#140245309Monday, July 14, 2014 12:12 AM GMT

support all the way it needs to be on other consoles first
#140245461Monday, July 14, 2014 12:14 AM GMT

Check out the idiot who didn't read pages 1-20!
#140265037Monday, July 14, 2014 3:31 AM GMT

@relly That was just mean. -_-
#140265438Monday, July 14, 2014 3:36 AM GMT

Mean, but true. You might be asking, what makes me good forumer? Well if I was bad forumer, I wouldn't be sitting here discussing it with you, would I?
#140266278Monday, July 14, 2014 3:44 AM GMT

I think (KHOLS ADMIN HOUSE) Was a game created, not thought all the way. It's good that you can have admin. But there are negative sides to it too. People think it's funny to abuse admin such as spam :kill all or :kick all or :unadmin others or :freeze others. Thats annoying. That's why there are soo many dislikes to the game. People have been having that issue. This is why I am typing this, to see if the owner of the game would check this forums post out and maybe remove some power to the admin. I don't know if it's possible to remove specific power to the admin commands. ROBLOX has to do it themselves. So players in game can't have that much power to the game. Either that roblox changes the admin a bit or if the game shuts down for good. The main hit of the owner of the game is the Khols Admin House. He wouldn't remove it because he has 11 million visits into it. He would want it to grow more. It's better if some power is taken away. Also spawn killing. Some people un admin people. Then they gear themselves with an OP gear. They go ahead to the spawns and spawn kill. Also people :btools themselves and makes the obby harder at the spawn point. So that then people won't be able to make it through the course and get admin. So this is all I have to say right now. Thank you for your time and have a great day every bod. Also reply to this forum if you agree to this. If you do not agree please comment what do you disagree. Please don't troll the forum. Forums are used for helping and asking questions about stuff. It's not for trolling like spamming other forum posts like j,j,j,j,j,j,j,j,j,j. For just more forum posts on your profile. People relize what you are doing. Be mature and just help. Also if your not mature, do not post forums and chat in game. It's annoying to look at kids being immature in-game chat. Well have a nice day everyone.
#140267273Monday, July 14, 2014 3:55 AM GMT

Topic: ROBLOX converting into other systems. I think ROBLOX is best as a PC game and not a Xbox or PS type of game. I think some games on roblox are best for Xbox or PS. Such as First person shooters like Call of Robloxia 5 - ROBLOX AT WAR, Battlefield, etc. But the rest for like sword fighting, scripting, building, role play, obby courses, and survival games are best for the PC. ROBLOX is a nation wide PC game. Mostly now 53% of the citizens living in USA, Canada, and Netherlands are getting to know a little about ROBLOX. Some might just know it's an addictive PC game that gives your PC stupid viruses and gets your child not to do homework or go to sports and some B#%&SHT brain damage. Well that's my friend. My friend and I used to hang out every day. We used to go to the park together to play soccer, baseball, and basketball. We used to invite eachother for everything, even to use the potty. <- Not that last part ladies and gentelmen. What I am trying to say is that children are playing this game too much. Kids are playing this game for 12 hours or even more! Kids are starting to get lazy and ruining their Brain cells. They also start to gain weight for sitting down and not doing anything for a long period of time. Children should play these games for a maximum of time of 3 hours. If a shorter time, awesome! So yes. IM DONE BYE. :)
#140299627Monday, July 14, 2014 2:23 PM GMT

Thanks all for your impressions
#140344684Monday, July 14, 2014 10:26 PM GMT

Doctor guy person Agspureiam didnt make Kohls Admin house for the public, it was meant for his friends and himself, but people enjoyed it and started playing it. It was not meant for the public!!!
#140411324Tuesday, July 15, 2014 2:41 PM GMT

Lets all dtay on topic
#140411508Tuesday, July 15, 2014 2:44 PM GMT

I've proven why this idea won't work. Where's that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald?
#140411941Tuesday, July 15, 2014 2:51 PM GMT

O lets see just like how you said roblox won't work on android before its out of beta well it does. It's just like saying roblox won't work on wii u well? Why woudint it? Lego city undercover is bigger then most roblox games and the wii u can handle it. So why not try to make a open world game like roblox but for wii u? Remember how you all were like o roblox won't work on iPhone no support no support no support look at it now. Its in the iOS AppStore and it works great on the iPhone. Lets see you make a online game like roblox and be done with it in a week lets see how well ur crashes go. I thought so.
#140412161Tuesday, July 15, 2014 2:54 PM GMT

1. I NEVER said it wouldn't work on Android. 2. It's also extremely compressed, where as most ROBLOX games are not. Not to mention having TO COMPLETELY RE-WRITE THE GOD DAMN CODE TO MAKE IT WORK ONTHE WII U. 3. Leave your story out of my sandbox game. 4. You're a moron. My YT Channel:
#140412323Tuesday, July 15, 2014 2:57 PM GMT

Ok smart 1 I triple dog dare you to make a app for just 1 week realse it to the iOS AppStore and see if your game crashes. Ya its hard buddy it's not all fun and games.
#140412469Tuesday, July 15, 2014 2:59 PM GMT

Your logic is severely flawed. By your logic, I have to be a professional chef in order to say certain food doesn't taste good. I also need to be a professional artist in order to say certain music is crap. They need to fix what's broken on the iOS version before moving onto other platforms. My YT Channel:
#140412656Tuesday, July 15, 2014 3:02 PM GMT

In the next update it will be fixed coon soon to ios full menu including settings new camera view and new d-pad opetion
#140412732Tuesday, July 15, 2014 3:04 PM GMT

#140412785Tuesday, July 15, 2014 3:05 PM GMT

Yes then next will be Android then come support on more Mac Operating systems My YT Channel:
#140412894Tuesday, July 15, 2014 3:07 PM GMT

Android will come out tomorrow
#140412942Tuesday, July 15, 2014 3:08 PM GMT

Then comes more Mac support My YT Channel:
#140413079Tuesday, July 15, 2014 3:10 PM GMT

This is on the WNTS. ■▬▬ Not Going To Happen, So Don’t Post It ▬▬■ • Get rid of BC. • Get rid of Guests. • Get rid of noobs. (Everyone was new once!) • Get rid of the 2.0/3.0 bodies. Read This article for more info: • FREE ROBUX FOR EVERYONE!!! (This includes raffles, contests, lotteries, giveaways, scavenger hunts for tix, etc.) • Bring back the old studs. (No. Stop asking.) • ROBLOX on Consoles. (No. But we are aware of this.) • More Colors (We are working on this.) • Add an AFK system so I stop getting killed. (Builders can make their own AFK systems.) • Ban so-and-so. (Personal attacks will get YOU banned.) • Undo my ban. (Use the appeals process, [email protected]) • Make so-and-so a forum moderator. (We don't have volunteer mods anymore. All mods are Roblox employees and work in many areas of the site.) • CANCEL THE WHOLE THING. (IE, undo a massive update, remove huge features, etc.) • FIX ALL THE PROBLEMS EVER. (We need specifics! And no, "all the exploits" is not being specific.) • Remove this sticky. (...No.)
#140413090Tuesday, July 15, 2014 3:10 PM GMT

#140430643Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:43 PM GMT

Thats the fake WNTS ■▬▬ Not Going To Happen, So Don’t Post It ▬▬■ • Get rid of BC. • Get rid of Guests. • Get rid of noobs. (Everyone was new once!) • Get rid of the 2.0/3.0 bodies. Read This article for more info: • FREE ROBUX FOR EVERYONE!!! (This includes raffles, contests, lotteries, giveaways, scavenger hunts for tix, etc.) • Bring back the old studs. (No. Stop asking.) • Add an AFK system so I stop getting killed. (Builders can make their own AFK systems.) • Ban so-and-so. (Personal attacks will get YOU banned.) • Undo my ban. (Use the appeals process, [email protected]) • Make so-and-so a forum moderator. (We don't have volunteer mods anymore. All mods are Roblox employees and work in many areas of the site.) • CANCEL THE WHOLE THING. (IE, undo a massive update, remove huge features, etc.) • FIX ALL THE PROBLEMS EVER. (We need specifics! And no, "all the exploits" is not being specific.) • Remove this sticky. (...No.) im under ur bed
#140432648Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:04 PM GMT

Support! I love this idea, the Wii U would be a perfect console!
#140433253Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:10 PM GMT

^^^^ Someone didn't read the last 20 pages My YT Channel:
#140434524Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:24 PM GMT

Do you really think ill waste my life on 20 pages? Plus, YOU CANT BE OFF TOPIC.