#117344617Thursday, November 07, 2013 11:18 PM GMT

(You know, if it's from the Pokemon char's perspective, shouldn't it be actual words?)
#117344689Thursday, November 07, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

(Good idea. It will be words to other pokemon but perspective to trainers, Got it?)
#117344698Thursday, November 07, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

(Ember...betrayed us...)
#117572308Sunday, November 10, 2013 7:03 PM GMT

(Ember, please return.)
#117624411Monday, November 11, 2013 4:00 AM GMT

(I'll just go argue with Luke more for calling my tanks free models.)
#117650099Monday, November 11, 2013 4:47 PM GMT

#117650206Monday, November 11, 2013 4:50 PM GMT

(oh yeah, got it.)
#117651443Monday, November 11, 2013 5:12 PM GMT

Unknown Pokemon "Okay, go in here. Get the target fooled, don't let it know a spy is in the room." I lower in a small box from a vent into a base's main meeting room. The target approaches and appears to have taken the bait, so I pull out and wait for the plan to succeed. Unknown Suspicious Human "Target" I open the box and I read a note. It reads "For being such a great boss, we all put in some cash and got you this high tech watch. -Your loyal minions." I take the watch and examine it. "Interesting, didn't know my minions were so interested in pleasing me, considering their constant failure." I put the watch in the box and secure it shut. I send one of my minions to dispose of the obvious spy device. Random minion/grunt/whatever I decide to put it on a one way flight to Johto, so I stick it secured onto a supersonic jet, then set a timer to drop it once over Goldenrod City.
#117772674Wednesday, November 13, 2013 3:54 AM GMT

#117782809Wednesday, November 13, 2013 1:58 PM GMT

Trainer CS Name: Olly Stilton Age: 12 Appearance(Including clothes): Wears green hoodie,blue jeans,some glasses,(sometimes),and Olly wears a black shirt,with blue shoes. Personality: A kind kid,he loves the Pokémon,he is only 12 but has a shy feeling,he also sticks with stuff as he is brave 1% of the time. Pokemon: Toto(Totodile)level 5 Short bio:Lived with a family of trainers,he would love to see battles,he is now 12,old enough to go battle. Items: Cue,escape ropes,potions,and pokeballs. Other: (idk what this is) Skills:none Location: Ilex city
#117783001Wednesday, November 13, 2013 2:07 PM GMT

nvm about other it is Pokémon Universe The skills advance a trainer to well,so it wouldn't make me happy for battles... But I will say I use my Cue to whip,slash,or just use it for boredom.
#117811355Wednesday, November 13, 2013 11:36 PM GMT

(Awesome, glad to see you joining, but can you make a few tiny additions? First, make a CS for Toto. Second,little more bio detail would be nice, though I can accept it. Finally, if you want, I would slightly prefer a little more appearance other than clothing, like long/short hair, hair color, etc, just a personal preference, but the last thing isn't really necessary. The first thing is the only thing I really need.)
#117820022Thursday, November 14, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

(Oh yes, and only pokemon live in Ilex City. Also, by cue do you mean one of those pool sticks?)
#117847193Thursday, November 14, 2013 2:35 PM GMT

Ivy "Play the message on the Ilex City Public Announcements System, we are putting this city on lockdown." Ilex City Public Announcements System A blue shield outlined in silver appears on every ICPAS screen in the city, which are common and on most major streets. A computer voice plays the message. "BROADCAST FROM DEFENDERS ORGANIZATION. THERE IS A MAJOR THREAT KNOWN TO BE IN ILEX FOREST NEARBY, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE THE CITY. REPEAT, DO NOT LEAVE THE CITY UNTIL THIS IS STOPPED! Have a nice day." Proton I hear this, and I realize something REALLY dangerous is happening, because 1. Defenders is involved. 2. they are locking down the city. And 3. They are using the emergency broadcast system I helped make. Strike "Did you see that icon and the announcements? This is bad, and it's from Defenders. Those guys are way above us!" I say as I wait for the pizza to get to the table. Sting "Yeah, it's very strange." Blade "Sure, I can't believe it either! I wonder what's going on in this town anyway?" Meanwhile.... Police officer in Goldenrod City at a lab break in crime scene "Find anything detective?" Detective "No, whoever broke into this state of the art lab knew what they were doing and stopped every piece of evidence...all I can tell is, that some kind of explosives or energy blast got them in, there were multiple, and they took all the most advanced stuff, but oddly left some valuables. It seems the entire point of this robbery was to steal technology. But why?" Scientist "Some of our research was very advanced, it had many potential uses, good AND bad."
#117881555Friday, November 15, 2013 1:13 AM GMT

(If I was gone for 3 days, srry. You see, My Windows Vista Laptop broke, Now I have a windows 8. My Mom said I had to watch "Tutorials" on it. I understand Windows 8, Might be off for a while.)
#117881909Friday, November 15, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

(You have to watch tutorials to use a computer? I heard windows 8 is a stupid tablet desktop and everything. Anyway, I hope we get more joiners.)
#117882463Friday, November 15, 2013 1:22 AM GMT

(Your just hearing that from those Windows 7 fanboys. No pressure, though)
#117886267Friday, November 15, 2013 2:02 AM GMT

(Well I heard all the odd numbered ones stink and the evens rock. I think tablets stink, windows are good for gaming but garbage with reliability and security, macs are expensive, high quality, reliable, incredibly secure, and less useful for gaming, and Linux is open source, perhaps the most secure, worst for gaming, best for professional uses, and has the best mascot. If you throw a rock at a window (meaning a system failure), it shatters due to inability to recover, blue screen of death sound familiar? If you throw a rock at an apple it bruises, because they can recover and have tons of built in safety nets to their design. I don't even want to know what happens to a penguin....)
#118030416Saturday, November 16, 2013 9:45 PM GMT

(It would probably be mad.)
#118032314Saturday, November 16, 2013 10:08 PM GMT

(More people will join...eventually.)
#118032647Saturday, November 16, 2013 10:11 PM GMT

(Netprobe, just give up waiting for Ember, He betrayed you)
#118043408Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:03 AM GMT

(He hasn't been on for a month, but I can't just rewind and restart the plot, that looks really lame.)
#118052273Sunday, November 17, 2013 1:34 AM GMT

Nyaha. Oh gawsh I'm late ^^ Nickname: Murkrow (or Murk) Species: A crow [lolz] Darkness Pokemon Gender: Male Age: 13 Level: 24 Bio: His father Honchkrow sent him away from home just to hone his survival skills. He isn't very good in honing his skills so he stayed somewhere hidden in Ilex Forest as his new home, more likely a tree. Items: Black Glasses -- Murk doesn't know what is this for. Personality: He appears to be silent. Murk sometimes stalk people, wandering around Ilex Forest. He will be friendly when that person/pokemon doesn't get scared. Other: Pokemon Universe Skills: Murk is quick when it is night, completely invisible in the dark. Averagely strong/weak. Location: Ilex Forest
#118065731Sunday, November 17, 2013 4:02 AM GMT

(Accepted with one acceptable error, which is more of a misunderstanding than a writing error. Species is actually the pokemon type name, not "species". Understandable confusion, and it's not a writing error so it's fine. Items don't HAVE to be in game items, just in case you didn't know, but they can be. Going to assume nickname is Murk. Accepted. Thank you for joining.)
#118076677Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:23 AM GMT

(Nyaha.. Okay. Your welcome ^^ All the other RPs I have joined died quick, I hope this doesn't die)