: Male Race: Aleen Empowered? If so, what type?: Nope Detailed Appearance: Top to bottom: He has Raven Black hair and red eyes, a bit muscled with a darker shaded skin tone, He is a bit taller than average but that doesn't make him any less nimble. He wears a white hooded coat with a light armor mostly on shoulders, lower chest, Forearm and shin with the extra leather padding around the rest of his body. He has a white vest underneath the coat and a pair of dark pants with a belt, Brown muffled leather boots and finger less gloves. Personality: He has moral how ever little it is although that doesn't really stop him at times. Being kind to those who are in despair. He rarely lets anyone in and is often a lone wolf that being because he mostly doesn't really trust anyone... Skill(s)/Strength(s): Although with his bit over average height he is still pretty nimble and quick in his movements. He is a skilled swords and archer and knows a bit of hand to hand combat due to his former employment as a Draco Weakness(es): He might be good but he isn't always that good having scares all over his body with a weak spot in his left lower rib cage being hit there causes sever pain. Also because of his accident he is usually very stiff muscles this not being a huge problem he can get a bit of muscle pain. Starting Point: Star's Blessing Inn (Having a drink) Occupation: Use to be a Draco, Jack now roams the land usually killing off Raiders or Bandits that he finds on the road. Bio: As a baby Jacks parents where killed by a group of bandits, His mother had managed to hide him in before she was slaughtered and their house raided. Luckily for him he was found by a member of the Draco who took him in as his own. It was planed that he would be trained from a young age and become a feared Assassin. The plan worked... for some time, but as he grew older he started to feel that the life as a Draco was not for him. He was put in a group ordered to raid a (from what he was told) group of criminals hiding in a small town, The plan was to flush out the criminals and kill them without any civilian casualty (that was what he was told) but when they arrived most of the Draco's in his group started slaughtering women and children everywhere, this was the tipping point for Jack. Soon after that night he left the Draco... He was hunted by the Draco, for a while before he was thrown over a cliff to the ocean by a high ranked Draco member. Miraculously he survived and now he roams the land keeping a low profile to make sure no Draco ever knows of his true faith. Status in Society: Non, He is an ex-Draco and thought to be dead. Wealth: 100 copper and 5 silver ( i can skip the 5 silver) Item(s): non Weapon(s): A bow, Quiver with a few Arrows. 2 Short swords and a knife. (he is Ex-Draco after all) Anything else?: no not really... For once I'm not saying "Pendragon".... wait... ._.
#111065095Sunday, August 25, 2013 8:21 PM GMT

(No five silver, technically the invaders are no longer raiders.) (But cause you are Leox you are accepted.)
#111076958Sunday, August 25, 2013 9:59 PM GMT

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#111077135Sunday, August 25, 2013 10:01 PM GMT

Then have a character like that.
#111082738Sunday, August 25, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

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#111083518Sunday, August 25, 2013 10:57 PM GMT

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#111084150Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:03 PM GMT

Monks are men that worship their god/gods. My staff is still cool, but will serve no magical purpose from this point forward. What last name would I use since I don't belong to a family?
#111084192Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:03 PM GMT

[Book marked, I'll probably join, since I joined the last two, and if not, still gonna chill and watch]
#111084431Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:05 PM GMT

I'll join once I get on a PC.
#111084442Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:05 PM GMT

(Gavin, are you that guy I don't like?)
#111084627Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:07 PM GMT

Once again, monks do not exist in this world. Two, there were names given to illegitimate children. Also, with no way of knowing he was a Magi, he would have no way to 'master' anything. He also wouldn't know about the chants for anything. The staff never served a magical purpose.
#111086726Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:27 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#111087956Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:38 PM GMT

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#111089056Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:48 PM GMT

~So since I'm in my twenties and have been traveling there is no possible way for me to have discovered my empowerment and no possible way to have taken a few hours out of my years of life to recite the chant. ~I am not rewriting your story just merely trying to understand it. ~I did read the post and it was intriguing. Sorry for not fully understanding key parts. ~I am sorry that I disobeyed a requirement. I merely stated a first name and told you that I have been given several last names by my different owners. ~I apologize for not knowing a proper last name, but I did ask you earlier if you knew of a last name that would fit your world.
#111089338Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:50 PM GMT

I have at least two friends to help with their characters and I need to write my own. I'm sorry if I can't take time to research things for you.
#111090698Monday, August 26, 2013 12:03 AM GMT

Not sure if sarcastic or serious. Either way I probably came off as rude before during that rant and I apologize for that. Sarcastic or not you shouldn't have to say that you're sorry. Completely my fault. I can just say my father's last name is Husher or something. That sounds good to me because it isn't common and it doesn't sound to much like a modern last name.
#111094268Monday, August 26, 2013 12:32 AM GMT

I was being serious... I'm busy. >.> I shall give you a chance. You are accepted.
#111097984Monday, August 26, 2013 1:02 AM GMT

CHARACTER SHEET ================ Name: Aderyn Dyer A.ge: Aderyn is fourteen years old and nearing her fifteenth birthday. Gender: Female Race: Aderyn's mother was an Alieh and her father was a Barishiec. Empowered? If so, what type?: She is a Magi Empowered, though when she was young she claimed to have another gift. Detailed Appearance: Aderyn is a tiny girl, reaching a height of five feet and an 'unacceptable' weight of seventy pounds. She has the appearance of a small porcelain doll as she is considered fragile and, to some, cute. Aderyn has inherited the pale skin of her ancestors, causing her to have a vampiric appearance. Her nose and cheeks are speckled with freckles and have a slight rosy color to them. She often appears tired and sickly. It is not an uncommon to find her skin riddled with minor cuts and bruises. Aderyn has deep-set eyes with slightly bruised skin surrounding them. Her eyes are a bright violet color, swirling with cold silvers and warm golds. Aderyn has midnight black hair that falls to waist in perfectly combed curls. Her hair is threaded with feathers and she wears a braided circlet on her head. Aderyn is typically seen wearing a loose white dress, laced with pale reds. She wears a pair of black boots and a torn black cloak. She wears a single ring on her right hand and many silver and gold bracelets. Personality: During first impressions Aderyn seems much like an innocent child. She is a hyper girl that seems to find joy in even the smallest of things. She seems cute and slightly shy. Most would assume she is against breaking even a minor rule. When you delve further you shall see that, while Aderyn is all of these things, she is a bit more. She is a girl riddled with anxiety and, due to a few cruel tragedies, easily subjected to depression. She views the necessities of life useless, often skipping meals and the occasional rests. She finds sleep a terrifying thought, saying that it allows for the nightmares to come. Aderyn is, unintentionally manipulative and deceitful, due to the fact that she never knows who to trust. The only person she trusts is her twin brother, and even then she finds herself spinning a lie or two. She hides how bad her anxiety and depression is. Skill(s)/Strength(s): Aderyn is an intelligent girl. She is skilled with her Empowered gifts, thanks to her mother's tutoring. She also is fast in a physical manner surprising agile. Weakness(es): Aderyn is an extremely weak girl and, due to her constant lack of sleep and refusal to eat, she has little energy. She is fragile and easily hurt physically. Starting Point: Alio Occupation: She has no real occupation, though it could be noted that she helps her brother as a thief. Bio: Aderyn was born to one of the higher middle class families. Her family composed of her twin brother, Anthony, and her two parents. They also had a few younger siblings, each little more than toddlers. Aderyn and her brother were educated as Empowered, as they each inherited an Empowered gift from their parents. Aderyn was taught by her mother, a Magi, while her twin was taught by their father, a Domini. Her life was an easy life, with her rarely needing to work in the family apothecary. In her free time, when she was not concentrating on her 'personal' studies, she was helping her mother. When the war started her life did not really change. Her father, however, was discriminated against. It made life slightly uneasy and slowly started to ruin their business. When the Raiders came it was no surprise when her family was murdered and, as her father was viewed as a traitor, he was also murdered. Strangely her and her twin survived and, since then, have been on their own. Status in Society: Lower class, poor Wealth: She has no money, as she is not exactly trusted with it. Item(s): She has a small pack that holds their food supply. Anything of value is given to her brother to carry. Weapon(s): She has a small collection of throwing knives. Anything else?: N/A
#111098023Monday, August 26, 2013 1:03 AM GMT

CHARACTER SHEET ================ Name: Anthony Dyer A.ge: 14, nearing his 15th Birthday. Gender: Male Race: Anthony's mother was an Alieh and his father was a Barishiec. Empowered? If so, what type?: Yes, Domini Detailed Appearance: Anthony is a slightly muscular teenager with a height of six feet. He inherited the alabaster skin of the Alieh, causing him to constantly have a slightly vampiric appearance. His face is all angles and he has arched brows. His eyes are deep-set and the color of rubies. His short hair is black and color. He has a noticable burn over his right eye. He wears loose black pants, and a white shirt. They both have many cuts and holes in them. He also has a loose fitting brown cloak with a hoos that covers his face. Personality: He is pleasent to be around, unless you try hitting on his sister. He cares about his sister more then he cares about himself, so he will often starve himself so she can get enough to eat. Skill(s)/Strength(s): He can move around fast, and quiet at the same time, and has some healing skills. Weakness(es): He can not see out of his right eye. It is burned after all. He will also do anything to ensure his sister's safety. Starting Point: Star Blessing Inn, Alio Occupation: Thieves Bio: Anthony was born to one of the higher middle class families. His family composed of his twin sister, Aderyn, and his two parents. They also had a few younger siblings, each little more than toddlers. Anthony and his sister were educated as Empowered, as they each inherited an Empowered gift from their parents. Aderyn was taught by her mother, a Magi, while Anothony was taught by his father, a Domini. His life was an easy life, with him rarely needing to work in the family apothecary. In his free time, when he was not concentrating on practicing his healing, he was helping his mother with the daily chores. When the war started her life did not really change. Her father, however, was discriminated against. It made life slightly uneasy and slowly started to ruin their business. When the Raiders came it was no surprise when her family was murdered and, as her father was viewed as a traitor, he was also murdered. Strangely Anothony and his twin survived and, since then, have been on their own. Status in Society: Lower Class. Poor, and homeless Wealth: 2 copper Item(s): A small bag that I keep my coins in, and a small case that I keep my knives in Weapon(s): A small case of throwing knives (5 to be exact) Along with a Dagger. Anything else?: Nope.avi
#111098207Monday, August 26, 2013 1:04 AM GMT

[for some reason I want a character who looks like he should be a Domini Empowered (all angel like) but acculy be rlly mean or unemotional and obviously not a Domini Empowered bc he is hate filled]
#111098565Monday, August 26, 2013 1:08 AM GMT

#111099685Monday, August 26, 2013 1:18 AM GMT

(Yeah .-.)
#111099860Monday, August 26, 2013 1:20 AM GMT

(Mhm. It was hard getting him to rp >.<)

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