#111662149Saturday, August 31, 2013 2:54 PM GMT

So with John dead, the radio station, the mall well some of it, and the police station and the grocery store are all mines. I've yet to see any people passing by which is getting me paranoid, being without human contact is driving me crazy. As a kid i'd be surrounded by attention all the time, this is a big change for me. Then suddenly... an idea came to mind. The radio station MIGHT ACTUALLY WORK. I remember as a child how it was international and they'd put people on the line from allover. Even though I haven't stepped in it yet, it's a huge building. HELL I COULD LIVE THERE, and a moment of light came down pouring upon my face while I was ready to take this idea on... (please get to your radio stations/cars with radios in them (cop cars,military cars)
#111662332Saturday, August 31, 2013 2:56 PM GMT

I sit in my seat, cranking the radio, waiting for more signals. I start driving in the opposite direction, North. Nothing in Delaware :/
#111665070Saturday, August 31, 2013 3:25 PM GMT

DjStoner, I am waiting to get some signals from you.
#111666065Saturday, August 31, 2013 3:35 PM GMT

(tok you're paired up with wifi arent you, if so then i'm going to wait for the girl in ny)
#111666761Saturday, August 31, 2013 3:43 PM GMT

Yes I was with him if he hasnt forgotten about this
#111667459Saturday, August 31, 2013 3:50 PM GMT

#111667636Saturday, August 31, 2013 3:52 PM GMT

After days in the open, trying to find signal in my radio, I finally hear the faint sound of someone calling. It wasn't distinct, only a prediction. I try to crank it higher but it was as if it was no use.
#111668429Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:00 PM GMT

Sign up sheet: Name: NEGAN Age: I dunno, thirty three? Height: 6 feet. Where you were born: WASHINGTON DC. Where you are currently: WASHINGTON DC. How have you stayed alive (detailed): I AM NEGAN, THEREFOR I AM GOD. I RUN A BAND OF BANDITS CALLED THE SAVIORS AND THERE'S LIKE 200 OF US. I ALSO BASHED GLENN'S SKULL IN TO GET THE MESSAGE TO RICK. Special abilities: I DUNNO, IM NEGAN. THEREFOR, I AM GOD. Past occupation before the outbreak: I WAS A MLB PLAYER. THEREFOR, I AM OD. Means of transportation: LIKE, BIG ARMY TRUCKS AND CRAP. What you look like and wear: HOW DARE YOU NOT KNOW HOW NEGAN LOOKS LIKE. SEARCH ME UP. ("NEGAN, the walking dead") Ethnicity: WHITE. What you know about the "Safe haven" (admins on the page will eventually talk about the safe haven but we appreciate rumors): WELL I DONT NEED ONE CAUSE' I HAVE A FACTORY SURRONDED BY WALKERS. Tell us about your personality: I LIKE TO GET THINGS THROUGH PEOPLE'S THICK HEADS. Weapons you have (realistic): A BASEBALL BAT WRAPPED WITH BARBED WIRE NAMED LUCILLE, I MAY OR MAY NOT BE IN LOVE WITH IT. (I am) Accepted ||||| Declined
#111668665Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:02 PM GMT

(I'm hopeful that the TV series does not follow the comic series)
#111670326Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:19 PM GMT

(I am to. Like Glenn way too much for him to die twice).
#111671180Saturday, August 31, 2013 4:28 PM GMT

My Radio signal reaches WiFi
#111691138Saturday, August 31, 2013 7:41 PM GMT

#111699397Saturday, August 31, 2013 8:46 PM GMT

N@me: Vladlena Delroon Where I was born: Russia. Where I am now: Some building knocked out. Height: 6'3 Ag3: 16 Gender: Female What I have I never trust anyone and does not know about the zombies yet. I was knocked out hours ago and well and am kinda confused. I only speak Russian. I am wearing: A blue shirt and jeans. I have blue eyes and brown hair. I look like a normal Russian. My skin color is white. (that's all I could think of...)
#111706824Saturday, August 31, 2013 9:48 PM GMT

-{Declined}- -Bump-
#111707094Saturday, August 31, 2013 9:50 PM GMT

Sign up sheet: Name: NEGAN Age: I dunno, thirty three? Height: 6 feet. Where you were born: WASHINGTON DC. Where you are currently: WASHINGTON DC. How have you stayed alive (detailed): I AM NEGAN, THEREFOR I AM GOD. I RUN A BAND OF BANDITS CALLED THE SAVIORS AND THERE'S LIKE 200 OF US. I ALSO BASHED GLENN'S SKULL IN TO GET THE MESSAGE TO RICK. Special abilities: I DUNNO, IM NEGAN. THEREFOR, I AM GOD. Past occupation before the outbreak: I WAS A MLB PLAYER. THEREFOR, I AM OD. Means of transportation: LIKE, BIG ARMY TRUCKS AND CRAP. What you look like and wear: HOW DARE YOU NOT KNOW HOW NEGAN LOOKS LIKE. SEARCH ME UP. ("NEGAN, the walking dead") Ethnicity: WHITE. What you know about the "Safe haven" (admins on the page will eventually talk about the safe haven but we appreciate rumors): WELL I DONT NEED ONE CAUSE' I HAVE A FACTORY SURRONDED BY WALKERS. Tell us about your personality: I LIKE TO GET THINGS THROUGH PEOPLE'S THICK HEADS. Weapons you have (realistic): A BASEBALL BAT WRAPPED WITH BARBED WIRE NAMED LUCILLE, I MAY OR MAY NOT BE IN LOVE WITH IT. (I am) Declined
#111707149Saturday, August 31, 2013 9:50 PM GMT

N@me: Vladlena Delroon Where I was born: Russia. Where I am now: Some building knocked out. Height: 6'3 Ag3: 16 Gender: Female What I have I never trust anyone and does not know about the zombies yet. I was knocked out hours ago and well and am kinda confused. I only speak Russian. I am wearing: A blue shirt and jeans. I have blue eyes and brown hair. I look like a normal Russian. My skin color is white. (that's all I could think of...) declined
#111707272Saturday, August 31, 2013 9:51 PM GMT

Tok is now an approved mod of the thread
#111713517Saturday, August 31, 2013 10:46 PM GMT

WELL. HE DECLINED ME. I guess... I guess.... I might just have to kill you. Wait no, that would turn you into a martyr. But still, I will. *bashes OP's skull in*. Thread. Over.
#111713642Saturday, August 31, 2013 10:47 PM GMT

I had a reason too -Bump-
#111717239Saturday, August 31, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

I shuffle around with the radio more. "Hello? Can anyone here me?"
#111754989Sunday, September 01, 2013 5:12 AM GMT

#111772606Sunday, September 01, 2013 11:34 AM GMT

"Hello?!" I shout!. "I calling from New Jersey, are you still there??" [I was in Northern Delaware, left the border] [I don't think WiFi and I are paired up] -Bump-
#111778494Sunday, September 01, 2013 1:37 PM GMT

(Token, IDC. On Minecr@f t I'm on a RP server so why not?)
#111778727Sunday, September 01, 2013 1:40 PM GMT

Listens to his radio and picks up the signal. New york, eh? He's been travelling for days and according to his map he's at the city boundaries. He walks over to an old petrol station, and sneaks past a zombie. He finds a car, without it's previous owners, and hotwires it. He drives off into the direction of the radio tower.
#111781302Sunday, September 01, 2013 2:16 PM GMT

Dude, they're DjStoner's rules... -Bump-