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#112353446Saturday, September 07, 2013 10:26 AM GMT

#112482881Sunday, September 08, 2013 2:39 PM GMT

#114280876Sunday, September 29, 2013 6:21 PM GMT

The US Govenment recently recovered some alien technology from a crash site. This technology which may have originated from Titan a moon of Saturn is incredibly dangerous. Starting off as a simple ring composed of a single layer of cells in a circular shape it soon grows when coming in contact with nitrogen gas. As both Earth and Titans atmospheres are mostly nitrogen gas the worm like creature thrives on Earth. The creature seems to recieve energy by using a system similar to photosythesis, it uses sunlight to create Nitrogen Carbonate from Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon. The creature however, does not live on the surface of Titan as it is too hostile for life, instead it lives in the orbit. The 'Space Straw' is also known as the Titan Worm, the Titan Worm has no gender and starts of as a growth upon its mother, the 'head' of the Titan Worm is the term for the part of the worm which is in orbit. The head is where a baby Titan Worm is born. Although not technically in the Animalia kingdom, or in a kingdom at all; being a Nitrogen-based lifeform the Titan Worm's cellular structure is similar to that of a animal cell. The worm has no brain and no organs however has different 'rings' of cells which have different purposes such as controlling its temperature. Once the worm is around a few more miles long the creature is able to split away from its mother and is close enough to the planets atmosphere to begin sucking out the air. The worm spreads down onto the planet or moon and uses the vacuum of space and its own straw like body to suck air from the planet. The reason this organism is so dangerous as it grows to sizes of hundreds of miles and if it reaches a liquid it can also extract important gasses and begin to drain it away. This can result in lakes, rivers and even oceans to become dry but it gets worse. On Earth the creature would start to suck away the Ozone layer while it is still attached to its mother and eventually begin to take away important Nitrogen and Oxygen from the atmosphere and slowly if it were to reach a water source it could drain it, but it gets worse. As it can not take in the water it would pump it into the atmosphere creating weathers such as torrential rain and even hurricanes. The creature would also cause whirlpools and maelstroms on its water source. Approaching the worm would be fatal to any organism that orginated on Earth, the end of the Space Straw has sharp Lamprey-like teeth which allow it to slice through the jelly-like oceans of Titan, if it were to touch an organism - say an animal, it would tear away the flesh and the vacuum would drain the blood from the creature. If a scientists or researcher comes across this lifeform he must make sure to: -Be in a secure area. -Have a supply of sulphuric acid at his disposal. -Have a way of firing the acid at the Titan Worm to stop growth. -Have a little to no Nitrogen area. -Must not be touched by a Carbon-based lifeform. (stop spreading of spores)
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#115325652Sunday, October 13, 2013 12:05 AM GMT

#//XC-READONLYFILE/CLEARENCELEVEL10ORHIGHER//# #//OPENFILE509-220//# Glysterine. A highly volatile, hazardous and toxic element that is dangerous to any lifeform. 5th July 1992. North Eastern Siberia Ust-nera Russia Satellites picked up a meteorite impact in north eastern Siberia, a few dozen miles west of a small town called Ust-Nera. This would have been a common every day occurrence in the life of a observer. The small-ish meteorite roughly 10m across impacted a snowy hillside. However, radiation detection instruments aboard the satellites picked up unusually high levels of radioactivity around the impact site. Fearing for public safety, and interests of Project Sentient, Radioactive and Biological Hazardous Material Disposal Group Echo Five Five Two (Bamboo Vipers) were inserted via paradrop into the area and set up a containment field of roughly 20 miles in radius. Instantly noticeable was a green haze around the crash site, primarily made up of Chlorine. The meteorite itself had traces of Silicates, various rocks and a strange unknown element which caused the rock to have green streaks. Strangely, Disposal group E552 reported radiation levels to be increasing, rather than lowering which sparked a panic. The rock was broken into 4 distinct pieces using explosives and loaded into transport helo's and shipped to nearby Siberian Base Red-Forty-Echo before most of it being destroyed in its furnaces. Small amounts of it were shipped to a Research Lab at base site Keter Nine Five Two. Researchers found this rare element to be highly reactive to oxygen, this is what gave off the green smog as well as chlorine traces,even more so it was reactive to methane which caused it to hurl out radiation at dangerous levels. Still unknown to its sources, it was dubbed Glysterine and put into a vacuum chamber for storage. Glysterine was a key component in Incident Black Zero, which is detailed below. --Incident Log 550-44-Echo Black Zero- Site Keter Nine Five Two Dubbed 'Black Zero' Glysterine, which is highly reactive to methane, was being kept in a vacuum chamber at K952 for further analysis. It was in this state for several years before the introduction of the Vorkosis species to the facility, as well as the Stalingrad Spheres, both of which were key components for the incident to take place. The Vorkosis were kept in a methane heavy environment and the Spheres gave out some sort of ElectroMagnetic field. Due to failed protocol, the vacuum securing Glysterine was broken and went un-noticed for several hours. In this time, trace amounts of methane and oxygen were able to get to the Glysterine starting a small reaction, combining this with the Electromagnetic field started an unstable reaction to take place. It was only noticed before it was too late, a nuclear blast occurred. Staff inside the base tried to suppress the blast but failed, the evacuation only got 1/10th of the staff out in time. The blast itself measured at 340KT, which is roughly the equivalent of a modern nuclear missile, the incident was covered up as a missile payload that had been mis-handled. The site itself could not be entered for a few weeks afterwards, but because of the sensitive data and objects inside, there had to be a recovery mission. 6 Emergency Response and Tactical Battle Groups were called in from various locations for the task. Team Oscar Lemur One (FireHawks) Team Bravo Hotel Six (NightStalkers) Team Zulu Foxtrot Eight (Black Widows) Team Tango Uniform Nine (Titans) Team Bravo Whisky Nine (Pioneers) Team Victor Hotel Three(GhostMen) All 6 teams were to be deployed to either Retrieve or Destroy various items or lifeforms inside the base at any cost. Their story was rather horrific. [Story of Incident Black Zero coming soon]
#137011121Saturday, June 14, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

I know it's a bit of a necrobump but... eh... bump! :D
#137059220Sunday, June 15, 2014 11:45 AM GMT

[Robert and Linda (AKA; fake people) - Electronic Lifeform - Level 3] Robert and Linda appear to resemble a normal Caucasian couple; one male and one female. People who observe them are known to feel the "Uncanny Valley effect", a feeling that evolved during the era where H. Sapiens and H. Neanderthal co-existed. The Uncanny Valley effect occurs when something resembles a human but something is not quite right about its appearance. The reason this applies to Robert and Linda is because they are almost perfectly human on the outside except for their movement. When R&L walk, talk or express their emotions, they are similar to that of a normal human except the fact that they are somewhat incorrect. Evidence for this is that R&L seem to be unaware of the things that a human is capable of doing, for example; when tricked into thinking that humans could rotate their head a full 360°, in sync, the two of them rotated their head 360°. The origins of Robert and Linda are unknown, however in 1947 (shortly after Roswell) they knocked on the door of a couple whom lived in Nevada. As it was past midnight, the couple allowed R&L to stay. When the couple talked to R&L they asked (in sync) "How do you reproduce?" And then many other questions about human life. After a while, the couple called the police and R&L were taken to the Men in Black whom conducted interviews on them. In each one of these interviews, the interviewer became the one getting interviewed about human life. Eventually, the MiB experimented with seperating the two. After this, it became apparent that the two of them were apparently telepathic, at this point, R&L both recieved an X-ray scan which revealed that they consisted entirely of complicated electronic hardware (hardware that didn't exist in 1947.) The MiB decided to do a live autopsy on Robert. Inside him they found a battery in the place of his heart, a motherboard in the place of his brain, cameras in the place of his eyes, microphones in the place of his ears and gas sensors in the place of his nose. During the autospy, Robert constantly asked questions to the engineers who were performing the procedure, this continued until the engineers cut the input from the electronic brain to the speaker in the place of his voicebox. Due to the complexity of Robert, it was impossible for the engineers to reassemble him, because of this, they decided to do a more careful autospy of Linda, which found that the two were identical on the inside. After the investigation by the MiB, Linda was completely disassembled and the parts were investigated to see if they could be replicated and used for military purposes. Robert is currently stored in 'Area 51' and even though he has not aged a single day, he claims to be a normal human.

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