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#111955507Monday, September 02, 2013 8:02 PM GMT

This sector is split, very few worlds have the technology required to communicate with each other, and piracy is common. There are little to no ship industries, so there is very little resistance for you, Thinnot Brythant, as a smuggler for The Mask. Dominant Corporations: Ali Company (Transport)(Very large influence), Gillingham Sodality (Genetic engineering)(Secret/illegal), Helke Sodality (Biotech)(Secret/illegal), Llosa Unity (Law Enforcement)(Large influence), Komm Group (Gemstones)(Medium influence) Aliens: Churmar (Insectile), Hranore (Humanlike), Rannog (Humanlike) Primary Religions: Neofundamentalist Buddhists, New Book Confucianists Total sector population: 20 Billion Overall sector tech(scale 1-5): 2+ extras Starting area: Onboard the Odin, orbiting Toldeo(Limnoraea system) Your equipment/ownerships: Odin XXIII, Pressure gun, five EMP grenades, an apartment on the Odin, some robot parts, some food and water. Odin XXIII: The Odin XXIII has a triangular hull with several weapons turrets. It has long-range sublight engines, with sophisticated automatic navigation systems. The ship is equipped with a sensor stealth system and multi-layer force shields and armed with a nuclear autocannon, a planetary assault railgun, and missile launchers. Now go out, and reign free!
#111983143Monday, September 02, 2013 11:46 PM GMT

I decide to do some reading on the planet Toldeo. After all, why not? The Odin has a pretty large library, they must know something about what I might be able to smuggle up to here.
#111984713Monday, September 02, 2013 11:59 PM GMT

Toldeo doesn't have much, it is a quiet planet with not much population or valuables. That is actually one of the reasons the Odin has been orbiting it for several months now. Toldeo and the Limnoraea system are very out of the way.
#112021128Tuesday, September 03, 2013 8:05 AM GMT

I'll go and wait for my next job, I guess.
#112044373Tuesday, September 03, 2013 6:13 PM GMT

You have mostly a free reign, you may go and please as you wish, pick up whatever you like to bring back, unless there's a really important thing to do.
#112077204Tuesday, September 03, 2013 11:52 PM GMT

In that case, I hang around the library for a bit longer.
#112275997Friday, September 06, 2013 3:03 PM GMT

You hang around the library for a bit. Not very many people around today, and no books that catch your eye.
#112276117Friday, September 06, 2013 3:06 PM GMT

Where is there that I can grab something to eat?
#112276320Friday, September 06, 2013 3:11 PM GMT

If you want to head over to the mess hall, then yes. (By the way, I nudged your character so you have the Outlaw storyline, since it doesn't really affect anything except reactions to you. Police won't instantly recognize you, but if they capture you they can run scans. Ye still have a job as a smuggler, subtype of outlaw.)
#112276433Friday, September 06, 2013 3:15 PM GMT

I go to the mess hall to eat some stuff. Wonder what specials they have today... (Okay. I originally said ancient threats because I thought that it would make for an interesting story, given my character, but if outlaw is easier for you, I'm okay with it.)
#112308725Friday, September 06, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

You go over to the mess hall. Nothing really catches your eye, just usual foodstuff. (You can have multiple storylines. You still have Ancient threats as a storyline, but you also have Outlaw.)
#112309206Friday, September 06, 2013 11:30 PM GMT

I grab some food to eat, and a drink. I look around for anyone who seems important. (Oh, okay.)
#112346344Saturday, September 07, 2013 6:13 AM GMT

#112346458Saturday, September 07, 2013 6:16 AM GMT

There are a couple of ship control operators sitting at another table, but other than that just the usual riffraff onboard the Odin.
#112346499Saturday, September 07, 2013 6:16 AM GMT

I eat my food, knowing that if I'm needed, I'll be called over.
#112346711Saturday, September 07, 2013 6:20 AM GMT

You eat your food. Nothing unusual today, at least nothing that requires your particular skills.
#112346751Saturday, September 07, 2013 6:21 AM GMT

I go back to the library, because why not?
#112347190Saturday, September 07, 2013 6:29 AM GMT

You head back to the library, and find a couple of interesting reads.
#112347247Saturday, September 07, 2013 6:30 AM GMT

I borrow one of them, and make a mental note of the names of the others.
#112554826Monday, September 09, 2013 2:09 AM GMT

#112559050Monday, September 09, 2013 2:46 AM GMT

You do that. Go on.
#112564699Monday, September 09, 2013 3:51 AM GMT

What's the books name? Oh, and I begin reading it.
#112565606Monday, September 09, 2013 4:03 AM GMT

"The life of Tim Goldjarn", which is a detailed autobiography about a crewmember in one of the giant colony ships that came to this sector after fleeing earth.
#112565692Monday, September 09, 2013 4:05 AM GMT

I keep reading, as its quite intriguing.
#112565771Monday, September 09, 2013 4:06 AM GMT

You keep reading. (Are you going to do anything else, or am I going to have to severely damage the Odin to get you off of it?)

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