#11957610Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:57 PM GMT

Vannessa: *walks down stairs and sees Julia* WTH HAPPENED?
#11957647Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:57 PM GMT

bleeeh.....*mech appearence: *getting in mech and flying off* *starts raining* aww crap, i need.....oh a castle, that ll be good *flying towards castle*
Top 100 Poster
#11957724Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:59 PM GMT

#11957778Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:59 PM GMT

*I throw the shirkiens and the hit him in the back, causing him to suumble and fall, and I run up* Who are you and why do you want to kill julia? ???: Get out of my face, shadow! Me; How do you know my name! ???:Uh oh... Me:*rips off his mask* Feya! Feya:Oh god... Me:You stowed away on my ship!? Feya: Yeah... Me: Why are you after me and julia? Feya: Because, you don't deserve this power, You-- *Before he can say another thing I run him through with a stake, and lissie crawls out of his backpack* Me:Lissie! Lissie; *swats at my nose* me:Hey... Lissie: *Crawls over* Me:I pick her up and run home to the castle*
#11957882Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:01 PM GMT

Jake, Is Julia okay?
Top 100 Poster
#11957901Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:02 PM GMT

yeah shes fine why?
#11957916Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:02 PM GMT

*flying over castle* no where to lan.....maybe not.... *landing just next to the castle s entry* *a car alarm beep goes on then of as i press a button on my vest* lol, alarm on a mecha/////// *taking out a couple of cups and eating under mecha *=3*
#11957951Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:03 PM GMT

I have someone to see her 8I walk over to julia and show her lissie* Now, I have a lot to explain.
#11957988Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:03 PM GMT

Julia: First off! Get this FRIKIN stake outta my back!
#11958022Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:04 PM GMT

(I did, a few posts ago)
Top 100 Poster
#11958028Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:04 PM GMT

*Sigh* *pulls the stake out of Julias back*
#11958101Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:05 PM GMT

*I lift up the patch of hair over the eyepatch* As I said, lots to explain...
#11958105Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:05 PM GMT

Julia: Shadow, you know that they put in two stakes right?
Top 25 Poster
#11958132Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:06 PM GMT

William: *Goes to apartment*
#11958134Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:06 PM GMT

Oh oops...
Top 100 Poster
#11958149Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:06 PM GMT

*Rolls eyes*
#11958190Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:07 PM GMT

*radar alarm* mecha:"3 life form detected and in range of main cannon, take out?" me:"nah, dont shoot them, hey dont seem hostile.....and i dont want you to damage the town...." mecha: -_-
#11958240Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:08 PM GMT

I got lissie back.
#11958278Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:08 PM GMT

*finished dishes* hmmm, i wonder whose s cqstle is that.....
#11958317Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:09 PM GMT

Julia: Great! *a walkie talkie starts talking and saying, did you get what we asked you Julia?* Julia: Umm.................... Vannessa: *puts Julia to sleep* She was controled.....
Top 100 Poster
#11958362Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:10 PM GMT

huh what do you mean?
#11958377Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:10 PM GMT

Julia, I need to talk to you
#11958414Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:10 PM GMT

*Looks around the castle. puffs cigar and* *has a suspicous face*
#11958423Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:11 PM GMT

(oopsie latsie)
Top 100 Poster
#11958491Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:12 PM GMT

what do you mean?